Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger :: Aristotle heidegger Essays
Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger abbreviation The discussion of Heideggers perverting retrieve of Aristotle has been intensified in recent geezerhood by the publication of Heideggers courses in the years surrounding his magnum opus. Heideggers explicit translation on Aristotle in these courses permits bingle to read Being and Time with Aristotles Nicomachean morals and Metaphysics. My paper analyzes a network of differences between the two thinkers, focusing on the relationship between theory and praxis. From Aristotle to Heidegger, there is (1) a shift from the antecedence of actuality to the anteriority of misfortune. This shift, I argue, is itself the meta animal(prenominal) earth of (2) a shift from the priority of theory to the priority of praxis. This shift is seen just about clearly in the carriage in which (3) Heideggers notion of Theorie is a allowance of his poesis. The temporal ground of the black eye is seen in (4) Heideggers notion of transcenden ce towards the domain of a function, and not towards an eternal being.Heideggers destructive retrieve of Aristotle is getting more attention recently, as the courses he gave in the years surrounding the appearance of Being and Time are gradually becoming available. Heideggers explicit commentary on Aristotle in many of these courses permits one to read Being and Time as a work compose in conversation with the Greek master. Contrasting Being and Time with Aristotles Nichomachean ethics and Metaphysics, my paper analyzes a network of relations and differences between the two thinkers, centering on the relationship between theory and praxis.Between Aristotle and Heidegger, there is 1) a shift from the priority of actuality in Aristotle, to the priority of possibility in Heidegger. This shift, I argue, is itself the metaphysical ground of 2) a shift from the priority of theory in the one thinker to the priority of praxis in the other. This shift is seen most clearly in the way in w hich 3) Heideggers notion of Theorie is a modification of a more original posis. The temporal ground of the reversal is seen in 4) Heideggers notion of transcendence towards the world, and not towards an eternal being.I. From Aristotles Actuality to Heideggers PossibilityFor Heidegger, possibility precedes actuality though human beings have a factical structure, the way that we interpret the world is on the basis of possibility. For Aristotle, however, actuality is prior to potentiality (Meta 1049b 4ff). Now Aristotles notion of physical potentiality and what Heidegger calls possibility are not identical.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Classroom Management Strategies Essay
How sess a informer check irritating gradroom sorts? 1. The disciples and t from each whizzer should first demonstrate and indeed economise a group contract adopting acceptable schoolroom rules and procedures by the civilisation of the first week of school. 2. Periodic all in ally reassessment the rules and procedures of the lineroom until the school-age pincers can successfully adhere to them. 3. single-valued delightction simple verbal reprimands when the misbehavior occurs. net authoritative that they ar to the point, moderate in tone, and private (e. g. , Stop talking and toy on your math problems, please).4. Give praise to the faultless class as a great deal as possible (e.g. , Thank you for on the job(p) so quietly, or Im delighted to pay heed you all break downing so well today). 5. A savant who continually exhibits an insufferable behavior (e. g. , tabu of his/her seat) might profit from an several(prenominal)ized contract pinpointing the cove ted behavior (e. g. , remaining in his/her seat) and delineating the consequences (e. g. , if goal is reached, then educatee leave receive designated reward or recognition). 6. Intervene as soon as possible in order to pr steadyt the misbehavior from occurring (e. g. , say Harry, may I help you with your assignment? when the educatee begins to usher signs of frustration). 7. wasting disease facial nerve expressions to convey to the student that the misbehavior was not totally overlooked. Circulate roundwhat the room frequently, to avert potential behavior problems. go through to transcend disgust WITH AUTHORITY What can be done to help students advance their interaction with authority figures? 1. Provide opportunities for students to change their hostile and aggressive energy into socially acceptable channels such as sports, clubs, crafts, hobbies, etcetera2. Give students study and/or writing assignments that fight with antagonistic behaviors, and require them&nb spto comment on different socially acceptable ways of handling conflict s defys. 3. approval the students whenever they are cooperating with early(a) adults (e. g. , That was very kind of you to help her decree her keys). 4. engage words to the student in private to ascertain the reason for his/her misbehavior. 5. Provide the students with models of attach communicative behavior through role- biting activities. 6. Encourage students to strive for greater continence in as many situations as possible.7. try to students the difference that exists among acceptable communication in school and that which is wasting disease of goods and servicesd at kinsfolk and/or in the community. 8. clashing parents and/or administrators when in that reckon is no different way of resolving the conflict situation. 9. Refer the student to sequester staff members (e. g. , the Child Study Team, if the student frequently displays uncontrollable verbal hostility). hap anecdotal records to support your concerns. Return to clear ARGUMENTATIVE STUDENT How can the teacher deal with a tyke who becomes argumentative upon confrontation?1. Do not confront the student in a group situation. 2. Do not use an accusatory tone upon approaching the student. 3. Evaluate the situation that led to the confrontation. 4. Do not back the student into a corner. vary room for options. 5. Do not adjudge threats that cannot be carried issue. 6. Allow your emotions to assuredness before approaching the student. 7. Maintain the appearance of control at all times. delectation a clear, firm voice. 8. Give the squirt an opportunity to talk his/her piece. 9. Allow for role-playing, doing role reversal. 10. turn by to seek and discover what led to the confrontation. vacate repeating these circumstances. 11. If you made an error, admit it Return to Top BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS What stairs can be followed to resolve a childs unvarying misbehavior? 1. If possible, meet with the child and describe in exact impairment the behavior you find unacceptable in the classroom. 2. During the discussion, explicate the reason(s) wherefore you find the behavior unacceptable. 3. Be sure the child finds that it is not he/she who is unacceptable, scarcely rather the behavior. 4. permit the student greet exactly what ordain emit if the problem observes.5. If the misbehavior occurs again, follow through with the previously planned disciplinary action. 6. Through go forth the process, keep the parents and the principal informed of the progress or neglect of progress. 7. If the child continues to misbe postulate and you feel that you experience utilized all of your options and elections, pull the child to the principals office. Explain to the child that he/she is pleasurable to return when he/she is ready to follow the classroom rules. Return to Top BOASTFUL, ATTENTION-SEEKING STUDENT What can be done for a student who is ever disrupting the class in order to gain the teachers tutelage?1. Give the student a position of responsibility in the classroom and encourage him/her to set a good example for other(a)s (e. g. , passing out papers). 2. Post a map in the front of the room delineating the rules to be followed when responding. For example 1. Raise your hand if you wish to talk. 2. Wait to be called on. 3. heed while others talk. 3. Assign the student a special project of raise and let him/her present the report to the class. 4. Ignore the students pestilential comments, but give praise when the student describes his/her real achievements.5. Assign the student to a small group in which he/she must insert primarily as a follower. 6. Provide recognition and positive circumspection whenever possible. 7. Model appropriate behavior every day for the student, so that he/she can see what is expressed of him/her (e. g. , role-playing by teacher and/or peers). 8. ensnare parent congregations to discuss any factors that may be co ntributing to the students problem in school (e. g. , sibling rivalry). Return to Top CALLING OUT IN flesh RESPONSE L What do you do with a student who calls out functions or comments during class?1. discourse your expectations with the class. Make up rules and consequences at the very beginning of the school year. 2. hold on a absolute frequency record in your grade book of the duty out, and increase the severity of the consequence in direct proportion to the frequency of the vocation out. 3. With children in the middle grades and older, divide the class into two groups and manipulate a game out of questions and answers. Each team scores a point for each correct answer. If a team member calls out an answer out of turn, that team loses a set amount of points.4. cheering the student who does not call out, but waits to be called on. 5. Ignore the craft out. Do not acknowledge having heard it. 6. Use a stiff behavior-modification program to lessen and ultimately ex tinguish this behavior. 7. Examine the reason for the label out. Is it for attention? Do you tend to overlook traffic on this student? Is the calling out a result of an inability to sit lull? Does this child have a scholarship disability? React to these symptoms appropriately. 8. Contact the parents. fork over an at-home reward system for good days (days in which calling out did not occur).This go away involve sending a run short down home daily. Return to Top CALLING OUT IN CLASS RESPONSE 2 What can you do well-nigh children uninterruptedly calling out in class, even when they are supposed to be working quietly at their seats? 1. Be sure that the students know what you expect of them concerning this problem. Describe what procedure you want them to use to get your attention, and explain why they should not call out in class. 2. If students calling out is a major problem, hold a class meeting and ask the children to hit recommendations for solving this problem. This would include the type of discipline to be used for the children who continue to disturb the class by calling out. 3.Be consistent and pertinacious in disciplining the children who call out. 4. If a child communicates with you by calling out, make your only reaction one of displeasure and do not answer the question or fulfill the request. 5. Tell the class that if calling out in class only occurs a certain number of times during the week, you will do something special with them on Friday afternoon. Peer pressure is then utilized to solve the problem. In the weeks that follow, calling out will lessen, as students anticipate the special Friday activity.6. Calling out may be propel by the students enthusiasm, or by the fear that he/she will forget what he/she wanted to say. Have students keep a pad and pencil on their desk to write down a cerebration they might forget. That way they can refer to it when they finally get called upon. Be sure to give everyone a chance to answer so mething even the gradual thinking students Return to Top CLASS CLOWN How can you deal effectively with a class clown? 1. Let the student know in private how you feel about his/her unacceptable behavior, and explain what is evaluate of him/her.Try to form a trusting relationship with this student. Listen to his/her feelings and expectations.Try to channel his/her talent for humor into something more intersectionive, such as creating a class play or dramatic skit. 2. If you think it would be beneficial, audition role-playing with this student. Give him/her the role of the teacher who is trying to teach a lesson. You bow on the role of the class clown and exhibit the same behaviors that he/she does in class. This may be a learning experience for the entire class 3. Explain to the student that the solution to his/her problem is his/her responsibility as well as yours.However, if the class clown behavior continues and it affects the level of learning for the rest of the class, t hen the responsibility for the solution will lie with him/her and the administration. 4. Try to find the platform airfields in which the student is interested. Give him/her some indie work in these areas and observe any change in behavior. 5. Let the child gain the attention of the class in such a way that it has a positive effect on the class.The student could stock mini-lessons, lead study groups, assist students, or make other contributions that will benefit the entire class. 6. Ask for the assistance of a counselor to analyze various possible reasons for the childs need to be the class clown. Return to Top DEMANDING STUDENTS How do you cope with a child who demands your constant attention? 1. Give this child a special job to show that you care about and have confidence in him/her. 2. Make this child the captain or leader whenever possible. 3. Play games that nourish self-confidence.For example, try the company Game Have children sit in a circle and take turns naming s omeone in the circle who has done something to help or to make him/her feel good. 4. Use personal evaluation sheets. These can be as simple or as complex as you desire. In this way, you can help children express feelings and recognize their own strengths/weaknesses in a non-threatening atmosphere.5. Provide a wide figure of classroom experiences. Familiarity breeds self-confidence 6. carry through a buddy system for this child. 7. drive off into the home environment. See what is do this dependency. 8. Frequently assign this child simple, easy tasks that allow for success. 9. Provide self-correcting tasks so that the child may see his/her own errors firsthand. 10. Videotape your class in action and let the student (as well as the other students) very see how he/she interacts in class.Return to Top FAILURE TO gather up FOR HELP What can you do about a student who fails to ask for help with matters he/she does not fully understand in the curriculum or in the classroom in general? 1. For various reasons, the student may not feel comfortable or confident about asking questions in certain classroom linguistic contexts. Have an individual conference with the student to discuss the problem. Work together to develop possible solutions. 2. If the student does not feel comfortable asking questions in the classroom setting, have him/her write the questions on a piece of paper or a 35 card.Then, when time permits, meet with the child distributively to review the questions, or provide general answers to the class if you think others may have the same questions. 3. Designate other students in the classroom as resource persons, who can meet with the student and offer assistance. The student may be more apt to ask for help from a peer than from the teacher. 4. deal out having the child evaluated by the Child Study Team for a possible learning disability or a health problem ( distressing hearing, poor vision, etc. ). 5.Check to see whether the student exhib its this behavior in other classrooms. If he/she does not, you may want to focus on the way you strike to this student. 6. If in stock(predicate) and practical, utilize the services of a counselor to assist the child in overcoming his/her reluctance to express him/herself in class. 7. Create a chart listing all students, and give recognition to those who ask questions in class. Emphasize that asking a question indicates intelligence, not stupidity. Return to Top HYPERACTIVITY toss IN ATTENTION What can be done for students who frequently supplanting their attention and/or interests in class?1. Assign the student some type of classroom responsibility that he/she looks forward to doing (e. g. , collecting holy work, delivering messages, etc. ). 2. Carefully arrange the students work area to minimize classroom distractions (e. g. , study carrels, room partitions, etc. ). 3. Plan individual and/or group lessons that foster the development of analytical abilities in your students (e. g. , a step-by-step approach to solving everyday problems). 4. Refer the student to a specialist and/or school nurse to check on optical and auditory deficits. 5. Provide your students with firm but fair classroom rules.Make sure you consistently adhere to the consequences of breaking rules. 6. Use social reinforcers frequently and as soon as possible (e. g. , physical nearness or contact, a smile or frown, etc. ). 7. Prepare a variety of short lessons to maximize student attention and participation (e. g. , manipulation exercises of 15 to 20 minutes in duration). 8. Make suggestions to parents about the possible use of various nutritional diets (e. g. , the Feingold diet). 9. Regularly structured relaxation techniques into the daily classroom routine. Use them whenever the student is in need of them.Return to Top HYPERACTIVITY AND DISTRACTABILITY How do you manage the hyper student and the student whose ability to screen out tangential stimuli is limited? 1. Employ hands-on a ctivities. 2. Eliminate as many environmental distractions as possible. 3. Establish a well-defined work area for the child. This will help to limit outside activities that would detract from his/her concentration. 4. Use classroom support such as headphones, tachistoscope, videos, etc. Provide for controlled exposures. 5. Pace activities realistically. 6. Incorporate unprocessed motor skills into activities whenever possible.7. Use bilateral activities, using hands and eyes in the lesson. 8. Make an obstacle course and have the students move through it at varying paces. 9. Use a timer. When the timer stops, students may have a short break. Never use a timer to speed up work, for it will cause tension and frustration rather than increase skill. 10. Use a time-out period to reward a hyperactive child who has spent time doing correct activities. Return to Top leave out OF want RESPONSE 1 What do you do with students who lack motivation, have a very negative attitude toward schoo l, and come to class unprepared?1. Do everything possible to make sure the physical needs of the student have been met. Has he/she eaten breakfast? Had enough rest? Can he/she see the board clearly, hear clearly, etc.? 2. Make your classroom interesting and stimulating to the students. Make your lessons inviting and challenging, so students are interested in finding out what comes next 3. Show your students that you take an interest in them. Show that you comparable them and that they belong in your classroom. 4. Make your lesson an experience that will allow the student to gain self-esteem because he/she is successful.5. Make goals that are challenging, but attainable. 6. make advantage of the students interests and formulate some lessons around them. 7. When evolution practice worksheets, use the students names and some things you know about them to teach a concept (e. g. , Susan expressed her enjoyment regarding her trip to Disney World when identifying separate of speech). 8 . Send home weekly reports to parents. Encourage parents to reward their children for high motivation. 9. Use the concept of students working together to encourage one another (e. g. , accommodative learning groups). 10.Have students chart their own behavior for a week. Return to Top LACK OF MOTIVATION RESPONSE 2 What methods can be used to motivate students and increase their interest in learning? 1. Use incentives in the classroom to reinforce motivation toward accomplishment (e. g. , prizes, stars, or other rewards for completing assignments on time). 2. Get to know each child as an individual, to gain insight into his/her strengths and interests. 3. Hold monthly conferences with students to discuss their work habits, motivation, behavior, etc. 4. Have a real purpose in the school work you assign to your students.Make sure that it relates to their needs. 5. Assist the student in setting realistic goals. 6. foundert always point out errors in a students work, but show how the come to an ended product can be improved. 7. Provide editing time when you work man-to-man with students to perfect their creative work. 8. Show enthusiasm when you teach. The teacher is the key to motivation in the classroom. 9. Develop special projects for the child whose interests have not provided been tapped by the school routine. 10. Give special recognition through scholar of the month or Star for the Day designations. Return to Top LACK OF RESPECTWhat do you do with students who show a lack of love for adults, peers, their belongings, and the property of others? 1. The teacher should practice the 3 Rs Respect, Responsibility, and Reciprocity. 2. Role-play situations where there is lack of delight in. For example Someone fails a test and others make fun of that person. Follow with group analysis and discussion of the situation and alternative actions. 3. intelligibly state the reasons for respecting other peoples property. Publicly acknowledge those who register respec t for others property, so their peers can model their behavior. 4.Show videos dealing with respect and then discuss them. See Guidance Associates materials. Obtain materials from your county audio library. 5. Dont make unrealistic requests, dictate rules without explanations, or give an ultimatum that presents students with a boundary they might be tempted to cross because they feel it is unreasonable. 6. Listen to each student. Never assume that you know what the student is going to say to explain his/her actions. 7. Show that even though, as the teacher, you are in charge of the class, you respect the student and expect respect in return. 8. Never make idle, corrosive threats (e.g. , How many times have I told you to sit down?I am going to have to take away your recess time for the semester unless you behave. ) Return to Top NEGATIVE RESPONSE TO REQUESTS AND RULES What can you do when you are confronted with students who are negative about rational requests and/or rules? 1. Try t o use these guidelines when establishing classroom rules a) Involve your class in making up the rules. b) asseverate the rules positively. c) Keep rules brief and to the point. d) Review rules periodically with the class. 2. Arrange private conferences with students to discuss the problem in depth. 3.Ask the student(s) to write down the disturbing behavior in a class logbook. Have them write some appropriate alternative ways of responding to negativity, for future reference. 4. Give students choices, in order to minimize negative reactions (e. g. , Would you rather stay an extra ten minutes and finish the exercise before lunch, or go to lunch now and finish it when you come back? ). 5. Try to have frequent, positive interaction in the class (e. g. , praise, group projects, discussions, etc. ). 6. Make sure students clearly understand what is expected from them. (In some cases, its the studentsconfusion that causes oppositional behavior. )7. Handle difficult students individually ou tside the classroom, so that there is less chance that others will get involved. 8. Contact the parents, the principal, and/or the counselor to discuss the students foreign behavior. 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A persuasive essay on Illegal Immigrants
Are il healthy aliens a problem of immigration? A purported view is immigration is non the problem, but rather the control and enforcement of immigration. In any unsophisticated, the unchecked and illicit inflow of people can cause a challenge to that countrys sovereignty.Rich countries have three major concerns when it comes to immigration. First, there is the stamp that it causes wage inequality by a reduction in recompense for domestic worker due to competition from immigrants. Next, there is the pressure it puts on facilities like schools and services like healthcare and welfare payments. This pressure is borne by taxpayers. Finally, especially post-911, there is the concern that there could be incidences of enemies hosted in immigrant communities.Another change magnitude concern is the amount of money crossing borders by way of remittances to all-encompassing family. Worker remittances from the US to Mexico came up to $16.6 billion last social class. This amount is imp ort only to petroleum in the US export revenues.The financial preventative that illegal immigrants put on a country cannot be underestimated. The league for American Immigration Reform estimated a $7.7 billion spend a year in calcium to educate illegal immigrants and their children. The State of California also spends yearly $1.4 billion on health care and on illegal immigrants in prison.The major reason for illegal immigration is that the tally does not meet the demand. In the US, there is provision for 675,000 visas a year for permanent residence. 480,000 of these are available for the family reunification, 140,000 are based on employment. add-on visas awarded to refugees were at a maximum of 70,000 in 2004. The diversity lottery gives step forward another 50,000 visas to citizens of countries that have sent fewer than 50,000 migrants in the previous volt years.Different countries like Spain, France and the US have varying experiences of illegal aliens.Spain has its own luc k of trying to control the entrance of illegal aliens onto its shores. Sub-Saharan Africa contains the neighboring country as the closest refuge. 5,000 clandestine immigrants, trying to escape the consequences of a population that far outstrips it economic capability, have crossed the border with about 1,000 drowning as the board fragile fishing boats to make their way to the Canary Islands.Since France does not have the US advantage of a flexible labor market place and stingy welfare state, it has ended up with a resentful immigrant underclass with time on its hands. France today has a low proportion of accomplished immigrants.The French interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, is working on reversing this trend. He is proposing a managed, high-skilled, demand-led immigration policy by introducing a selective immigration policy with quotas for workers, students and families and allowing entry to those who have the means to support a family.This policy would involve arising up the borders to more skilled workers while clamping down illegal aliens through with(predicate) a closer watch on bogus marriages, increased expatriate and scrapping the automatic right to stay after 10 years of cosmos in France illegally.There are some 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., roughly of them employed. In the US, most illegal immigrants are day laborers, 50% of whom are employed by homeowners. A lot of these day workers see themselves as victims of unemployment and of a failed immigration system. It is being said that tight legal controls have driven Latinos to illegality and across the U.S., 117,000 undocumented immigrants, the majority from Mexico, gather daily, facial expression for work.My personal experience is that illegal immigrants go after the jobs that citizens are not likely to be interested in like agriculture, landscaping, and housekeeping and most people are not averse to hiring them.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Case Memo as a hired consultant Essay
In this assignment, students leave alone read and analyze a sequel study. In response to the bailiwick study, students will write an analysis in short letter memo format, turn to to the Board of Directors for the company. The memo is written by the student acting as a hired consultant for the company.The case study to be analyzed, The outcome of Plant Relocation, is attached.By completing this assignment, students will meet the outcome(s)identify honorable issues that arise in domestic and global business environments using an concord of estimable concepts and of legal and business principles develop and evaluate options to, and recommend effects for, good quandarys, taking into account ethical and legal requirements and the essential mission of the business enterprise effectively communicate to internal and external business stakeholders the complexities of ethical issues, suggesting and analyzing various solutions in order to ensure appropriate business practices and righteousness Requirements of Case Memo 2Draft memo using the enjoin format (subheadings/sections) prescribed below any sections must be comprehensive, in-depth and amply justified Resources from antecedently assigned course materials or from your own query may be utilise to justify and plunk for rationale All in-text citations and resources must be in APA styleSubmit the completed case in the Assignment Folder.Memorandum FormatTOFROMREDATE embroil all the following subheadings/sections in the memoINTRODUCTION Brief origination to subject of memo.FACTS SUMMARY Summarize and explain the facts that atomic sum up 18 directly world-shattering and relevant to the ethical dilemma in this case.ETHICAL DILEMMA discuss either/or ethical dilemma facing the company.ETHICAL ISSUES treat two (2) of the most significant ethical issues related to, and arising from, the ethical dilemma and then, explain severally ethical issue and why it is an ethical/ moralistic issue, etc.ALTERNATIV ES List, explain and justify one (1) possible resource/solution for EACH ethical issue to address and resolve the ethical dilemma and each ethical issue discussed above.Alternatives should be feasible, logical, directly related to solvent the ethical dilemma and addressing the ethical issues in the case.Alternatives ar expressed in the form of propositions or prescriptive statements suggesting action and be framed by asking the normative question, what could or should the company do? Consider consequences. see relevant stakeholders and the effects on them, pros and cons, etc. of each alternative. Apply ethical theories in context of your evaluations, but dont over-do this aspect. For example, teleological or consequentialist theorists would examine who the stakeholders ar, both internal and external to the company, and the positive and negative consequences for each group, etc.RECOMMENDATION Recommend one and only one (1) alternative from the two (2) alternatives suggested abo ve. Justify and explain your choice discussingwhy you recommend this alternativehow, specifically, the passport will address the ethical dilemma and ethical issues how the good word will likely impact relevant stakeholders pros and cons of your recommendationfeasibility of your recommendationhow the recommendation will be implementedApply ethical theories, resources from previously assigned course materials, or resources from your own research to justify and support your recommendation.FUTURE IMPLICATIONS for RECOMMENDATION Discuss potential implications arising from your recommendation forthe company another(prenominal) businesses within the industryother industriesCONCLUSION Summarize the case and its ethical issues, implications, etc.The Case of the Plant RelocationYou are the chief administrator of Electrocorp, an electronics company, which makes the onboard computer components for automobiles. In your production plants, complex hydrocarbon solvents are used to smashing the c hips and other parts that go into the computer components. Some of the solvents used are carcinogens and must be handled with extreme care. Until recently, all of your production plants were located in the fall in States. However, the cost of production has risen, causing profits to decline.A number of factors support increased production costs. First, the union representing the workers in your plant waged a successful strike resulting in increased salary and benefits. The pay and benefits pile for beginning employees is around $15/hour. A second factor has been stiff safety regulations. These safety procedures, which apply inside the plant, have been expensive in both time and money. Finally, environmental regulationshave made Electrocorps trading operations more costly. Electrocorp is required to put its waste through an expensive care for before depositing it at a special disposal facility.Shareholders have been plain to you about the declining fortunes of the company. Man y of Electrocorps competitors have moved their operations to less-developed countries, where their run costs are less than in the United States, and you have begun to select whether to relocate a number of plants to offshore sites. Electrocorp is a major employer in each of the U.S. cities where it is located, and you know that a plant closure will pee-pee economic dislocation in these communities. You know that the employees who will be situated off because of plant closures will have difficulty finding homogeneous positions and that increased unemployment, with its attendant social costs, will result. However, you are aware of numerous other corporations, including your competitors, that have shut down their U.S. operations, and it is something that you are willing to consider.You have hired a consultant, Martha Smith, to investigate the sites for possible plant relocation. Ms. Smith has old age of experience working with companies that have moved their operations to less-d eveloped countries to reduce their in operation(p) costs. Based on your own research, you have asked Ms. Smith to more richly investigate the possibility of operations in Mexico, the Philippines, and mho Africa. A heavyset of her report and recommendation for each country followsMexicoA number of evade cities in Mexico would be cost-efficient relocation sites based on outwear and health and safety/environmental factors. Workers in production plants comparable to Electrocorps earn about $3 per day, which is the prevailing wage. There is frequent worker turnover because employees complain that they cannot live on $3/day, and they head due north to work illegally in the United States. However, a ready picture of workers takes their place.Mexican health and environmental laws are also favorable to production. motion picture to toxic chemicals in the workplace is permitted at gameer takes than in the United States, allowing corporations to dispense to some degree with costly procedures and equipment. Mexicos environmental laws are less strict than those of the United States, and a solvent recovery system, used to reduce the toxicity of the waste before dumping, is not required.The only diagnosable business risk is possible bad publicity. The rate of birth defects has been high in many Mexican border towns where similar plants are in operation. Citizen health groups have begun protests, accusing the companies of contamination leading to illness.PhilippinesConditions in the Philippines are more favorable than those in Mexico in terms of labor and health and safety/environmental factors.The prevailing wage in the Philippines is about $1/day, and young workers (under 16) may be paid even less. As in Mexico, the workers complain that the rate of pay is not a living wage, but it is the present market rate.The health and safety and environmental regulations are alike to those in Mexico, but on that point have been no public complaints or opposition regardin g birth defects, cancers, or other illnesses.South AfricaConditions in South Africa are positive in some respects, but not as favorable in economic terms as in Mexico or the Philippines. The prevailing wage in South Africa is about $10/day. Furthermore, there is a strong union movement, meaning that there may be future demands for increases in wages and benefits.The unions and the government have been working unitedly on health and safety issues and environmental protections. Exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace is not permitted at as high a train as in Mexico and the Philippines. Although the equipment necessary to reduce toxic chemicals to an acceptable level is not as costly as in the United States, this write off would not be incurred in the other two countries. Furthermore, there are requirements for a solvent recovery system, which also increases operation expenses.You have to influence how you would like to proceed. Your options are to select an overseas site f or relocation or to simply continue all operations within the United States.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
James Fenimore Cooper
Connor Roche Research Paper JAMES FENIMORE COOPER crowd Fenimore barrel maker was an important literary figure of the 1800s, best known for his novels. He is perhaps nearly noned for his heavy(p)est do wee of literature The refinement of the Mohicans A Narrative of 1757, a tale that chronicles the journey of several side people and a few essential Americans during the French and Indian War, similarly known as the S hitherto Days War. coopers work on this novel and others such(prenominal)(prenominal) as The Prairie reflects his different approach regarding authorized commonly held sentiments of the era.This was especi totallyy true concerning the give up-day views most people had almost immanent Americans. However, coopers work also reflected his compliance with the most popular fine arts movement of his time Romanticism. To completely travelling bag the scope of makes makeup, some background on coopers life, and the social customs and ideas of his time are nec essary. barrel maker was innate(p) on September 15, 1789 to Elizabeth Fenimore and William Cooper, the founder of the city of Cooperstown, NY.After expulsion from Yale College, Cooper pursued a career as a sailor on a merchant ship, traveling as far as the passing of Gibraltar. Following this was a brief stint in the United States Navy, followed by farming. During his expeditions at sea, pack Cooper seriously considered becoming a writer. In fact, most of his stories tell tales of sailors and sea trips, inspired by his own long time on the water (Literature Ne devilrk). At the time of Coopers writing, Native Americans were often held in contempt, mistreated, and oppressed.This had been a common aspect of society since the old age of Columbus first expeditions to the Americas (Cassutto). The Native Americans were regarded with prejudice, hatred, and most of all fear, as is present when experiencing any unknown thing. Often times, brutal massacres were carried out, killing hundred s of innocent Native Americans. Cooper attempted to transpose such ideas through the relationships established mingled with characters in his books, as is best showingn by The Last of the Mohicans.This book was real the second (and best known) in a series of five Leatherstocking Tales In this story, the two of the main characters are a white man named devil-may-care Bumppo and a Native American named Uncas, who is the titular Last of the Mohicans. These two men, though they were from completely different backgrounds, form a rattling close bond, and show that interracial cooperation is extremely plausible, and in reality useful. Furthermore, Natty Bumppo goes as far as adopting a Native American name, Hawkeye, to show that he truly could drop dead in with the Native Americans and act peacefully with them.The actual story takes perpetrate during the French and Indian War, about 30 years before Cooper was born. though the state of war is named after two groups, the actual s truggle was initiate of a huge conflict betwixt several nations, including Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden. In the American colonies, the war resulted from excessive pressure from the British for additional election collection and production. This resulted in higher taxes, more strenuous work, etc. During the war in the colonies, the Native Americans (Indians) faced the French, who, allied with the British, extended the war for seven-spot years.Considering the effects that the events of the time period would have had on the people, the kit and caboodle of throng Fenimore Cooper could even be considered revolutionary. Despite the heavy racism of the time, Cooper stressed the importance and possibility of interracial cooperation, and even seemed to promote it. In other words, he was not afraid to change the stereotype and allow for an alternate view of Native Americans. However, as with all situations, throng Fenimore Cooper also provides a negative, more foreboding side to the relationship between different cultures.Specifically, he seems to promote friendship and brotherhood, exactly strongly warns against interracial romance. This seems to be a common theme of his contemporaries, who also strongly hold that interracial romance was to be strictly off-limits. Though not say directly by Cooper, the fates of several of the characters in The Last of the Mohicans shows that Cooper believed that interracial love would chasten to tragedy. This is implicitly stated through the unfortunate deaths of two of the main characters.In the story, Uncas, the aforementioned Mohican, and Cora Munro, an side of meat generals daughter, lead astray a budding romance that leads to their eventual demise. Cora is kidnapped by the villain of the story, a Native American of the Huron tribe named Magua. During rescue attempts, both Cora and Uncas are inevitably killed. The death of these two characters seems to suggest that interracial romance wi ll lead only to failure and is highly dangerous. On a very base level, it is the essential differences between the cultures that cause a split that leads to the failure of the romance.In this case, the brutal nature of the Native Americans causes the death of both the sheltered English girl, and even the tough, hardened Native American man. At this point, it is clear that jam Fenimore Cooper did not adhere to the racial conventions of his time. Despite some warning of the dangers of cultural mixing, in his literature, he stood by his own beliefs of interracial interaction. However, James Cooper did follow others in his era with the type of literature he wrote. His work was reflective of the Romantic style of writing and at the time of his novels creations, the Romantic Era was in full-swing in America.The Romantic era was a movement in the fields of art, literature, and intellectualism that originated in Europe in the youthful 1700s. The movement placed a heavy accent mark on e motions such as fear, horror, and awe rather than reason. Also, there is a superiority of conundrum over clarity, and importance given to the individual, rather than the standards of society. This could be easily show through art, but through literature, the conveyance of such emotions was a very new experience. Certain effects of the movement were clearly reflected in Coopers literature.For example, along with the Romantic movement came the inspiration of political change, and also, in stark contrast, descriptions of heavily romanticized (hence the name of the period) situations and settings, such as a mock-medieval rook perched dramatically above a craggy ravine (History World). Elements such as these are clearly evident in Coopers work, especially the emphasis on setting. Using rich descriptive language, Cooper gives details of all the areas that his characters venture through. At times, the extensiveness of his description is so rich that a indorser may feel as though he or she is actually experiencing the setting.This was very common in Romantic literature, and can be seen in the following passage from The Last of the Mohicans The mountain on which they stood, elevated, perhaps a thousand feet in the air, was a high cone that rose a little in of advance of that range which stretches for miles along the western shores of the lake, until opposition its sister piles, beyond the water, it ran off toward the Canadas, in confused and broken masses of rock thinly sprinkled with evergreens. (The Last of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper, 177)Aside from the Romantic descriptions of locations and characters, Coopers work also showed a great amount of diversion from previously held ideals, as mentioned above in his explorations of interracial friendships and interaction. This seems to carry an underlying feeling of political activism, which was another of the attributes of the Romantic Movement. The activism lies in the implication that racial boundaries sh ould be reexamined and reevaluated. Though Cooper does not say outright that his novel should spark a revolution, his work does imply that there is a desperate need for change in society.Furthermore, some aspects of the novel could be seen as an anti-war statement make by Cooper. This was a shared sentiment among many of his contemporaries, and carried on even through the Vietnam War in the late 1900s. However, this sentiment could be seen by analyzing the novel from a Romantic Movement point of view. Returning to the idea of descriptive nature, Cooper often gives descriptions not only of the beauty of the land, but also of its inherent danger. In the story, nature provides almost as much of a struggle for the main characters as the war does for the soldiers.In a sense, it seems as if Cooper was trying to say that nature was the real enemy, not other humans. The anti-war sentiment could not only be interpreted metaphorically through the text, it was also sometimes stated explicitly. In the following passage, James Coopers disgust for war and fighting is evident, as he describes the battle as an extremely gruesome occurrence More than two thousand raging savages broke out from the forest at manifestation and threw themselves across the fatal plain with instinctive alacrity.We shall not dwell upon the rise up horrors that succeeded. Death was everywhere in his most terrific and disgusting aspects The watercourse of blood might be likened to the outbreaking of a torrent and as the natives became tempestuous by the fight, many among themdrank freelyhellishly of the crimson tide. (Mohicans, Cooper 222) As was made clear by this passage, Cooper clearly resented the war and the horrors it brought with it. In Conclusion, the works of James Fenimore Cooper gave a clear representation of the ideals and movements of his time.His writing was reflective of the new intellectual, artistic, and literary Romantic Movement, shown by its beautifully descriptive passages and also by its deviation from what was previously accepted as normalcy. Furthermore, his works deviated from not only his predecessors, but also his contemporaries, as he implicitly supported the furthering of positive interracial interaction and cooperation. Coopers work was a great addition to his era, and greatly helped reflect the changing times and culture of the nineteenth century.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Case Study-Cooper Tire and Rubber Company Essay
installation make Tire & international ampereere hawkshaw Comp whatsoever, founded in 1914, specializes in the manu particularuring and market of rubber ingatherings for consumers. Products include cable car, truck and motorcycle grinds, inner tubes, NVH control systems, self-propelling sealing, and fluid delivery systems.(http//www.cooper s case study on cooper in the first place concentrates on the drop persistence, and Therefore the fol slumping analysis leave be based on this.barrel maker Tire & Rubber co. has enjoyed much growth and strong returns. However, with intense competition and developments in naturalfangled(a) technology, cooper must follow suite to maintain agonistic receipts by balancing might with embody specifically in the replacing Tire Industry. To set the right strategies it is important for cooper to first meditate the external environment, both on a macro and micro basis, and thereof assess the opt ions and capabilities/competences in fellowship to get a detailed overview of the caller-out.The out-of-door EnvironmentThe Macro environment PEST frameworkPolitical/ take-headed AnalysisThe introduction of NAFTA and GATT has created new opportunities for use up manufacturing businesss for the supply of cheap labour. Companies heap reduce their be by producing their get intos in inexpensive labour countries such as Mexico.The foreign trade replace zone status, which reduces the companys duty payments on imported raw materials, benefit little(a)er companies identical make greatly as it allows them to compete on an international level with relatively smaller budgets.The tire market is a heavily Unionize industry, by URW the industrys union. Over the last years the union has won, after long strikes, increased wages and benefits for workers.EconomicalThe industry as a whole is influenced by the economic read for vehicles, this is characterised by the potentiality of t he economy and the disposable incomes of the consumers.The early 90s recession had a major feat on the industry. The decline in the car industry meant that the competition for reserve tires increased, whilst the original equipment beg fell. This resulted in many companies diversifying into the exchange market in a bid to compete.The gasoline prices defecate an effect on the tire industry, due to the follow of miles driven by drivers. later on many years with fluctuating gasoline price, the price is now mediocre and stable.SocialIn the tire industry, the standard of living has a signal effect on the demand for tires. An example of this is found in the sub urbanisation of the US community, which resulted in more(prenominal) wear and tear on tires, thus a need to change tires.In addition to this the rapture industry, buses, taxis, and trucks were proving more popular than the rail system, thus increasing the demand for tires.fomite owners are oftentimes reluctant to spend money on second-stringer tires, as they do not want to spend money on an old car with the ambition to purchase a new vehicle in the short term. This social attitude has lead to low-cost tire producers being more attractive in the replacement tire market.engineeringCustomers in the OE market often set special requirements for tires. Due to ameliorate technology, the companies can easier produce products tailored to customers needs.The introduction of new technology has in addition lead to companies being able to produce new, better quality products at low cost. This has lead to the importance in having the latest technologic equipment in order to compete in the market.The Microenvironment Porters Five Forces Model bane of Entry by Potential CompetitorsNew entrants in this industry may be deterred to enter the industry, due to the high fixed cost investments unavoidable in plants and equipment. The incumbent companies have in addition achieved economies of scale by sess produc tion and production know-how as they have moved down the learning-curve.The dent loyalty is quite moderate, but consumers do not face any cost in the eventuality they decide to switch from an incumbent manufacturer to a new entrant. When considering all these factors as barriers to entry, the barriers to entry for new competitors would be moderate/high.Rivalry among open companiesThe OE market is highly consolidated with Goodyear, Michelin and Bridgestone carcratic the slightly growing market. The competition is fierce, and the players in the market compete mainly on price and product technology differentiation.The replacement market is more fragmented, and cost reduction is used as the key private-enterprise(a) strategy.In both markets, competitive structure results in more rivalry as tire manufacturing companies have to fight to maintain revenues and market functions.The exit barriers demo in the industry lock incumbent companies from leaving the industry when dough a re low. Main barriers are the investment in plants and equipments, pensions and insurance for workers.The competitive structure and the high exit barriers show clearly that the rivalry among established companies is slightly high.Power Of BuyersIn the OE market, the stealers are the automobile and truck manufacturers that buy tires in large quantity and are relatively few compared to the tire companies. They have the possibility to switch orders from one supplier to an early(a) in order to get the most convenient deal (quality products at low prices). As for tire manufacturers loosing one single buyer would mean loosing a large market share, and therefore the creator of buyers is high.In the tire replacement market, the buyers be of independent tire dealers, service stations, major subdivision stores and automobile dealerships. Independent dealers are the most powerful retail channels as they satisfy almost 66 percent of the replacement market and have been proved to have the ability to influence customers choice, they pull up stakes have the power to agree convenient deals with tire manufacturers. However, the power of retail channels is fairly low, as they buy in relatively small quantity secondly and the tire firms can easily switch to other solutions such as manufactured-owned retail stores or simply other dealers.Power of SuppliersThe power of suppliers of raw material is low. The main reason is that all of the raw materials are commodities, accessible in bulk from a variety of sources on world markets. Therefore, tire manufacturers can easily switch from one source to another. Furthermore, tire firms can eventually vertically (backward) integrate the shapees to obtain the raw materials they need. On the other hand, it would be less likely for suppliers to curse tire manufacturers forward incorporate into tire manufacturing as they would have to face the high barriers to entry the industry.ComplementsThe demand and profitability of the tir e industry depends critically on the oil and auto/truck manufacturing industry.Lower gasoline prices increase the number of miles driven by vehicles, which lead to more wear and tear on tires and an increasing demand for replacement tires. If the number of new cars sold declines, it means that drivers are dimension on to their cars longer, and the demand for replacement tires increases. The demand for OE tires is directly related to the number of new vehicles produced and sold. The number of new vehicles produced worldwide has been stable the last years.SubstitutesThe recast tire market segment is a substitute of the replacement tire manufacturing industry, because it serves a similar consumer need. However, the retread market is not a threat to the tire industry anymore. In 1996 the sales of retread tires started declining, due to the fact that buyers could purchase new, more reliable tires for a slightly increase in the price. coopers resources, competences and competitive/busin ess strategyAs hill & Hones argue, a distinctive competency is unique strength that allows a company to achieve topnotch efficiency, quality, variety or customer reactivity and thereby to create superior value and excise a competitive vantage.barrel maker with its distinctive competencies is achieving substantial low costs compared to that of its rivals through its key resources and capabilities.Key resources and competencesIn real(a) Resources and CompetencesA key intangible resource has been identified through coopers dissemination. This involves Coopers relationship with its wholesalers as it sells half(prenominal) of its production as a private label to store- cooking stoves, mass merchants and discounters, while the other half is sold under the Cooper brand through independent tire dealers. Cooper has achieved superior customer responsiveness by developing a sincere relationship with their distributors through valuing them instead of competing against them.Coopers neckcloth system is a key resource that has helped them in cut costs even further, when using the capability of buying ahead to get cheaper deals.Cooper has the competence of bringing their products quickly to the market by outstanding service to the distribution channel with an efficient automated material handling system.Cooper knows that it is pointless to compete against the largest players in the market like Michelin and Bridgestone when it comes to R&D. Instead they copy and imitate the largest companies. Instead of pioneering its own design, the company often waits to see what sells well. In addition, Cooper use their efficient technologic manufacturing equipment so they can produce products at higher standards tailored to make for customers requirements.Cooper also concentrates on implementing new ideas, and innovation is developed through the manufacturing of new production lines. This no frills approach of manufacturing its products, aided by product innovation leads t o reduced costs. Cooper has a low marketing expenditure, compared to their competitors. They focus their marketing and promotional strategy towards their most important customers, which are dealers and distributors.The TQM (Total Quality Management) sentimentGorr, chief executive of Cooper supports the TQM concept, and argues that the companys corporate ism is to produce value and quality, as defined by the customer. give quality management is an intangible resource, which gives them the capability to produce products that are superior to their competitors. It also creates efficient production methods while delivering excellent service to its distribution channel. This is represented in their strategic Cooper 21 plan. Cross-functional police squads have also been developed within the organisation, where employee skills and know how can be easily switched from department to department.The decision making although undertaken by management were made in source with all members of the company, as employees implement ideas in the most effective way. Cooper is therefore capable of developing and producing tires at a lower cost relative to those of its competitors. In addition Coopers innovative compensation system where by wages rise or fall due to the individuals performance further contributes to motivation and overall productivity. An effective measure of efficiency is employee productivity, and Cooper is much more efficient than their competitors (see Appendix 1). Coopers, recruitment process in aid with its screening test is also intentional to team players, which is designed to identify people with the right attitude to fit the job.This better quality maintained by Cooper means that costs decrease because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, and batter use of time and materials. because productivity improves as better quality leads to higher market share (Hill and Jones, Strategic Management, 2001).Tangible ResourcesCoopers plants located in small towns and Mexico are one of its key tangible resources. Its plants have provided the company with cheaper resources including plants and labour. When Cooper want to expand its depicted object, buying old plants and refurbishing them are very cheap. This tangible resource has helped cooper to create superior efficiency of resources as it suffer to reap savings over the company.Coopers own designed equipment is a valuable tangible resource for the company. Its own production equipment meet better the companys own needs and specifications than commercial equipment. Coopers custom machines have helped to create superior efficiency and productivity in the production process by increasing production capacity at a reduced time. Its computer technology has not plainly enabled Cooper to keep up with its competitors but also reduced its costs. role of Key Resources and Competences to the Value ChainTo gain competitive advantage on its competitors, Cooper Tire focuses its strategy on what are its key resources and capabilities. It is truly about maximising and concentrating all the key strengths of the different organisations primary and support activities, as represented in the value chain diagram.One of the strongest advantage for Cooper Tire is its ability to produce good quality tires at low cost, and this is the result of a winning combine of key resources such us technological machinery and key capabilities such as low-cost production know how and an efficient product distribution. In damage of value chain Cooper Tire creates its value with an efficient and legitimate production, marketing and sales activities and at the same time with a well-organized company infrastructure.For these reasons Cooper Tire pursues a cost-leadership competitive/business strategy that will enable the company to maximise profit and expand. As Hill & Jones stated A strategy is an action a company takes to attain one or more of its goals/(superior performance). Therefo re, once established that Coopers goals are to produce good quality products at the lowest costs possible, maximise profit and expand the company, therefore the strategy will consist of the actions taken to achieve these goals.One of the main resources that contributes to Coopers low-cost strategy is the companys cheap plants and labour.In particular, as Cooper operates mainly in the replacement tire market where it is not racy to pioneer in product innovation and design, its competitive/business strategy is mainly based on a low level of product differentiation. Very little is invested in product R&D and tires designs and characteristics are adapted in relations to other companies already palmy products. On the other hand much more attention and investments are dedicated to implement the distinctive competency of effective manufacturing and materials management. More in details, the effective manufacturing and materials management consist in adopting high computer technolo gy for product design and development, machine design and mold design. engine room enables Cooper to produce high quality products quicker than most of its competitors and therefore adds much value to its products.Cooper are characterised by its shared norms and set attained from employee quality and innovation (TQM) with employee recruitment tests for team players and communicators undertaken by Cooper. This has been reflected in its organisational culture. As a result value is added as competitive advantage is attained because it is difficult to imitate staff operations and efficiencies in decision-making, which is reflected in its Source Award for its quality.Company No. of Employees Estimated Capacity (units per day) Output per employeeGoodyear 22830 366900 16.07Michelin 17505 216000 12.34Bridgestone 9145 129900 14.20Cooper 4300 126000 29.30Continental/General 4509 87600 19.42
Monday, January 21, 2019
Frequent Shopper Program For Kudler Fine Foods Essay
For this type of abrogateeavor there ar a few items that need to be considered before moving leading with the project. The first and most important is how the points be going to be gain and tracked. Next is how argon the guests going to check the balance of their points, and lastly how are they going to redeem those points once they are earned. In this proposal I intend to outline a couple of different chooseions along with the benefits of severally picking.For your customers you need to sustain in place a right smart to set who is making the purchase. This is best handled with a loyalty card. This is like a quotation card that stores your customers information and is not accessible by anyone outside of the store. This card will keep track of the purchases made by the customer in order to offer them the best coupons as rise as notify them when items they frequently purchase go on sale, or come in stock. This is a great way to market to your customers. If we watch on t his idea we can integrate a point transcription as well for the customer using the loyalty card. Customers can opt out of the loyalty card and still shop but they happen the risk of not earning the point and may miss out on specials. This allows you to reward customers without restricting your customers. Since this card would contain the customers personal information such as address, E-Mail, phone, and demographic information you can use it for a material body of other applications as well. The best feature of this would be that by creating an online depict the customer could get a digital receipt rather than a paper one, they could track and view their past purchases, and monitor their earned points as well as redeem them online.Now that we have a way to track the purchase and issue the points we need to develop the point formation for the customers. For this there are a number of woofs that are available. Each has advantages and disadvantages. I will cover most of them in the section that follows. natural selection 1You can base the points off the amount spent by the customer on from severally one order. This would give you a wide range of tractableness while maintaining a ridged system. This type of program would need to have a minimum start point that could potentially cause nearly purchases not to be considered valid. There would also need to be a maximum cut off point so the points do continue to increase. A example is listed in the table below. This method would keep the points resembling and easy to track.Option 2This option is centered on the positive items purchased not the quantify of the items. For this one to work you would have to set a point value for every item in the store this would last(a) be a uniform system but it would be a more exact and specific point system for the customers. By linguistic context the points this way you are rewarding the customers for not only spending property in your store but you are also rewarding them for what they are purchasing. In this plan you can set up special buys for the customer like double point on certain items during certain government note convictions of the year. This will actually help to increase sales on those items along with allow the customer to purchase other items as well.Option 3This final option is focused more on the relative frequency of shipping not the value of the items or even the items themselves. In this option you are awarded points for frequency of shopping. You are given so many points each time you shop up to a set value each day. This would keep customers shopping but may lead to lower value purchases spread over longer period of time. By using this option you do run a risk of having customers stop in ten-fold times and purchase only a couple of items each time in order to maximize the points earned.For each of the options listed above there would be a focus group set up of 10 15 customers they would be the beta group for each option at the end of the test period we would request their input based on their go out with the program, how the point added up, and how easy it was to understand the process. If an option is not met with successful feedback past it would be retest after making adjustment to the option. In this type of emplacement there is often time a lot of trial and erroneous belief to get a process that works for both the customer and the store. once the perfect plan has been found the implementation of the plan would be plum quick.BibliographyKudler Fine Foods Intranet. (2007, 2010, 2011). Retrieved 07 22, 2012, from Kudler Fine Foods https//
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Politics of Plato and Aristotle Essay
Plato and Aristotle are variably considered as some of the greatest political thinkers and philosophers the adult maleity has ever produced. It is worth noting that at one time Aristotle was a learner of Plato at that placefore their political thoughts are al or so similar yet there exists great discrepancies in their teachings. Nevertheless despite the fact that their thoughts were coined in the fourth century they still remain popular even today. In umpteen history circles these two great political philosophers are regarded in divers(prenominal) ways based on their political and philosophical view.Whilst Plato is variably regarded as the first writer of political philosophy, Aristotle on his part is considered to be the first political scientist. (Landman T 34) Abstract reason that was based on moral knowledge was the ground within which Plato based his theories making a departure from Aristotle who based his theories on experience where he envisaged applying them on cover living. Within the political teachings of Plato the well-nigh central theme or talk of is the Republic which primarily deals with the soul that describes justice as the definitive human form.According to Plato, Justice is central to the establishment and the eventual strengthening of the politics attaining happiness in the process. For Plato a consummate bon ton is the focal point, and in his book The Republic, he strives to create an outline of a society that is utopian in nature disregarding the tension of political life. In this outline he therefore sought to carry through a perfect society where present inherent problems are eased by exercise set the human personality and the society at large.According to Plato, politics is regarded as an attempt by man to bring orderliness or muddiness in the regime or his social life. To bring order and honor in the society politics is regarded as the main means to achieve this end because the Republic is a political. (Landman T 38) Ar istotle on the other make it expressed his political thoughts through his writing, Politics. Unlike Plato his concern is more tell towards the regime rather than the individual and justice is the highest goal.Ultimately according to him pot must live together leading to a more joined regime, thus the family is highly stressed in his philosophy because this is where people build up from. Two main fields define Aristotles political learning and include ethics and political philosophy. (Landman T 41) The politicians delegate according to Aristotle is to give laws and to tailor the regimes constitution, after this the coterminous pertinent step for the politician is to sustain and maintain this constitution to suss out the political system is maintained.Aristotle was on the view that the regime makes up what is called a community which is generally established for some particular good. (Keyt D. & Miller, F 69) Both Aristotle and Plato had different views about appropriate lea dership to govern the regime. For Aristotle the most beneficial leadership for the regime is a kingship, which is followed by Aristocracy, then Polity, Democracy, Oligarchy and last Tyranny as its extreme. (Lord C 122). However according to Plato the highest or the most beneficial is the Timocracy which is followed by Oligarchy, then Democracy and Tyranny at the bottom.Plato had a more pessimistic view of the change in regime which he regarded as a linear circumstance that is uncontrollable which is always deteriorating. thus a regime can never improve in every way. Aristotle on the other hand is of a divergent opinion that is starry-eyed and considers change as a non-linear progression that can sometimes go from worse to better and vice- versa, where the regime has a probability of rehabilitating itself.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Complaint letter
hush up she informed me that Ms. Portfolio shouldnt have left over(p) any longer have a chose to take the quiz at an other time, accordingly went back to class take the MOA quiz 2. After I left the room from finishing what I could do on the quiz students that were make with their quiz had informed me that she had made a call on her electric cellphone phone to Ms. Allay concerning me and allowing to speak freely among the other student business me malaria and grosser and other slanderous words towards me, which I thought was very unskilled of her to do. Also, she was very rude to speak abtaboo me in that manner.I was dumbfounded by how rude Ms. Portfolio behavior was today. After I was informed about the chance that had just occurred I went down to her office to con cause her about it. She was oratory with Ms Allay about me, I didnt hear exactly what was macrocosm said but saw a look of relief on her face that I was t here, maybe she had thought we could talk things over. I told Ms. Portfolio that did non appreciate how she speak about me so rudely in front Of the class and that I hope next time if she had something to say about a student it would be in private.She then got upset and told Ms. Allay to suspend me, I then got upset as well and spoke a little strongly to her saying On what ground after part you suspend me for if I have done anything wrong other than relative you that your actions were unprofessional, I have never disrespected you in any way, have not verbally or physically abused you She then yelled out If she still remains her I can no longer be here. This altercation has upset me and embarrassed me, made me feel demoralised to continue my stay at your program. Ms. Portfolio makes me feel unwanted in the facility.Ultimately I am writing this letter with the hope that my complaint about Ms. Portfolio impart be resolved. I appreciate the time you have taken to consider this letter and consider the grievance that I have contacted you about. If you have any additional questions or would like to talk to me about resolution options. dejection be contacted at my email address Eva. Jove. email&160protected Com or my cell phone (415)635-9936. Would like to get this resolved as quickly as possible so that I can better fully strain on my studies and completing the rest of my nine month course here at MILS in healthy environment.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Brittens Assignment
Bernie and Pam Britten argon a young married suspender beginning c areers and establishing a household. They will each make about $50,000 undermentioned year and will suffer accumulated about $40,000 to invest. They now look at an apartment but are considering purchasing a condo for $100,000. If they do, a down payment of $10,000 will be required. They have discussed their situation with Lew McCarthy, an investing advisor and personal friend, and he has recommended the following investments The condominium expected yearly increase in market trade account = 5%.municipal bonds expected annual rejoinder = 5%. High- devote corpo account depots expected dividend yield = 8%. nest egg account in a commercial bank-expected annual yield = 3%. High-growth customary stocks expected annual increase in market value = 10% expected dividend yield = 0. Calculate the after- revenue enhancement yields on the foregoing investments, expect the Brittens have a 28% marginal revenue en hancement rate (based on Public Law 108-27, The Jobs and increment Tax Relief Reconciliation turn of 2003). How would you recommend the Brittens invest their $40,000? SolutionWe use the provisions outlined in The Jobs and outgrowth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 to exercise the applicable tax revenue rates to be faced by the Brittens a married distich field of operation to a 28% marginal tax rate for the varied investment decisions they will pursue. Given that the tax-free yield for each investment has been provided, we compute for the after-tax yield using this formula After-Tax admit = Tax-Free Yield x (1 tax rate). But first, let us determine the tax rate applicable to the Brittens for each of the investments.A. The condominium expected annual increase in market value = 5%. The 5% increase in market value of the condominium is not subject to taxes. While taxes are set at 18%, the Brittens can expense up to $100,000 of the berth pursuant to the Section 179 Exp ensing, and can take advantage of the bonus depreciation. Hence, tax rate is de minimis, or maybe assumed at 0%. B. Municipal bonds expected annual yield = 5%. Any annual yield from municipal bonds is not taxed at the Federal Level.Municipal bonds are usually-tax exempt. Hence, tax rate is 0%. C. High-yield corporate stocks expected dividend yield = 8%. Dividends received by a stockholder are taxed the same way as roof pass income. The 8% dividend yield, if it qualifies as a qualified jacket crown gain or dividend, will be subject to the 15% tax rate, for the Brittens. D. nest egg account in a commercial bank-expected annual yield = 3%. Savings account in a commercial bank is subject to the Brittens marginal tax rate, which is 28%. E.High-growth common stocks expected annual increase in market value = 10% expected dividend yield = 0. High-growth common stocks are subject to 15% taxes. While the yield, which is subject to capital gains tax, is 0, any gain from the disposition of stock is considered a gross income, and is considered a capital gain, which is subject to 15% tax. Using those tax rates, we can compute for the after-tax yields Pre-Tax Yield Tax After-Tax Yield Condominum 5% 0% 5. 00% Municipal Bonds 5% 0% 5. 00% HY Corporate Stocks 8% 15% 6. 80%Savings circular 3% 28% 2. 16% HG Common Stocks 10% 15% 8. 50% Basing from the after-tax yield itself, the best investment for the Brittens would be the High Growth Common stock. The Brittens 40,000 dollar investment may grow by 8. 50% if the whole amount is invested in High Growth Common Stock. However, if we take in to account the risks and the degrees of liquidity, or if the investment could be easily morose to cash. Municipal bonds and savings account (which are guaranteed) for example, while low yield, have low default risks.High yield corporate stocks, and high growth common stocks, while high yield, are subject to the volatility of the stock market, and are very high risk. Stock prices are fluc tuating everyday, and the value of the stock would depend upon the companys performance and investor interest on the company. The condominium investment is medium risk, since it is also subject to supply and demand rattling estate investments, for example, at these times are subject to risk cod to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Case 1.12:Madoff Securities
Case 1. 12 Madoff Securities Questions 1. Research recent developments involving this case. repeat these developments in a bullet format. 2. Suppose that a large investment slopped had approximately 10 percent of its total assets invested in funds managed by Madoff securities. What audit procedures should the investment strongs independent tenders has use to those assets? 3. Describe the nature and purpose of a chum review. Would peer reviews of Friehling &038 Horowitz oblige apt(predicate) resulted in the discovery of the Madoff role player? Why or wherefore not? 4.Professional auditing standards discuss the three key conditions that ar typically deliver when a financial lampoon occurs and identify a lengthy inclination of deceit lay on the line factors. Briefly explain the difference between a fraud condition and a fraud risk factors, and add examples of each. What fraud conditions and fraud risk factors were app bently present in the Madoff case? 5. In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommend other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in preventing or detecting frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff. Answers 1.Recent developments involving the case Madoff Securities Bernie Madoffs son, spot Madoff committed suicide on celestial latitude 11, 2010. His suicide may meet been influenced because at that place was an investigation on Marks children on grounds that Bernie transferred funds to their accounts. Peter Madoff pleaded guilty to his amour in the Ponzi scheme run by his brother. Peter Madoff serve welld as the top dog compliance officer. Irving Picard, the trustee in charge of liquidating Madoffs assets, has asked a new-fashioned York court for approval to distribute an additional $1. 5 meg to investors who bewildered money in Madoffs fraudulent investments.It is estimated that Picard has already recovered $9. 1 billion but has still been satisfactory to distrib ute $1. 1 billion so far. In May 2010, about 720,000 Madoff investors outside the United States colonized with their depones, receiving about $15. 5 billion in all, according to law wholes representing them. In June 2012, the Supreme Court said it would not take up a dispute over how the claims of victims of Mr. Madoffs huge Ponzi scheme should be calculated. Without comment, the elevated court declined to hear an appeal from lawyers for investors who got back all the cash they had invested with Mr.Madoff in advance his December 2008 arrest. 2. If a large investment firm had approximately 10 percent of its total assets invested in funds managed by Madoff Securities, the audit procedures that the firms independent auditors should look very closely be most procedures that will help the auditor to identify inherent and control risks that gift to misstatements in poise sheets. He/she should make sure that the detection risk is as low as possible and the key proceeding are confi rmed for its accuracy.By addressing issues of materiality, the auditor will eliminate misstatements to overstate the investment on the balance sheets. PCAOB AU Section 329A states that apprehensiveness financial relationships is essential in planning and evaluating results of analytical procedures and generally requires knowledge of the client industry. The auditor, by understanding the nature of the billet crowd out identify and categorize the types of risk that can be assessed. The auditor will have to do research about the business and how transactions are handled and processed.Knowing about the clients business the auditor will better obtain sufficient, reliable, and relevant evidence to bring home the bacon his audit objectives. Analytical procedures are used as a indispensable probe where the auditor considers the level of assurance he/she wants from the substantive establish for audit objective. The independent auditor main goal is to be able to establish the accuracy of major accounts and confirm that the assets the firm has recorded real exist. For instance, the auditor should to take key transactions of the assets and make sure that those transactions are accurate and recorded properly.Also he may conduct bank reconciliations on pertinent accounts to make sure no discrepancies or misstatements are found. The auditor should also perform vertical and horizontal analysis for the income statements and balance sheets by the use of ratios. Moreover, the auditor should preform test for effectiveness of interior controls. He may interview heed by asking questions on the process of the transactions and operational activities. He may discuss with forethought the process of some transactions from beginning to end and then test it by using sample testing.Also he/she should make sure that there is proper control of activities policies and procedures for adequate segregation of duties are met. 3. A peer review is a process of subjecting research methods and findings to the study of others who are experts in the same field. The purpose is designed to prevent dissemination of irrelevant findings, dotty claims, unacceptable interpretations, and personal views. It relies on colleagues that review one anothers work and make an informed decision about whether it is legitimate, and adds to the large conference or findings in the field.A peer review of Frieshling &038 Horowitz would result in the discovery of the Madoff fraud because questions would have been raised about the resource capability of the firm to handle such a large account given that it only had one accountant. Moreover, the Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews Section cat valium states that purpose is to provide standards for administrating, planning, preforming a good monitoring of the CPA firms account and auditing practice to promote good quality to serve the public interest. 4.The SAS 99 describes three conditions of fraud incentives/pressures to c ommit fraud, opportunities that circumstances provide opportunities to commit, and attitudes/rationalizations which is an attitude, a character or set of ethical values exists that allows management or employees to commit dishonest act. Some of the fraud risk factors in Madoff Securities case include Incentives/Pressures Greenness- Madoff alship canal wanted more. He wanted to sojourn fresh a rich lifestyle for him and his family, as well as to stay as one of the top investment firm.Opportunities Madoff firm did not have proper monitoring controls as well as the ineffective accounting system, internal audit and information technology staff. Attitudes/Rationalizations No one dumb his strategy no one could communicate with him about investments SAS 99 requires the auditor to assess whether fraud risk factors exist. Fraud risk means that the likeliness of committing the fraud is high. For instance based on case some of fraud risk factors are high degree of competition or food mark et saturation, accompanied by declining margins. assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenses based on significant estimates 5. former(a) reforms recommended are for the victims of the fraud would be that the victims need to be more informed of whom they are investing their money with. The victims should perform more research the family in which they would like to invest their money. They should ask them self-questions if the business owner has a good reputation, is he/she have a criminal record, and if he/she has visualize in operating a business. Also, today the economy is hard and if a return on an investment seems too good to be adjust probably here is something wrong going on (fraud class, prof. Edward Mann). Moreover, the other ways that would effectively prevent or detect fraud similar to Madoff are organizing the enforcement division that will monitoring unusual investment returns, improving fraud detection procedures for examiners, recruiting staff with specialized experi ence, expanding and targeting training to improving internal controls procedures, close in firms with whistleblower program increasing educational request for specific licenses lapsing management and employees
Monday, January 14, 2019
Enzyme Catalase Labs
Varibles that affect Enzyme catalysis Reaction Rates Introduction Molecules be constantly moving in our bodies and in nature. When molecules move fast enough they collide into one another, lay offing chemical substance substance chemical receptions to occur. Factors such as temperature and concentrations rear either help increase or decrease these replys. (Jubenville. ) Enzymes are known as accelerator pedal because they are suitable to speed up reaction rates without creation destroyed or altered. They are able to encourage chemical reactions by decreasing the button of activation.The main function of enzyme catalase is to convert henry peroxide (H2O2) in our bodies into group O and water system. This can buoy be visually call forn when heat content peroxide is put on a wound and the peroxide bubbles. Enzymes can withal be effect in plant cells and fungi. (Huston. ) In this experiment we canvass the many variables that can change the rate of this reaction such as temperature, concentration levels of enzyme catalase and pH values. We are able to track these changes using an O2 Gas Sensor. (Enzymes. ) It is predicted that the rate of reaction will increase with temperature, pH levels and concentration. MethodsThree trial run underpasss were each alter with 5 mL of 3% henry peroxide and 5 mL of water. 10 drops of enzymes suspension was and then added to the Naigene domiciliate for each observation. attempt tubes one, devil and trine were added to the Naigene chamber respectively. The O2 Gas Sensor was laid on top of the Naigene chamber. The Naigene chamber was swirled for 60 seconds while the O2 Gas Sensor recorded the oxygen cosmos released during the reaction. The results were recorded. To study the effects of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction, four test tubes were each modify with 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5 mL of water.For each test observation 5, 10, 15 and 20 drops of enzyme catalase were primed(p) in the Naig ene chamber. The four test tubes were then added respectively. The Naigene chamber was swirled for 60 seconds while the O2 Gas Sensor recorded the oxygen world released during the reaction. To test the effect of temperature on reaction rate, three test tubes were each make full with 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5 mL of water. For each observation 10 drops of enzyme catalase was added to the Naigene chamber. tally tube one was placed in ice (temperature of 0-5 C). Test tube wo was placed in agency temperature (20-25 C). Test tube three was placed in warm water (30-35 C). Each test tube was held in this surroundings for five minutes. The Naigene chamber was swirled for 60 seconds while the O2 Gas Sensor recorded the oxygen be released during the reaction. To measure the effect of pH on catalase activity, three test tubes were each alter with 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5 mL of the appropriate pH buffer. Test tube one was filled with 5 mL of pH 4. Test tube two was fill ed with 5 mL of pH 7. Test tube three was filled with 5 mL of pH 10.Ten drops of enzyme catalase was added to the Naigene chamber and test tube one, two and three were added respectively. The O2 Gas Sensor was placed on top of the Naigene chamber and was swirled for 60 seconds. The O2 Gas Sensor then recorded the oxygen being released during the reaction. To measure the effect of different substrare concentrations on catalase reactions, three test tubes were utilise and labeled one, two and three. Test tube one was filled with 3 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 7 mL of water. Test tube two was filled with 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5 mL of water.Test tube three was filled with 7 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3 mL of water. 10 drops of catalase suspension was placed in the Naigene bottle for each observation. Test tube one, two and three were then added to the Naigene chamber respectively. The O2 Gas Sensor was placed on top of the Naigene chamber and was swirled for 60 seconds . The O2 Gas Sensor then recorded the oxygen being released during the reaction. Results protrude 1 Test underground Number Rate of sign Reaction (m) 1 0. 085282 2 0. 074574 3 0. 09223 opine 1 The average reaction rate of the enzyme concentration. learn 2 Test Tube Drops of enzyme suspension Rate of Initial Reaction (m) 1 5 0. 060459 2 10 0. 071033 3 15 0. 0966 4 20 0. 15003 Figure 2 Changes in reaction rate due to the enzyme concentration. Figure 3 Test Tube Temperature measured Rate of Initial Reaction (m) 1 0-5 C 0. 038694 2 20-25 C 0. 084487 3 30-35 C 0. 065194 Figure 3 Changes in reaction rate due to the effects of different temperatures. Figure 4 Test Tube pH level Rate of Initial Reaction (m) 1 4 0. 013519 2 7 0. 045141 3 10 0. 049314Figure 4 Changes in reaction rate due to the pH level of the solution. Figure 5 Test Tube marrow of H2O2 Amount of H2O Rate of Initial Reaction (m) 1 3 7 0. 027672 2 5 5 0. 09168 3 7 3 0. 1087 Figure 5 Changes in reaction rate due to differe nt ratios of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and water (H2O) In figure 1, we can see that the figures for each test were relatively the same. This is because the amount and type of chemicals employ in each test were the same. Figure two shows the initial rate of reaction increasing as the amount of enzyme suspension increases.This evidence demonstrates that the enzyme suspension allowed the reaction to occur more rapidly. Figure 3 demonstrates how temperature can play a role in rate of reaction. Our figures show that showed that rate of reaction was at a peak when in medium temperatures. Various levels of pH too played a role in rate of reaction. Figure 4 demonstrates that the higher(prenominal) the pH level, the faster reaction rate was. Figure 5 demonstrates that different ratios of H2O2 and H2O can alter the rate of reaction. The higher amounts of H2O2 allowed higher reaction rates then the lower concentrated amounts.Discussion Enzymes are prudent for almost all chemical reactions that take place. They are made up of proteins and are considered biocatalysts. (Jubenville. ) Biocatalysts can be described as when enzymes are used as catalysts to cause chemical reactions. (Novasep. ) Enzymes are known as catalyst because they are able to speed up reaction rates without being destroyed or altered. They are able to encourage chemical reactions by decreasing the energy of activation. (Huston. ) Enzymes attract substrates to their surface allowing chemical reactions to occur.Every enzyme haves reactive sites which allow very specific chemical reactions. The shape of the reactive site on the enzyme and the shape of the reactive site on the substrate must in all match in order for them to attract to one another. (Jubenville. ) Enzyme catalase can be found in various places of our bodies and nature. The main function of enzyme catalase is to convert hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in our bodies into oxygen and water. This can be visually seen when hydrogen peroxide is put on a wound and the peroxide bubbles. (Huston. ) It can also be found in nature in plants and fungi.These molecules are constantly moving. When moving fast enough they collide into one another, allowing chemical reactions to occur. Factors such as temperature and concentrations can either help decrease or increase these reactions. Concentration of enzyme catalase for example, plays a huge role of how much oxygen will be broken down. Concentrations of enzyme catalase can also increase chances of a chemical reaction occurring because there are more molecules operable to do the job. The higher concentration of enzyme catalase used, the more oxygen will be released during reaction.The temperatures of the environment in which these reactions take place also play a polar role on the reaction. Heat for example, speeds up the movement of molecules allowing more of a chance for them to collide and cause a chemical reaction. (Jubenville. ) pH factors also change reaction rates. pH stands for p ower of hydrogen and measures the concentration on hydrogen ions in a solution. (Hyperphysics. ) The higher the concentration, the more hydrogen ions available to be broken down by enzymes. The more hydrogen or hydrogen eroxide in a solution, the more oxygen being released during the reaction. It was anticipate that reaction rates would increase with higher concentrations of H2O2, pH levels, temperatures and ratios. This was all turn out true through our observations of our experiment.Works Cited Biocatalysis Definition of Biocatalysis in Novasep Glossary. Biocatalysis Definition of Biocatalysis in Novasep Glossary. Novasep, 2010. Web. 1 Oct. 2012. <http//www. novasep. com/misc/glossary. asp? defId=49>. (Novasep. ) Enzymes. Enzymes. Tuberose, n. d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <http//www. uberose. com/Enzymes. hypertext mark-up language>. (Enzymes. ) Frequently Asked Questions A Learn A Houston Enzymes. Frequently Asked Questions A Learn A Houston Enzymes. Huston En zymes, 2010. Web. 1 Oct. 2012. <http//www. houston-enzymes. com/learn/faq. php>. (Huston. ) Jubenville, Robert B. , and Richard G. Thomas. public Biology Laboratory Manual. Third ed. Dubuque Kendall/Hunt, 2008. Print. (Jubenville. ) PH. As a Measure of caustic and Base Properties. Hyperphysics, n. d. Web. 5 Oct. 2012. <http//hyperphysics. phy-astr. gsu. edu/hbase/chemical/ph. html>. (Hyperphysics. )
Part Five Chapter IX
IXThe journey took Krystal lynchpin to her childhood. She had made this trip occasional to St Thomass, all on her own, on the bus. She knew when the abbey would come into sight, and she pointed it place to Robbie.See the volumed ruin castle?Robbie was hungry, except slightly distracted by the excitement of universe on a bus. Krystal held his hand tightly. She had promised him food when they got off at the other(a) end, but she did non know where she would get it. Perhaps she could borrow bills from Fats for a bag of crisps, non to mention the return bus fare.I wen ter school ere, she told Robbie, while he wiped his fingers on the dirty windows, making go up patterns. An youll go to school ere too.When they rehoused her, because of her pregnancy, they were almost certain to bequeath her a nonher handle house nobody wanted to buy them, they were so run down. just now Krystal saw this as a good thing, because in spite of their dilapidation it would put Robbie and the baby in the catchment area for St Thomass. Any panache, Fats parents would almost certainly give her enough money for a washing machine at one time she had their grandchild. They energy even get a television.The bus rolled down a slope towards Pagford, and Krystal caught a glimpse of the glittering river, briefly visible ahead the pass sank too low. She had been disappointed, when she joined the rowing team, that they did not train on the Orr, but on the dirty old canal in Yarvil.Ere we are, Krystal told Robbie, as the bus turned slowly into the flower-decked square.Fats had forgotten that cargo holding in lie of the Black Canon cock sumdt standing opposite Mollison and Lowes and the Copper Kettle. There was to a greater extent than an hour to go until midday, when the cafe opened on Sundays, but Fats did not know how early Andrew had to arrive for work. He had no desire to elate his oldest friend this morning, so he skulked down the side of the pub out of sight, and lone(prenom inal) emerged when the bus arrived.It pulled away, revealing Krystal and a small dirty-looking boy.Nonplussed, Fats loped towards them.Es my brother, verbalize Krystal aggressively, in response to something she had seen in Fats face.Fats made another mental adjustment to what zippy and authentic life meant. He had been fleetingly taken with the opinion of knocking Krystal up (and showing Cubby what real men were able to achieve casually, without effort) but this little boy clinging to his sisters hand and leg disconcerted him.Fats wished that he had not agreed to meet her. She was making him ridiculous. He would rather have gone back to that stinking, squalid house of hers, now that he saw her in the Square.Ave yeh got any money? Krystal demanded.What? verbalize Fats. His wits were slow with tiredness. He could not remember now why he had wanted to sit up all night his tongue was throbbing with all the cigarettes he had smoked.Money, restate Krystal. Es ungry an Ive lost a fiv er. Pay yeh back.Fats stuck a hand in his jeans liberation and touched a crumpled bank note. Somehow he did not want to look too flush in front of Krystal, so he ferreted deeper for change, and finally came up with a small amount of coin and coppers.They went to the tiny newsagents two streets from the Square, and Fats hung around outside while Krystal bought Robbie crisps and a packet boat of Rolos. None of them said a word, not even Robbie, who seemed fearful of Fats. At last, when Krystal had handed her brother the crisps, she said to Fats, Wherell we go?Surely, he thought, she could not mean that they were issue to shag. not with the boy there. He had had some idea of taking her to the Cubby Hole it was private, and it would be a final desecration of his and Andrews association he owed nothing to anyone, any more. notwithstanding he baulked at the idea of fucking in front of a three-year-old.Ell be all right, said Krystal. Es got chocolates now. No, later, she said to Rob bie, who was whining for the Rolos cool it in her hand. When youve ad the crisps.They walked off down the road in the direction of the old stone bridge.Ell be all right, Krystal repeated. E does as es told. Dontcha? she said loudly to Robbie.Wan chocolates, he said.Yeah, in a minute.She could prove that Fats needed cajoling today. She had known, on the bus, that bringing Robbie, however necessary, would be difficult.Whatcha bin up ter? she asked.Party last night, said Fats.Yeah? Who wuz there?He yawned widely, and she had to wait for an answer.Arf Price. Sukhvinder Jawanda. Gaia Bawden.Does she live in Pagford? asked Krystal sharply.Yeah, in Hope Street, said Fats.He knew, because Andrew had let it slip, where she lived. Andrew had never said that he liked her, but Fats had watched him notice Gaia almost constantly in the few classes they shared. He had spy Andrews extreme self-consciousness around her, and whenever she was mentioned.Krystal, though, was thinking about Gaias mot her the only social worker she had ever liked, the only one who had got through to her mother. She lived in Hope Street, the same as Nana Cath. She was probably there right now. What if But Kay had left them. Mattie was their social worker again. Anyway, you werent supposed to bother them at home. Shane Tully had once followed his social worker to her house, and hed got a restraining order for his pains. But then, Shane had earlier seek to heave a brick through the womans car window And, Krystal reasoned, squinting as the road turned, and the river dazzled her eyes with thousands of blinding white spots of light, Kay was still the continueer of folders, the score-keeper and the judge. She had seemed all right, but none of her solutions would keep Krystal and Robbie together We could go down there, she suggested to Fats, pointing at the overgrown stretch of bank, a little way a huge from the bridge. An Robbie could wait up there, on the bench.She would be able to keep an eye on him from there, she thought, and she would make sure he didnt see anything. Not that it was anything he had not seen before, in the days that Terri brought strangers home But, exhausted as he was, Fats was revolted. He could not do it in the grass, under the eye of a small boy.Nah, he said, trying to sound offhand.E won bother, said Krystal. Es got is Rolos. E won even know, she said, although she thought that was a lie. Robbie knew too much. There had been vex at nursery when hed mimicked doing it doggy-style on another child.Krystals mother, Fats remembered, was a prostitute. He detested the idea of what she was suggesting, but was that not inauthenticity?Whassamatter? Krystal asked him aggressively.Nothing, he said.Dane Tully would do it. Pikey Pritchard would do it. Cubby, not in a million years.Krystal walked Robbie to the bench. Fats bent to peer over the back of it, down to the overgrown patch of weeds and bushes, and thought that the kid susceptibility not see anything, but that he would be as straightaway as he could, in any case.Ere yare, Krystal told Robbie, pulling out the long tube of Rolos while he reached for them excitedly. Yeh can ave all of em if yeh jus sit ere fer a minute, all righ? Yeh jus sit ere, Robbie, an Ill be in them bushes. Dyeh understand, Robbie?Yeah, he said happily, his cheeks already full of chocolate and toffee.Krystal slipped and slid down the bank towards the patch of undergrowth, hoping that Fats was not going to make any difficulties about doing it without a condom.
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