Monday, December 30, 2019
Combating Holocaust Denial - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1415 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Holocaust Essay Did you like this example? The Holocaust has been an undisputed fact of history since WW2. Yet there are people out there who deny that it ever happened, or that the events presented to us are altered in some way, be it death count or how the prisoners were actually treated. This belief first appeared almost immediately after the end of World War 2, as people were just learning about the brutality of the Nazi regime. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Combating Holocaust Denial" essay for you Create order A combination of shock and horror of the violence that could be inflicted upon another human being made belief difficult, and had people creating lighter, less horrific stories to ease them. Historically, Holocaust Denial started as the Nazis destroying all documents of their deeds as to cover up what happened in the horror camps. Then later, people were appalled at the reports that came out regarding the concentration camps. Not to mention that previously, there was an anti German account in the papers called The German Corpse Factory that made fallacious claims. These lies undermined the validity of the news from the camps and made sending relief difficult. Furthermore, when put on trial, the Nazis claimed that the camps were lies put up by the Brits in an attempt to get them sentenced, and cited the Corpse Factory as proof that they had lied once before. Actually the Corpse Factory story is cited as a particular reason for why people doubted the Holocaust because, as the Christian Century put it The parallel between this story and the corpse factory atrocity tale of the First World War is too striking to be overlooked. Some early major players in denying would be several members of the SS. They claimed that the Holocaust was nothing but a lie spread throughout the world to discredit and vilify them. They were able to able to build some form of a defense because of precautions they took during, the germans wrote down as little as possible about their plans/ orders to avoid having documents fall into oppositions hands. Most of the killing orders were communicated verbally, particularly with the higher-ups. Hitlers order to kill Jews was issued only on a need-to-know basis. The leaders generally avoided detailed planning of killing operations, preferring to proceed in a systematic but often improvised manner. The Germans destroyed most documentation that did exist before the end of the war, making it hard to pin them with the crime. With a lack of documented evidence, they were able to convince some of the population that the Holocaust was a lie. Even the modern heralds for Denial, cite this lack of documented evidence as an important detail for denying. Most notable modern denyers include; B.o.B who said in his song Flatline Do your research on David Irving, Stalin was way worse than Hitler, Thats why the POTUS gotta wear a kippah. Historian David Irving, who was cited by English court for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence as well as distorting historical evidence in his books to portray Hitler in a favorable and sympathetic light. Irvings beliefs have shifted wildy to Hitler was bad to Hitler was great, even going as far as to say that he and Hitler had a spiritual connection and that it was his job to wipe away the slime that was unjustly applied. Bobby Fischer, chess grandmaster and eleventh world chess champion,was also anti semitic. Jan Hein Donner, Dutch Grandmaster, wrote that at the time of 1961, He idolized Hitler and read everything about hi m that he could lay his hands on. He also championed a brand of anti-semitism that could only be thought up by a mind completely cut off from reality.. There is also Fred A. Leuchter, infamous for his botched and unscientific report titled the Leuchter Report which has been disproven and has been criticised for a complete disregard for the Scientific Method. These people all had different ways of coming to the belief that the Holocaust was wrong. Irving apparently read several reports and heard several accounts from sources that were later proven to be fallacious, biased, and generally incorrect, although the damage was done, and he started endorsing denial movements. He even got all the neo nazis in England to join one faction that he presided over called Focus. This venture fell short though due to lack of funds. B.o.B seems to have been influenced by the writings and lectures of David Irving, once again, saying in his song Flatline that Irving had done his research and that Stalin was worse than Hitler. Leuchter changed when he was asked to provide a paper detailing if gas chambers existed at Auschwitz to provide defense at Ernie Zundels trial. Ernie was a photo retoucher who also operated a small-press called Samisdat Publishers which published and distributed Holocaust-denial material such as Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard H arwood. In 1985, he was convicted under a false news law and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment by an Ontario court for disseminating and publishing material denying the Holocaust. The Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg was a witness for the prosecution at the 1985 trial. But his conviction was overturned in an appeal on a legal technicality, resulting in a second trial in 1988, in which he got himself again convicted. The 1988 trial included Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving and Robert Faurisson as witnesses for the defense. Leuchter report was presented as a defense document and was published in Canada in 1988 by Zundels Samisdat Publishers, and in Britain in 1989 by Irvings Focal Point Publishing. In both of his trials, Zundel was defended by Douglas Christie and Barbara Kulaszka. His conviction was overturned in 1992 when the Supreme Court of Canada declared the false news law unconstitutional. Zundel has a website, web-mastered by his wife Ingrid, which publicises his viewpoints. This website landed him in more legal trouble as, in January 2002, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal delivered a ruling involving a complaint with his website, in which it was found t o be defying the Canadian Human Rights Act. The court ordered Zundel to cease spreading his hate messages. In February 2003, he was arrested again in Tennessee based on an immigration violations matter, and few days later, Zundel was sent back to Canada, where he tried to gain refugee status. Zundel remained in prison until March 1, 2005, when he was deported to Germany and prosecuted for disseminating hate propaganda. In 2007, Zndel was convicted on 14 counts of incitement under Germanys Volksverhetzung law, which bans the spread of hatred against a portion of the population. During this the details of how the Leuchter report came out. He traveled to Auschwitz with a draftsman, a cinematographer supplied by Zndel, a translator fluent in German and Polish, and his wife. Once at the former Auschwitz concentration camp site, and another at the Majdanek concentration camp. At these, they filmed Leuchter illegally collecting what he said were quality samples of materials from the wreck of the former gas extermination facilities. His wife and translator were lookouts in case authorities came around. Drawings of where the samples were taken from, the film footage of the sample collection and Leuchters notebook detailing the work were given to the trial court as evidence. Leuchter claimed that his work and writings were based on his expert knowledge of gas chamber operation, his visual inspection of what remained of the structures at Auschwitz, and original drawings and blueprints of some of the facilities. He said that the blueprints had been given to him by Aus chwitz Museum officials. When questioned about his authority on the subject, he admitted that he wasnt a toxicologist, he only had a B.A. in art, and then went to say that he didnt need to be a toxicologist to study toxicology samples. The judge presiding over the hearing said that his methodology was ridiculous and preposterous, and dismissed many of the reports conclusions on the basis that they were basically second-hand information, and refused to allow him to testify on the effect of Zyklon B on humans because he had never worked with the substance, and was neither a toxicologist nor a chemist. The judge even dismissed Leuchters opinion because it was of no greater value than that of an ordinary tourist. Several of the people Leuchter claimed to have helped him, like DuPont and the officials that gave him the blueprints for the crematoria at the concentration camps, have said that they never helped or offered to help, and that he basically lied.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Bombing Of Egypt s Attack - 781 Words
Heights to coincide with Egypt’s attack. The Syrians were able to make headway into Israeli territory, but within the span of three days Israel was also able to push Syria out of their territory and back behind the cease fire line. The Israeli’s then initiated a four-day counterstrike on the Egypt’s infrastructure. The Israeli Army first attacked the Syrian city of Damascus. Sadat ordered his troops to go on the offensive in order to capture two more strategic areas in the Sinai Peninsula. Sadat had hoped that doing this would make his position stronger when it came time for peace negotiations. The attack by the Egyptian’s was quickly put down. The Israeli’s counterattacked by crossing the Suez Canal and entering into Egypt. They advanced southward and westward to the city of Suez. The attack was carried out on Yom Kippur, which is the holiest day in the Jewish faith. That year the month of October was also the Ramadan, which is the Muslimâ €™s holy month. The cease fire that had been established by the United Nations was broken on October 22 1973. On October 24 the Israeli’s completed their entrapment of Egypt’s Third Army and Suez. The result of this action was the escalation of tensions between The United States and The Soviet Union. Another ceasefire was established on October 25 in order to end the war. The Failings of Israel in the Ramadan War Three members of the Israeli government, which included Prime Minister Golda Meir met on the morning of the RamadanShow MoreRelatedIn the post Osama bin Laden era al-Qaedist ideology is flourishing across the Arab world. A1300 Words  | 6 Pagesafter claiming an attack carried out in Egypt. Oct 7th the day after the Egyptian holiday commemorating the 1973 War with Israel, a truck bomb exploded next to the Hilton Hotel in the resort town of Taba, close to the Israeli border. Just to the south of Taba, smaller bombs exploded at a resort campsite popular to Israelis. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
John Donne’s Poetic Philosophy of Love Free Essays
John Donne’s Poetic Philosophy of Love For the enormously complex and vexed John Donne (1572-1631), the one in whom all â€Å"contraries meet,†(Holy Sonnet 18), life was loveâ€â€the love of women in his early life, then the love of his wife (Ann More), and finally the love of God. All other aspects of his experience apart from love, it seems, were just details. Love was the supreme concern of his mind, the preoccupation of his heart, the focus of his experience, and the subject of his poetry. We will write a custom essay sample on John Donne’s Poetic Philosophy of Love or any similar topic only for you Order Now The centrality and omnipresence of love in Donne’s life launched him on a journey of exploration and discovery. He sought to comprehend and to experience love in every respect, both theoretically and practically. As a self appointed investigator, he examined love from every conceivable angle, tested its hypotheses, experienced its joys, and embraced its sorrows. As Joan Bennett said, Donne’s poetry is â€Å"the work of one who has tasted every fruit in love’s orchard. . . †Combining his love for love and his love for ideas, Donne became love’s philosopher/poet or poet/philosopher. In the context of his poetry, both profane and sacred, Donne presents his experience and experiments, his machinations and imaginations, about love. Some believe that Donne was indeed â€Å"an accomplished philosopher of erotic ecstasy†(Perry 2), but such a judgment seems to be too much. Louis Martz notes that â€Å"Donne’s love-poems take for their basic theme the problem of the place of love in a physical world dominated by change and death. The problem is broached in dozens of different ways, sometimes implicitly, sometimes explicitly, sometimes by asserting the immortality of love, sometimes by declaring the futility of love†. Donne was not an accomplished philosopher of eroticism per se, but rather a psychological poet who philosophized about love, sometimes playfully, sometimes seriously. The question, thus, arises as to the nature and content of Donne’s philosophy of love serendipitously expressed in his sacred and profane poetry. I will also argue that this particular philosophical perspective in Donne established the basis for the intimate connection between his profane and sacred poetry in which religious and sexual themes are closely linked and intermeshed. After briefly touching on the intellectual atmosphere in which Donne worked, I will proceed to examine the Ovidian and Petrarchan traditions in Donne’s amatory lyrics, and their respective contributions to his philosophy of love. The subject of Petrarchism was â€Å"love,†of course, emotional and spiritual love â€Å"conceived as a noble way of life, and the lover as an aristocrat of feeling†(Guss 49). Donne’s development in his profane poetry of the nobility and aristocracy of Petrarchan love was by means of these essential themes including, . . . he proem, the initiation of love [â€Å"The Good Morrow†] , the complaint against the lady’s obduracy [â€Å"Twickenham Garden†], the expression of sorrow at parting [â€Å"The Expiration†], the remonstrance against the god Love [Love’s Exchange†], the elegy on the lady’s death [â€Å"A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day, being the shortest day†], and th e renunciation of love [â€Å"Farewell to Love†]. Other common themes are the lady’s eyes, her hair, her illness [â€Å"The Fever†], the dream [â€Å"The Dream†], the token [â€Å"A Jet Ring Sent†], the anniversary of love [â€Å"The Anniversary†], and the definition of love [â€Å"Negative Love†]. How can a man and a woman achieve a love which is not based on rank sensuality, and yet which recognizes human physicality and ascribes a proper role and function to the body? How can a man and woman love one another with deep spiritual intensity and soulful devotion, and yet at the same time stop short of romantic or emotional idolatry? How can both components of humanityâ€â€body and soulâ€â€be brought together into a happy synthesis to create a love that eschews the problems of Ovidian immorality and Petrarchan idolatry, but is rather ordinate and rightly ordered? The answers to these questions and the resolution of these tensions are found in Donne’s concept of idealized love generated largely under the influence of a Christian Platonism which establishes the sine qua non of his philosophy of love. It is a philosophy of love that seeks to balance the roles and establish right relations between both body and soul. Donne’s perspective is an attempt at integration, at wholeness, a striving at the reconciliation of opposing, dialectical forces. It seems that ever since the fall of humanity, life has been characterized by division and fragmentation: God vs. man, heaven vs. earth, man vs. woman, body vs. soul, action vs. contemplation, theory vs. practice, and so on. Donne seeks to heal and harmonize at least one aspect of a divided world: his view is body and soul, not body or soul. He defines and describes the component parts of love in light of the comprehensive nature of humanity. His position would seem to answer the questions and resolve the tensions created by the Ovidian and Petrarchan traditions in his love poetry. It would avoid the Ovidian problem of sexual immorality, and Petrarchan problem of romantic idolatry. Love is powerful, and it may very well abuse the body or the soul in its quest for satisfaction. But it can be rightly ordered as well. Donne’s outlook finds an appropriate place for both the body and the soul in a rightly ordered love. When coupled with his devotional poetry, the pattern indeed becomes complete, for it is in the love of God, which is the highest of all love, that human love itself finds its meaning and final reference point. If it is true that all human love has as its source and meaning in the very love of God, then there must be a reciprocal relationship between these two forms of love, the infinite and the finite. God’s love validates human love, and human love reflects and images God’s. There is an intimate connection between love both human and divine. This would certainly be true in Donne’s Christian Platonism in which all things on earth, including human love, are a reflection of and point to things in heaven. How to cite John Donne’s Poetic Philosophy of Love, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Audit and Assurance in Australia
Questions: (1). Assume you are an auditor and are facing the following separate circumstances .All the following items are material .You can assume that management have refused to make any changes necessary to make the financial report true and fair so that the circumstances mentioned still exist. a. The value of the write off for the Allowance for Doubtful Debts is inadequate .Management are unwilling to adjust it although the amount leads to a material misstatement of Accounts Receivable. The amount of the misstatement is limited to the Receivables and is able to be calculated. b. A retailer provides a valuation for inventory at sales price less an allowance for sales margin. c. The Block company has just been advised that its main customer who purchases 45% of its stock has just gone into liquidation.Due to the specific nature of its products Block company is unlikely to find another customer of this size.Block has been starting to have difficulties in making sufficient sales to continue ope rating. d. The Croucher company has been valuing its buildings using the fair value method .Its buildings are currently shown in the balance sheet at their current market value of 18.5 million. The buildings had originally cost 12 million. e. The Kaycee company values its inventory at LIFO and is unwilling to change it to FIFO as required by the Australian accounting standards.The amount of the misstatement is known and is limited to its effect on the inventory . f. The Genome company has prepared its financial statements but has left out details of its related party disclosures due to privacy issues.This information is required to be included under the Australian accounting standards and while the effects are material they are able to be calculated. Required: For each of the above situations state the Audit Opinion that should be given with a brief reason/explanation related to each one . (2). The Office Two company sells various stationery and office equipment through its stores .It sells items both at its shopfront and through its internet order service .Orders accepted over the phone are delivered in the Sydney metropolitan area within one day . All sales are made for cash.The following are the procedures for sales. a. Customers in the store pay for their stationery giving the cash to a staff member at the desk .The staff member creates an Invoice and gives the customer a receipt on a copy of the Invoice . b. Customers who have ordered over the phone are given a sales order number by the staff member who prints two copies of the order.The staff member then collects the items from the store and arranges delivery of the order ,giving the goods and the invoice copies of the order to the driver. c. The driver delivers the goods to the customer collects the cash from the customer and receipts the customers copy of the invoice. d. The driver returns and hands over the cash and the second copy of the Invoice to a staff member in the store. e. At the end of each day each staff member gives all cash they taken to the Store Manager who locks it in the safe overnight. f. The next day the staff manager opens the safe and takes the cash to the bank alone . Required: Identify the weaknesses in the above procedures. Answers: (1). a. In this particular question, problem arises from writing off allowance for doubtful debts in inadequate manner. Management showed no interest in changing necessary adjustments for provision on bad debts in financial reports for the same (Whittington and Pany 2012). It is necessary to understand audit concept of the situation as far as possible. Company should conduct annual audit for reviewing accounts receivable in detailed analysis. Accounts receivable includes largest assets. Auditors need to change considerable amount of time for gaining assurance for future analysis purpose. Management needs to conduct audit activities for trace receivables in general ledger as well as calculating receivable reports. It investigates on reconciling items as well as testing invoices in receivable reports in the most appropriate way. It matches with shipping log and confirms with accounts receivable in reviewing cash receipts in an effective way (Whittington 2011). b. In this particular question, it requires addressing issues relating valuation of sales prices in allowance with sales margin for the same (Stuart 2012). Auditors have reviewed that revenue recognition poses issues in case of consignment sales, round-trip sales as well as refunding and returning the rights. Management are under pressures in misstating revenues in encouraging investors for impressing upper-level management as well as Board of Directors for the same. Auditors should solve the issues by conducting analytical procedures like running of financial ratio. It compares ways for setting industry benchmarks in the most appropriate way. In case of revenue cycle, auditors should examine gross profit margin as well as amount of growth in experiencing in one year in an effective way (Scott and Jacka 2011). It analyzes organization maximum capacity of sales and facilities of employees for full utilization for future analysis purpose. c. In this particular question, auditors need to solve issues of Block Company. It has gone into liquidation by main customers at 45% for the same (Reding 2011). Auditors need to conduct sales audit in the near future. Auditors need to take corrective actions on Block Company depending upon sales audit as far as possible. Sales audit is comprehensive as well as periodic interpretation of business environment and determination of areas in gaining opportunities in the most appropriate way. It recommends proper course of action as well as improving the sales performance of Block Company. Sales audit begins with aim in recruiting hiring procedures of sales staff members (Pflugarth 2011). It needs to complete record of personnel in relation with backgrounds, experience as well as method of selection of Block Company. d. In this particular question, auditors need to solve issues faced by Croucher Company for future analysis purpose. It is noticed that buildings are valued under fair value method that needs correction as far as possible. Fair value is used for financial reporting system as far as possible. It uses wide range of measuring financial instruments at fair value analysis (Louwers 2011). It calculates impairments in recording assets and liabilities for the same. It needs to assume for business combination in accordance with accounting standard. Account standard setters should continue in turning fair value realisation of in relevant measure of assets as well as liabilities in financial reporting measures in an overall manner (Scott and Jacka 2011). e. In this particular question, company shows unwillingness in changing deprecation method from LIFO method to FIFO method in the near future. It needs to use FIFO in accordance with Accounting Standard. Audit client needs to evaluate in the ending valuation for transferring amount for future analysis purpose (Leung 2011). It transfers amount from the balance sheet transactions for inventory account as well as income statement analysis in the most appropriate way. f. In this particular question, Genome Company had avoided details of party related disclosure that harms reputation of business organization on an adverse manner. It needs to be calculated as per AASB and FASB accounting for future analysis purpose (Kemp 2013). Auditor should involve in maintaining confidentiality of information for smooth functioning of business organization. (2). This particular company sells stationary as well as office equipment through its stores. It aims at selling shop front as well as through internet order services for the same. It identified certain weakness that company does not accept credit from the vendor (Hooks 2011). Credit transactions help in attracting vendor for smooth functioning of business organization. In this case, it is advisable that accountant is appointed for calculation of sales invoices using computerized system. Manual calculation is time-consuming and has the possibility of errors for the same. Customers are paying in cash at the purchase of stationary from the shop. It requires creation of sales invoices in computerised form for proper ways. In case of order given by phone, customers are given sales order number for verification purpose. It is advisable to evaluate print payment system and delivered the goods on timely manner (Hall and Hall 2011). Staff members should evaluate in giving proper attention of the sales invoice for future analysis purpose. It needs computerised way of handling work in the near future. In the next step, driver delivers the goods to the customers as well as collects cash from the customers. This particular company compares deposits for registering as well as invoice totals for the same. It exactly matches with auditing cash sales for a particular period. It solves issues relating cash-handling problems in business operations in an overall manner (Arens 2012). It examines deposits slips in case of cash and check totals in the most appropriate way. It matches sales figures for victim of lapping (Scott and Jacka 2011). Lapping is a case whereby employees remove check from register as well as is recorded in an effective way. It checks over the days sales in reporting for future analysis purpose. Employee places for checking register as well as removing an identical amount of cash. Sales totals match with deposit totals in losing money (Arens 2011). It records cash totals for indicating removing money in case of sales register. It revolves around comparison with inventory sales figures. It needs to examine customer orders. It includes accounts receivable for representing on customers purchases. It based upon credit transactions for invoicing customers. It needs to compare invoices for checking and receipts for the same. It checks sales invoice in examining deposit records in accounts receivable incomes. It helps in examining bills lading especially from stationary department (Whittington and Pany 2012). In case of cash transactions, it includes total outstanding accounts receivable. It includes any invoices from the viewpoint of customers in against outstanding accounts receivable. In this particular case, it needs to check on the store manager for collection of cash from the customers in the most appropriate way (Whittington and Pany 2012). It needs to check on the outstanding accounts receivable as well as total cash receipts in payment with credit cards. It represents total revenues for specified period. It includes total revenues equals gross sales for specified period for auditing reports. Auditor tests controls over company in sales cycle and determination of reliability actions discussed in the financial statements. Auditors need to select random sample of transactions for future analysis purpose (Scott and Jacka 2011). Auditor determines for financial statements for sales amount as well as accounts receivable for verification of individual transactions in an overall manner. Company uses audit for own procedures as well as transactions in ensuring controls in a strong manner (Whittington and Pany 2012). Internet audit depends upon employee fraud as well as designing control over process for future analysis purpose. Reference List Arens, A. (2011).Auditing, assurance services ethics in Australia. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Arens, A. (2012).Auditing, assurance services and ethics in Australia. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Hall, J. and Hall, J. (2011).Information technology auditing and assurance. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Hooks, K. (2011).Auditing and assurance services. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Kemp, S. (2013).Auditing, assurance and ethics handbook 2013. Milton, Qld: Wiley. Leung, P. (2011).Modern auditing assurance services. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley. Louwers, T. (2011).Auditing assurance services. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Pflugarth, G. (2011).Auditing, assurance and ethics handbook 2011. [Frenchs Forest, N. S. W.]: Pearson Australia. Reding, K. (2011).Internal auditing. Altomonte Springs, Fla. Scott, P. and Jacka, J. (2011).Auditing social media. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Stuart, I. (2012).Auditing and assurance services. Whittington, O. (2011).Principles of auditing other assurance services. [Place of publication not identified]: Irwin Mcgraw-Hill. Whittington, R. and Pany, K. (2012).Principles of auditing other assurance services. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
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