Thursday, November 28, 2019
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Table of Contents Introduction History of Slavery Social Constructs Discrimination Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS) is a traumatic disorder that African Americans have developed following the traumatic experiences of slavery and associated treatments by the whites. Ideally, PTSS is a theory that elucidates the nature and occurrence of certain behaviors among African Americans that relate to slavery.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The social problems that Africans Americans and other Africans across the globe are facing are mainly because of PTSS.1 Since the whites used slavery and racism as a means of oppression, they conditioned the Africans that they are a minority ethnic group. Although Africans have emancipated themselves physically, social and psychological perceptions indicate th at the whites are a major ethnic group. Therefore, despite the fact that slavery has ended, Africans continue to suffer from PTSS, which emanates from traumatic experiences of slavery that their ancestors encountered. History of Slavery During the course of history, Africans Americans experienced slavery because the whites bought them during the slave trade. They predisposed them to torturous conditions of slavery. In the slavery, the whites made African-Americans and other Africans to understand that they are lesser beings who deserve inhumane treatment. Throughout slavery, the Africans endured traumatic experiences for many years that made them change their behaviors in a bid to adapt the conditions of slavery. Slave history of Africans is tremendously shocking since many of them died during enslavement while those who survived endured great ordeal that led them to develop trauma. Experiences of slavery were really traumatizing since millions of Africans died during enslavement as they endured torture, hard labor and harsh conditions of transportation.2 Therefore, slavery experiences were really traumatizing and did predispose slaves to trauma. Hence, the slavery conditions that slaves endured have significantly influenced the behaviors of Africans because of PTSS. In spite of the fact that slavery does not exist in modern society, Africans continue to suffer from PTSS. Trauma that slaves experienced during slavery conditioned Africans to change their behaviors to adapt traumatic experiences that threatened their lives. Change of behaviors is a survival mechanism that enabled slaves to endure slavery. It predisposed them to trauma.Advertising Looking for critical writing on african american? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Currently, Africans are suffering from PTSS as reflected in habits, attitudes and behaviors that relate to slavery. For instance, there is differential social, economic and political development between the whites and the blacks. Enduring psychological and emotional damage because of slavery continue to recur from one generation to another among African Americans.3 Hence, social, economic and political differences that exist between the whites and the blacks arise from PTSS. PTSS has significantly influenced the capacities of African Americans because it impairs them from developing themselves, families and communities.4 Thus, to empower the African Americans, one must focus on PTSS, which is a key factor that contributes to social challenges that hinder the African Americans. Social Constructs Social constructs have significantly contributed to the development of PTSS among Africans Americans. Since the whites treated Africans as lesser beings who did not have the capacity to reason, Africans Americans have perceived themselves to be so. In the aspects of social, economic, political and education, Africans Americans have performed so dismally compared to the w hites because they perceive themselves to be inferior. Hence, the inferiority complex that Africans Americans suffer now originates from experiences that slaves encountered. As slavery is a social issue that depicts discrimination in terms of color, the treatment of slaves by the whites gives an impression to African Americans that they are the minority group and less human. A few blacks own homes or businesses because they feel inferior to the whites.5 In this view, the quality of life that slaves lived was quite different from the one their masters lived. Likewise, the quality of life that the whites are living considerably contrasts with the one that the majority of Africans Americans are living. However, differences that exist emphasize the impact of PTSS on the lives of African Americans and other Africans across the world. Thus, the construct of inferiority imposed by the whites influence how Africans perceive themselves relative to the whites. Moreover, the whites hold that A fricans do not need any sleep: they must spend sleepless nights doing the work. Hence, the whites overworked the slaves without providing an opportunity for them to sleep because they do not need it. Because of such construct, the whites justified their inhuman acts of making the slaves to work day and night.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, since the slaves provided free labor, currently the whites perceive Africans to be the source of cheap labor. Africans Americans are also willing to offer cheap labor as compared to their counterparts. Employment patterns indicate that there are jobs that fit Africans while there those that suit the whites. Differences in job orientations occur because PTSS is extending trends of labor that were in slavery. PTSS is evident in racism and discrimination that continues to pervade public insti tutions and political arena in the United States.6 Although slavery ended over 150 years ago, racism is the residual form of slavery that causes PTSS among African Americans. Hence, racism elicits PTSS and reminds Africans Americans of the slavery that their ancestors suffered. The whites also justified their inhuman actions against the Africans by perceiving them as having no feelings of pain and grief. Slave masters treated their slaves brutally because they did not have any feeling concerning their experiences. Given that the whites did not have any feelings towards the slaves, they treated them as though they did not feel pain or grief because of traumatic experiences. The death of a slave was like a death of a dog since none felt their pain or heard their cry. The whites assumed that Africans do not grief: they beat, overworked, tortured, sold and even killed them.7 Hence, slaves deserve inhuman treatment because they do not grief. Current perceptions still exist because crimin al justice system has biases when dealing with criminal issues that involve the whites and blacks. Discrimination Discrimination against African Americans continues to persist in the modern America because of unequal privileges. While African Americans have no privileges, the whites have privileges in that they can access social, political and economic privileges that are in the society. Since slavery, and by extension racism, depict the whites as privileged and the blacks as unprivileged, social, political and economic status of the whites has set precedent for the ethnic minorities to follow. The disparity that exists is that, although inequality of privileges is a national problem that needs immediate attention and solution, the whites do not perceive it as a significant problem for they are more privileged. The white privilege dominates the society in that Africans Americans perceive themselves as unprivileged. Hence, they are struggling to attain the privilege of the whites by abandoning their traditions and lifestyles. Currently, the whites are the pace setters in every facet of life such as social, political, cultural and economic because they have privileges.Advertising Looking for critical writing on african american? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A study conducted indicates that African Americans are susceptible to posttraumatic stress disorder because of racial discrimination.8 This means that PTSS is still predominant among African Americans despite the fact that slavery ended many decades ago. Hence, white privilege continues to subject African Americans to PTSS. Given that racism is a social construct that elevates social status of the white, degrading that of the blacks, the whites perceive racism as a normal social process of life attributed to the difference in ethnicities and races. Although there is significant decline in racial discrimination in the public, discriminating practices that have racial dimensions continue to operate in the society. Contemporary racism is very subtle because it does not depict discrimination explicitly. However, critical analysis shows that the great gap that exists between the whites and the black is mainly because of racism. Racial injustices perpetuate in the society because of chron ic and persistent effects of racism on victims and perpetrators.9 Hence, persistence of racism in the society continues to elicit PTSS among Africans Americans for they continually perceive the whites as masters and oppressors throughout the world. Slavery is a traumatic event that reminds the African Americans of the torture that their ancestors underwent. Likewise, racism is a form of slavery that seeks to perpetuate in the society. Hence, slavery and racism has resulted into classism, which is another form of discrimination that is quite evident in how the whites and the blacks live. Classism divides people into various classes in social, economic and political aspects of life. For instance, the whites belong to high social and economic classes while the blacks belong to low social and economic classes. The whites prefer living in residential houses of high class as compared to the blacks who live in residential houses of low class. Classification of the neighborhoods in terms of color is evident as the whites and the blacks live in separate residential estates that depict differences in social and economic classes. Classism is also evident in the nature of education, employment and social activities that the whites and the black have.10 Hence, the existence of classes based on racial dimensions is a factor that contributes to the development of PTSS among African Americans. Conclusion Slavery is a traumatic experience that predisposes slaves to trauma and the subsequent generations to PTSS. Africans endured trauma during slavery that has significantly changed their behavior and development in the modern society. Hence, African Americans and other Africans across the world are grappling with PTSS, as it has changed their attitudes, habits and behaviors. In essence, PTSS has conditioned the Africans that they must be inferior to the whites in all facets of life, be it social, economic, cultural or political. Therefore, the book, â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder†attributes social problems that Africans are experiencing in every part of the world to PTSS. Bibliography Carter, R., Helms, J. (2009). Racism and Race-Base Traumatic Stress: Toward New Legal and Clinical Standards. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 9(5), 113-129. DeGloma, T. (2011). Defining Social Illness in A Diagnostic World: Trauma and the Cultural Logic of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Medical Sociology, 12(1), 59-81. Degruy-Leary, J. (2005). Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing. New York: Uptone Press. Mims, S., Higginbottom, J., Reid, O. (2001). Behavioral Definition for Post Trauma and the African Experience: Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder. Anti-PTslaveryD Curriculum, 1(1), 1-90. Mitchell, R. (2004). Slave Syndrome is About Fixing Themselves. The Dragonian, 1(1), 1-2. Pole, N., Gone, J., Kulkarni, M. (2008). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Ethnoracial Minorities in the United States. Clinical Psycho logy: Science and Practice, 15(1), 35-61. Footnotes 1 Degruy-Leary, J. (2005). Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing. New York: Uptone Press, 11. 2 Mims, S., Higginbottom Reid, O. (2001). Behavioral Definition for Post Trauma and the African Experience: Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder. Anti-PTslaveryD Curriculum, 1, 12 3 Mitchell, R. (2004). Slave Syndrome is About Fixing Themselves. The Dragonian, 1. 4 Mims, S., Higginbottom Reid, O. (2001). 5 Mitchell, R. (2004). 1 6 DeGloma, T. (2011). Defining Social Illness in A Diagnostic World: Trauma and the Cultural Logic of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Medical Sociology, 12, 68. 7 Degruy-Leary, J. (2005). 15. 8 Pole, N., Gone, J., Kulkarni, M. (2008). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Ethnoracial Minorities in the United States. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 15(1), 37. 9 Carter, R., Helms, J. (2009). Racism and Race-Base Traumatic Stress: Toward New Legal and Clinical S tandards. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 9(5), 113. 10 Carter, R., Helms, J. (2009). 114. 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Monday, November 25, 2019
False Identifications essays
False Identifications essays Events like Diana's funeral punctuate the global consciousness. For the duration of the spectacle, billions of people worldwide focus on the same imagery and ideas even if just for a fleeting moment. Even for those who did not see Diana's funeral on television, her death evoked some universal themes. For instance, death in itself is a universal phenomenon. With no exception, death touches the lives of all persons regardless of their social status or their ethnic heritage. Romance or filial love are also universals, as are divorce, and depression. Social strata, social roles, and caste can also be considered universal phenomena: features of most if not all human societies. The funeral of Diana drew attention to the universality of these phenomena, as Diana Taylor points out in "False Identifications." However, Taylor also stresses that universality of theme does not necessarily mean that a performance plays well to a global audience. The spectacle of the "people's princess" only seemed to unite people across all cultures. In fact, Diana's funereal spectacle isolated key segments of the global population by pretending to represent "the people." Taylor notes that "mourning rituals" like Diana's funeral "may be similar; they may encourage fantasies that they are communicable to different populations. But the politics are untranslatable," (Taylor 146). Ironically, the "ordinary people" of England demanded that their "people's princess" be crystallized into a royal icon. During an era in which monarchies are becoming vestiges of the past and emblems of outworn political and social ideologies, the people suddenly romanticized royalty. As Taylor describes, social dramas tend to progress through four phases, the last of which is the reintegration of existing social norms. In this case, the monarchy became reinvented as a possession of the people. Diana provided a novel and convenient vehicle for expressing the social values waiting to eme...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is gambling a pastime or addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Is gambling a pastime or addiction - Essay Example Prediction cannot be made for all betting risks like lotteries, some slot machines and bingo but for certain other things like sports betting and horse racing, a prediction can be attempted, depending on the predictor’s expertise and insight. In the UK, there are a number of offline commercial gambling kinds available such as lotto, bingo, card games, sports-related betting, non-sports betting, scratch cards, roulette, slot machines, and football pools and spread betting (Griffiths, 2009). In the UK, the terms â€Å"problem gambling†and â€Å"pathological gambling†have been employed in a number of studies to explain gambling that affects the person and family life of the gambler. The general term â€Å"Prevalence†is used for process addictions, which is the epidemiological term for the number of people addicted to a specific problem. In the field of process addictions, only problem gambling has so far produced prevalence estimates (Griffiths, 2009). Various societies have distinct societal concepts of social problems, as in Canada beliefs and values vary on when gambling is to be seen as a problem and the causes behind it. It is not easy to define process addictions, for instance, when gambling is a harmless pastime and when is it addictive (Firth, 2010). The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identified gambling as actually a pathological disorder in the 1980. Even Freud (1929/1950) had researched problem gambling but remained inadvertent about its prediction. According to APA, gambling is a rising psychological disorder, featured by emotional addiction, lack of control and attached negative repercussions in the gamblers’ academic, social, or vocational life. Other popular names for pathological gambling are compulsive gambling and addictive gambling (Jean, 2000). In addictive gambling, the person shows a recurrent and continued disorder of dysfunctional behaviours by remaining busy in gambling. The person wants to put at the risk greater sum of money to attain increased stimulation. Continuous striving is seen to curb, check and/or stop gambling. Feeling of restlessness or irritating behaviour is observed when striving to check or curb the habit of gambling. For an addictive gambler, gambling becomes an escape-route from mood shifts. An addictive gambler reverts back to equalise the loss. Such a person attempts not to disclose the level of engagement with gambling. Wrong means are sought to arrange funds for gambling. Gambling when it becomes an addiction causes the loss of one’s aim in life pertaining to the relationship, scholarship or career. Dependence on others for maintaining status increases with the prevalence of gambling, as a gambler needs financial support due to shortage of funds. The only criterion segregating addictive behaviour is the presence of bipolar disorder. The debate over whether gambling is an addiction or pass time, (Kusyszyn, 1980) has been hyped out of proportion. For instance, many years back, a popular suggest columnist used to publish an article by a doctor explaining that gambling â€Å"could not possibly†be addictive (Jean, 2000). Viewing the perspective of this physician, functions like gambling, stealing and outward expression of sexual behaviours do not engage substance intake and that’s why they are not addictions. Instead, the physician debated, they are generally representations of manic depressiveness although mania is an external recognition for the presence of gambling disorders. Had it been true, then most of the gambling patients would have been managed with lithium, which is not so (Jean, 2000). Those who support gambling as mere pass time and question
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case study of China Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Of China - Case Study Example The export led growth strategy in China began back in 1978 with the power acceded by Xiaoping Deng. During this period, China was an unsuccessful state of communist, a poor nation due to the sufferings in the era of Zedong Mao’s Cultural Revolution for ten years. With the inefficient collective agriculture, closed economy, and enterprises owned by the state losing money, the population of China that was fewer than 1 billion shown a per capita income of $353. The entire nation was in poverty. However, with the death of Mao Zedong, a series of Deng Xiaopong’s reforms that were aimed at promoting the growth of the economy of China took over and retained the power of politics in Beijing. This reformed the country. China failed to obtain membership of the World Trade Organization under the leadership of Xiaoping Deng. The nation needed the status of the most favored country from America in the 1990s. China, during the whole of this period, began privatization of TVEs and SOEs in large scale and considerably lowered its tariffs. The process of annual review apart from exposing issues of human rights became a source of Chinese government humiliation, with hard lined China officials remaining a problem just like the negotiators of the United States. The Chinese officials had anticipated that the membership with the World Trade Organization would possibly undo apparatus of institutional socialism. China gained membership of the World Trade Organization eventually in December 2001 despite all the mentioned concerns. The China reforms were however achieved through the membership of World Trade Organization that facilitated the setting of China tariffs and allowed estimation of the cost of production of goods in China based on the cost of inputs. The country also had facilitated specific reforms that promoted the trade in the
Monday, November 18, 2019
History of Europe in the 20th century. Were conservatives responsible Research Paper
History of Europe in the 20th century. Were conservatives responsible for the rise of Hitler - Research Paper Example There is no denying the fact that the life for the ordinary Germans got quite difficult and worrisome after the culmination of this treaty. Germany was pushed to borrow considerably from the United States of America, to compensate the UK and France (Gibbons, 1982, p. 72). The Great Depression in the late 20s made it almost utterly difficult for the Americans to lend more money to Germany. The fall of the imperial Germany gave way to the rise of parliamentary parties interested in running the political affairs in the defeated nation. It goes without saying that a fair number of political parties and mainstream leaders in the war ravaged Germany were affiliated to a conservative frame of mind and political thought. The nation was already suffering from the guilt of defeat and national humiliation. Above it, it was required to pay heavily in terms of compensation. The political parties and groups supporting the infant Weimar Republic were they Democrats, Socialists or Catholics, were st rongly denounced by the Conservative Nationalists. Hence, it was in the background of a nationwide social and political crisis, that the German Conservatives resorted to political machinations, which led to the rise of Hitler. Economic Situation in the Post War Germany In the period 1924-1928, the economic situation in Germany was somewhat stable. However, this stability was deceptive and stood on hollow economic foundations. The German investments and economic recovery in a post war scenario relied heavily on the loans extended by the US. With the crash of the Wall Street in 1929, the Americans were simply left unable to support the German recovery and economic growth. As the impact of the US economic depression was felt universally, so Germans were utterly not in a position to check its fallout on the German society and economy. The industrial production in Germany plummeted threateningly, the wages crashed and the workers were left jobless (Goemans, 2000, p. 173). Such circumstances left the German masses weary, anxious and scared. The Germans resorted to the crisis by opting for a reckless printing of currency, resulting in a devaluation of currency and rampant and unchecked inflation (Braun, 1990, p. 39; Eubank, 2004, p. 9)). Political Situat ion in the Post War Germany Just when the Weimar Republic was in its nascent stages, Germany witnessed the rise of radical political thoughts in the form of communists, throughout the length and breadth of the Republic (Bessel, 1993, p. 57). The communists gained hold in many German towns and villages. The political atmosphere in Berlin was strongly in favor of a USSR style of governance. Still the Weimar Republic accrued immense support in the form of democrats, Catholics and socialists (Mueller, 2000, p. 46). The Weimer Republic managed to restrain the communists with a strong hand. The post war Germany faced a twin pronged problem. Both the communists and hardcore nationalists were in the favor of a radical solution to the German problems and issues (Kolb, 2005, p. 39). It was such a political environment marred by economic
Friday, November 15, 2019
Two Patterns Of Customer Loyalty And Brand Performance Marketing Essay
Two Patterns Of Customer Loyalty And Brand Performance Marketing Essay Abstract This essay would discuss the two patterns of customer loyalty and brand performance. There are Double Jeopardy (DJ) and Duplication of purchase law (DoPL). In DJ, it will be discussed about loyalty and penetration which also connected with market share and purchase frequency. The graphs are given to show the differences in measuring DJ in loyalty and penetration by looking at the market share and purchase frequency of big brands and small brands. On the other hand, in DoPL, it will be discussed about how brand compete each other by sharing their customers. The graph is given to show how big brands share their customers to small brands, vice versa. Furthermore, there is deviation of Double Jeopardy in brand growth where niche markets are applied by big companies. Therefore, marketers should not expect an attitudinal loyalty of buyers in their brand. Necessarily, they should expect buyers to purchase from other competing brands. Other is deviation of purchase law which called partition . In which, there are segmentation made by brands to fulfill customers needs. The reason is for the marketers to design the market structure to compete wider to other brands without specifically compete only with brands in the same line of brand size. Introduction of Double Jeopardy (DJ) and duplication of purchase law (DoPL) In general, as mentioned by McDowell and Dick (2005, p. 1), Double Jeopardy effect is where brands earning small market shares attract fewer customers but also experience less customer loyalty than more popular brands. From this definition, we can say that leading brand have a good chance in the market because they have high purchase frequency rate as well as a large number of buyers. It means that big brand will have low loyal rate compared to small brand due to rare of heavy buyers in the market. However, light buyers are the highest or majority proportion of market that buy leading brands product and it could be linked to heavy-half principle. Therefore, small brands suffer in two ways that low number of consumers and low purchase frequency rate. Another pattern is the duplication of purchase law (DoPL) where it is about brands who share their customers to other brands. It is supported by Lomax, Hammond, East Clamente (1996, p. 4) that buyers behaviour of purchase is random. It m eans there are many brands in buyers purchase frequency with the same line of category for a period of time. Furthermore, the law is big brand share more customers to bigger brands and share less customer to smaller brands. Nevertheless, there is deviation for duplication of purchase law that refers to partitioning which the law is contrast to DoPL. Double Jeopardy (DJ) Loyalty and Penetration Before many potential managers are growing in the world, there are only few brands in the market. It means loyalty towards a brand is high compared to nowadays. Currently, people are sharing their loyalty to another brand although there are some brands that having high loyalty from heavy buyers. Brand Loyalty is generally entails a strong commitment to a particular brand on the part of the consumer (Bandyopadhyay, Gupta Dube 2005, p.415).It means how consumers are loyal with a brand in the market. Penetration is proportion of users in the time period (Wright 2002, p.313). Another author said that penetration is the percentage of available shoppers who purchase your brand at least once in a given period of observation (Habel Rungie 2005, p.1). It means as managers, they could know how many buyers buy their products for a period of time. There are two categories of buyers in the market, such as light buyers and heavy buyers, that will be stipulated the sales of products. Therefore it comes out a heavy-half principle says that 50% of sales for a brands come from 20% of heavy buyers and another 50% of sales come from 80% of light users. By using this principle, brand managers would know which type of buyers that has a high influence for their majority sales of their brand. Therefore, brand growth would have got to do with the increasing in penetration and sales rather than the increasing in the consumers loyalty. Table III(1 and 2) shows the database of an instant coffee in USA that is could be linked with the double jeopardy theory in this case. It means the table also prove that small brand suffer in two ways as in few people who bought the products and small purchase frequency. As we can look at the table, we could see Brim as a small brand has low market share, consumers and purchase frequency rate compare to Maxwell House and it is below than average. From this table, it is shown that the average purchase frequency is 9.5 and although Maxwell House as the biggest brand in the market, their purchase frequency rate is only 3.6. this means that the average purchaser of the leading brand purchases other brands almost twice as often as they purchase the leading brand itself during the year (Wright, Sharp Sharp 1998, p. 468). However, if we compare Maxim brand as the smallest brand and compare with High Point as the one of leading brand based on purchase frequency, High Point has smaller purc hase frequency rate compare to Maxim. It means although Maxim is a small brand in the market but the purchase frequency of sole buyers is higher than average and some leading brands. By looking at the table, there is no 100 percent loyal of consumer towards any brand and over a year the highest loyalty rate is 20% for a leading brand. Leading brand has high sole buyers because of the attractiveness of the brand compared to small brand. Wright, Sharp Sharp (1998, p. 470) said in their journal that sole buyers are also relatively light buyers. It means the double jeopardy pattern occur in terms of the type of buyers- heavy buyer and light buyer. In this case, big brands will have more light buyers because loyalty is not as important as penetration for them. However, for small brands, most of their buyers are heavy buyers due to low market share (example is Brim and Maxim brands). According to table III (3), there are high correlation among market share, loyalty and penetration. This table is showing the difference changes for penetration and loyalty toward change in market share. By comparing penetration and loyalty, the changes in penetration with market share is higher than the changes in loyalty with market share. It means penetration could give an influence for market share of a brand rather than loyalty. In the other hands, when we look at the correlation of change in penetration with change in share for all type of brands, there is a small difference between them, where for high-share brands are 0.87, for mid-share brands are 0.80 and for low-share brands are 0.87.Nevertheless, when we look at the correlation of changes in loyalty with changes in share for all type of brands, there is a large gap or difference from high-share brands to low-share brands. The last but not least the correlation between changes in penetration and change in loyalty is 0.44 m eans penetration is higher than loyalty that could impact to the brand growth. In conclusion, penetration is more important than loyalty due to the low of heavy buyers in the market. Most of buyers are light buyers that could grow a brand become big that could be seen from the table. According to Baldinger , Blair Echambadi (2002, p. 14), they said that for managers who wish to grow market share over time, the first imperative is to increase penetration, regardless of whether the brand is big or small, but an almost equal imperative is to build customer loyalty. Duplication of Purchase Law (DoPL) brand performance By looking at the definition of purchase law above, it can be seen that brands would always compete each other through sharing their customers. This is happened because there are very rare of 100% loyal customers for a brand which is fall into the category of heavy buyers, whereas customers who are always switching brands in the same category would fall into the category of light buyer. It means, there are many brands lists in their mind in the same category which will make them switch brands more often and it is called repertoire market (Dawes 2008, p. 203). Generally, marketers are believed that most of the customers mind set would be influenced by the marketing strategy like advertising, price and loyalty program. Supported by Hoeffler Keller (2003 cited In McDowell and Dick, 2005) A motivator for brand purchase is brand awareness, saliency in their marketing and advertising. Therefore, most of the marketers always try to advertise more, give promotion and discount and increase loyalty programs to gain loyal customers and to make them purchase the brand. However, as it is mentioned above that there are no solely loyal customers; in fact, brands in the same category gain their revenue from customers who are also purchase other brands. It means, marketers should not think about how to gain loyal customers, yet how to gain high salience to reinforce the brand in their mind. The reason for this is to decrease their expenses in their loyalty program as it is costly and the fact that there is very rare of attitudinal loyalty. For example, a brand who gives their customers points that can be accumulated to rewards is not going to take for a long period of time. The reason is that customers would only go for that brand because of the accumulated points and not because of the brand name and loyal behaviour. As it is suggested by Kivetz (2005 cited in Liu 2007, p. 21) that this type of program may elicit reactance from consumers and reduce their intrinsic motivation to engage in the original purchase activities. To gain high salience in customers point of view, marketers should do more penetration to gain high market share and customers from other competitors. As supported by Sharp and Sharp (1977, p. 477) that penetration and market share is the main effect on duplication of purchase. According to table IV(1) duplication of purchase law can be seen where there is a declining number of brand size from right to left. In which, West End is leading this market with the highest brand duplication and penetration, whereas, Crown gain the least customer share because it is the smallest brand. Also, to prove the duplication of purchase, it can be seen that bigger brands share their customers more to the big brands and share less customers to small brand. Furthermore, penetration also takes place where big brand like West End acquire more customers and because of that, it can gain higher market share. Conversely, small brands would always gain lower than the big brands. As it is supported by Ehrenberg, Unclesan Goodhardt (2004, p.1310) that brands penetration is comparative with the level of switching. From the explanation and prove of the table of duplication of purchase law, it can be concluded that marketers should have to do more penetration rather than increase purchase frequency by loyalty program. As it is mentioned above that loyalty program is not really useful as it is costly that can only be applied in particular category and also not for a long period of time. Therefore, marketers should increase brand salience where customers would reinforce the brand and put it into the purchase set in mind. As the result of duplication of purchase law, brands are battling each other and share customers where bigger brands will gain high market share and small brands would have to struggle more in the market. Deviation of Double Jeopardy Double Jeopardy phenomenon is small brands suffer twice; fewer people support them, and those that do both like them less and are less loyal (McPhee 1963 cited Wright, Sharp A Sharp B 1998, p. 465). This theory is useful to differentiate the consumers preference between big and small brands. Nowadays, people are more believed towards big brands, which would give them good quality products that represent in the price. Although the price of big brands products may be more expensive than small brands products but they would not mind it as long as they satisfy with the brands (Baltas 1997 cited Gbadamosi 2009, p.1080). Actually, brands is growing because after consumers feel satisfy with the products, they will recommend all people that they know. It means the impact of word-of-mouth is huge for a successful brand. Word-of-mouth is getting opinion leaders to spread good words about the company in the marketplace-needs to be extended (Haywood 1989, p. 56). Most of people could not be loyal to a brand because of the spread of information, which are issued by people in the market, makes them to purchase the product (Procter Richards 2002, p.8). It means buyers have habitual behavior that makes them to share their loyalty to other competitors brands. The buyers who have that behavior could be said that they are a repertoire market. Repertoire market is these [market] have few solely loyal buyers as most buyers allocate their category requirements across several brands in a steady fashion (Sharp, Malcolm Goodhardt 2002). In fact, these buyers are light buyers that have high proportion in the market towards a brand. In reality, big brands could earn high profit because the strategy that they use based on the price or quality of the product and more light buyers purchase their products. However, most of small brands are using niche marketing strategy to compete with big brands. It is because the managers think that if they could satisfy the needs of niche market, their brand could grow up. Niche market is defined as a small market that is not served by competing products (Dalgic Leeuw 1994, p. 40). For example last time Body Shop is one of company who is a niche brand (Dowling Uncles 1997, p.8). To make it is clear, niche marketing strategy is the splitting of traditional markets into smaller segments and then devising separate marketing programs for each of these smaller segments, or niches (Parrish, Cassill Oxenham 2006, p.697). In the other hand, there are some big and successful brands in the market that are using niche marketing strategy to grow their brand. For example Fords Jaguar which creates a sport car for high class consumers that need good quality performance (Bandyopadhyay, Gupta Dube 2005, p.420). Although there are no 100% loyal consumers in the market (references) that only buy one brand for all of his or her products but there are some unique consumers that need a brand to satisfy their needs. Therefore, we cannot judge the brands based on the quantity of consumers who like the products but we could see that without large quantity of consumers, a brand could grow in the market. Deviation of Purchase Law Necessarily, partitioning should not be applied to prove duplication of purchase law. However, sometimes, because of the differences in customers needs and wants, there is deviation. This deviation of purchase law is namely as partitioning which occurred when several brands share customers to a greater or lesser extent than what would be expected given the market share of the brands (Dawes and Romaniuk 2005, p. 57). The reason that partition is formed is because of the major functional differences or similarities between brands (Sharp and Sharp 1997, p. 477). Therefore, as the empirical evidence states that this partition is actually could increase the knowledge and understanding over the market structure in customers point of view, especially in relation to price as an internal aspect which results to a higher expected duplication. It is undeniable that price is the most sensitive case for most of the customers behaviour in purchase situation. Therefore, there is segmentation for price based such as lifestyle, income and need based. This partition in brand competition is called neighborhood price effect which is stated in the empirical evidence by Sethuraman et al. (1999) that brands will compete with each other brands with a similar price set and not far distant in price (cited in Dawes and Romaniuk 2005, p. 58). As it is proved in the exampled by Romaniuk and Dawes (2005) that buyers would likely to purchase different bottle wines at the affordable range of price rather than choose the high level of price in a period of time. It can also be an evaluation of quality in which buyers would purchase outside the range of price due to different occasion. Other example also raised by Haley (1968, p. 31) that heavy coffee drinkers who drink at the chain store, would think that the taste for all coffee are basically t he same. Therefore, purchase a relatively inexpensive brand is their sensibility. On the other hand, heavy coffee drinkers who drink at the premium store would feel that adding for more bucks would satisfy their needs. Thus, it is apparent that price set is knowledge for the marketers to design market structure in partitioning where it is connected to their income, lifestyle and need based. Appendix Table III (1) USA instant coffee (one year) *Where b is the percentage of consumers and w is the purchase frequency rate. (Wright, Sharp Sharp 1998, p. 467) Table III (2) BRAND PENETRATION VS. PURCHASE FREQUENCY FOR COFFEE SALES (Baldinger , Blair Echambadi 2002, p. 10) Table III (3) (Baldinger, Blair Echambadi 2002, p. 11) Table IV (1) (Dawes 2008, p. 205)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Colonialism and Imperialism - Heart of Darkness and Post-Colonial Theory :: Heart Darkness essays
Post-Colonial Theory and Heart of Darkness "Heart of Darkness" begins and ends in London; on the Nellie on the Thames. The most part, however, takes place in the Congo (now known as the Republic of the Congo). The Kongo, as it was originally known, was inhabited first by pygmy tribes and migratory 'Bantus' and was 'discovered' by the Portuguese in the 14th Century. The Portuguese brought with them Catholocism; European missionaries. The Congo was ruled by King Alfonso I from 1506 - 1540 and Shamba Bolongongo from 1600 - 1620. The slave trade was rife in the Congo, from about 1500 until 1830. King Leopold of Belgium ruled, between 1878 and 1908, and would have been King at the time "Heart of Darkness" was set. Conrad himself actually arrived in the Congo on 12 June 1890, and it would be safe to say that he would have used his experience in the Congo when writing "Heart of Darkness". At its time of writing for Blackwood's Magazine (December 1898), Britain was in its last years of Victorian rule. Queen Victoria was actually the niece of King Leopold of Belgium. Britain was the most powerful and influential nation on Earth; its Empire spread throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Joseph Conrad, born in the Ukraine in 1857, as Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, as the author, was an outsider looking out. Neither British nor African, he seemed to be the perfect candidate for writing about two countries he had knowledge of - England and the Congo. African exploration was quite popular; in Conrad's day, Livingstone died in 1873, in Ilala, Africa, and Stanley returned from his final African expedition in 1890. As exploration was popular, so was the adventure story - tales of African exploration were available in abundance. Imperialism was also a popular theme at this point in the late nineteenth Century. Conrad's novella, whilst to contemporary critics (Achebe, for example) may appear racist; at the time was accepted as another piece of work from a very much published genre. The novella is literally filled with literal and metaphoric opposites; the Congo and the Thames, black and white, Europe and Africa, good and evil, purity and corruption, civilisation and 'triumphant bestiality', light and the very 'heart of darkness'. Conrad portrays British imperialism in the perhaps naive character of Marlow, who is glad to see the "vast amount of red" on the Company's map; signifying the British territory.
Monday, November 11, 2019
What Determines Are Destiny
It can be difficult to understand and realize what determines our destiny. There are Contradiction determining if our characteristics and behavior are primarily due to Genetics or the environment in which we live. Many factors and aspects of Lives influence us daily. These factors create different circumstances that lead us to determined our path. Dr. Judith Rich Harris states in the video that the similarity of children to their parents in personality, is entirely genetic†. In the video Dr. Stanley Greenspan said that if parents feel they have no influence and everything is genetically determined, then they may not do what they need to do to help the babies be flexible, healthy and good capers. The video states that we are born with a set of genes that never change. When we are conceived, two sets of genes are joined into one. From that moment, DNA determines certain characteristics. We can now readily accept that genes determine our eye color, height, blood type, gender and other biological factors. But science has only begun to explore the role that genes play in human behavior. Some People believe that the power of genes, determines all consequence in our lives. But other people say that genes do not determine everything in a person life. There have been countless studies to find out if our destiny is written in our genes or determined by circumstance. Dr William R. Clark thinks that â€Å"Gene may well, determine how we behave in given situations. This way, the behavior can be caused from the Genes, and not by habits or education. Some features and of a person will never change, and other can be easily changed. The male speaker states that one of UCLA immunologist Dr. William Clark says, that genes help to control how we interpret our environment. In many cases genes can be very useful and there can be a lot of similarities in gestures, talking etc. In many cases this similarities are done by children without knowing that their parents do these things the same way. It is the opinion of Dr. William R. Clark, â€Å"You’re dealt a particular hand of neurotransmitters and neurotransmitters receptors and again together, with other things of course in your biology and in your history, it’s to play out differently in different people. As fact, everything is very ndividual. There are children that are not similar to their parents and very different in character and features. Let consider what Dr. Steven Pinker said , â€Å"There has to be some kind of innate circuitry in place that allows us to create culture and acquire culture and do the learning. It was suggested that they do not operate without some input. Dr William R. Clark thinks that what you choose to learn, how hard you try to learn, and what you do with what you learn, you do some input. The ability to modify our behavior is what allows us to overcome genetic predisposition. In opinion of Dr. David Moore, different genes are turned on and off in different circumstances. Personally I agree with that and I think that sometimes people act not by the rules made up by society, but by the genetic rules. They do this unconsciously. Speaker also states that â€Å"those circumstances thought maybe very subtle. Consider identical twins born with the same DNA; though raised alike, Nancy and Jenna are quick to point out they are individuals. Jenna says that Nancy was always very pretty spirited, and that she was a little bit more responsible. For each person their individuality is very important. It means being different from each others, doing something special and something that will surprise others. All individual have different interested, characteristics, and skills. People use creativity, through knowledge and new ideas, and implement them in their daily lives. Many people appreciate changes, as they bring a lot of new things. New things always have the upper hand, always attracting people and keeping them motivated. According to Dr. Stanley Greenspan, â€Å"Proper upbringing will depend on lots of nurturing interactions in your all years of life. †Dr Steven Pinker thanks that â€Å"Parents aren’t the only aspects of the environment? There is also the surrounding culture. As a fact, some people believe that in reality, the strongest social influences exist outside the home. Dr. Judith Rich Harris presumes that â€Å"Children live in separate worlds and each world is very important, but there is very little carry over from one world to the other. And what is carried over is whatever is genetic. As stated by Dr. Judith Rich Harris, â€Å"we get our genes from our parents but are guided by our peer. Nature vs. nurture purists believe that we are either molded entirely by our surroundings or our genetic makeup. Personally I think that upbringing is extremely important, and it determines the future character of a person. The children of immigrants do not resemble their parents in the language they’re speaking even in their culture. They resemble the people they grew up with. In a recent study, all that Dr. Judith Rich Harris said was back-up. The greatest influence was found on weather teen drink or smoke, has to do if weather their friends do. External influence can make a great different, as everything depends on the company and friends, who surround the particular person. Dr Judith Rich Harris thinks that â€Å"as long as you are within the normal range of parenting, how your child turns out is not up to you is up to the child. All in all, children and their perception of the situations and the world as a whole determine their habits, their communications skills and abilities. The whole future depends on what child experiences, who he communicates with who these people are. As was stated by child psychiatrist Dr Stanley Greenspan, this attitude can create irresponsible parenting. We encourage parents to be either passive or hopeless or helpless in the phase of certain challenges that they were assumed are genetic. Consequently, the genes and environment are like a dance, working together to make as who we are. Dr Stanley Greenspan thinks that maybe the environment sets the constraints, just as much of genes do . Dr David S. Moore stated that â€Å"if you throw Einstein in a closet, when he’s a baby because he had some insane parent, he would not grow up to be smart, He would wind up like one of those tragic kids who get’s found in a closet. â€Å" To sum it up, it can be stated, that whether it’s parents, peers or genetic predisposition, it seems our destiny our destiny is determined by a blend of factors. Dr. Greenspan is convinced, that â€Å"nature is a lock and nurture has provided the key for that lock. †In the present, scientist continue to study the nature of our DNA and how it reacts to environment as they think they will gain better understanding of the diseases and behaviors that affect our lives. All in all, it is almost impossible to determine our destiny, as the influence on the person’s life is unpredictable and there are many possibilities to change everything and to make a choice. I think both sides of the issue are correct to varying degrees depending on the issue. Obviously we are not able to change our height, shoe size, or natural hair color, but if we are plagued with a trait that is not considered â€Å"normal†that we want to change and do so, by all means we should. I think that upbringing and behavior, and our belief determine our destiny. It comes down to what is in our entire character makeup, and our ability to overcome the negative influences of our environment and take steps to modify the glitches in our personalities. It can be said for sure, that education plays the most important part in a person’s life and it determines the future and success of a person.
Friday, November 8, 2019
puritan dilemma essays
puritan dilemma essays There are many different reasons why migrations from the early days up to present time took place as they did. Why would people leave their place of birth or their place of comfort Thats the big question! Just like John Winthrop and his puritan believers they left England to form the America we know now, which In their eyes was New England. To begin this essay lets start of with the obvious, one reason the puritans migrated was because of the way they felt about how they viewed religion and how the church of England functioned . From the beginning all puritans wanted to do was purify the church. They wanted ministers to teach , simplify rituals so every one could understand the masses whether you were in high class or in the low class. They also believed the church of England thought they were highest authority , in which the puritans disagreed because they believed the bible was the righteous authority. They wanted not to only purify the church but to teach every men the righteous way, the way of the teaching of the bible. Within these large group of puritans like in any other group you had your extremist puritans and then the more liberal puritans you might say. The liberals they really believed that the church of England could be saved and reformed but the only problem with that was people could of thought it was a act of treason going and disagreeing with the church. Up to this point the church of England was the most powerful hierarchy in England , some would argue even more powerful than the King or Queen of England. However the extremist were called the Separatists. These were people who gave up on any possibility that the church would be reformed in any way of their liking, the separatists were also the first group of people to migrate to New England later would be called pilgrims, the Massachusetts Bay Company voyage to New England was the first voyage along with John Winthrop to be successful. Some priests ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
buy custom Approach to Care of Cancer essay
buy custom Approach to Care of Cancer essay Introduction Cancer refers to an uncontrollable or unregulated growth of abnormal body cells, also known as malignant cells, in the body. The term cancer often used to refer to a group of different diseases that result from such cell growth, and their classification is usually based on the initially affected cell. Common types of cancer include carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, leukemia and adenomas (McCance, Huether Brashers, 2009). Causes of Cancer The major causes of cancer include carcinogens from radiations and tobacco, hereditary genes from family members, damages or mutations of DNA cells and other socio-physiological factors such as old age, health status, for instances, contraction of hepatitis B or C and HIV viruses. Physiological Effects of Cancer Usually, cancer becomes harmful to the body as the damaged cells continue to divide and regroup to form masses of tissues known as tumors, for instance, leukemia cancer that blocks the blood hence interfering with circulatory functions. Similarly, growth of tumors may affect the digestive and nervous systems. Sometimes cancer releases hormones that alter the normal functioning of the body. Diagnosis and Staging of Cancer For effective diagnosis and treatment of cancer, it should be detected at it early stages. This would help reduce chances of further growth, more complications and difficult encounters in treatment. During diagnosis, physicians often use information on signs and symptoms and other medical procedures to diagnose cancer. Ultrasound scans, X-rays, CT and MRI scans are common imaging techniques used in detecting, identifying and allocating the position of cancer in the body and the respective affected organ (Moscow Cowan, 2007). Sometimes, doctors perform endoscopy to search for abnormalities within the body. Diagnosis also involves extraction of cancer cells for microscopic examinaton, a process called biopsy. In addition, examination and analysis of blood sugar levels, body fats, proteins and DNA are carried out. Certain types of cancers, such as prostate cancer, can be easily detected through blood test due to its secretion of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) into the bloodstream. Acc ording to Copstead and Banasik, molecular diagnosis, biopsies and imaging techniques are all required for effective diagnosis of cancer (Copstead Banasik, 2010). After diagnosis, the physician determines the extent to which the cancer has spread and establishes its development stage. This stage will dictate the type of treatment to be offered (Porth, 2010). The most common method of staging cancer is the use of TNM system. In this system, the extent and size of a primary tumor is indicated by T with numerical values between 1and 4. The degree to which cancer has spread is indicated by N with figures ranging from 0 to 3 whereas the extent of infection of body organs by cancer is represented by M which is assigned either 0 or 1. For example, a chronic lung cancer can be staged as (T4, N3, M1) (Fitzgibbon Loeser, 2010). Usually, cancers at initially stage will be assigned lower value indicate that they have less spread while chronic cancers will be assigned higher values during staging to indicate their severity. Treatment of Cancer Cancer treatment will depend on four main factors; type and stage, personal characteristics such as age and health status. Usually, cancer treatment combines any of the following forms; surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy and gene therapy (Yarbro, Wujcik Gobel, 2010). Side Effects of Cancer Treatments Different patients encounter different side effects after receiving cancer medications. The most common effects, however, include destruction of normal, healthy body tissues and cells by radiation beams and surgery. Patients sometimes suffer from skin irritation after radiation, excessive bleeding duuring operation, extreme pain, loss of appetite, tiredness and body weakness (Walter, 2004). Chemotherapy damages body proteins/DNA hence loss of hair, sore mouths, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Some women have reported loss of fertility and alteration of the menstrual cycle pattern after chemotherapies. Replaced of cancer cells through gene therapy may not be successful and hence lead to permanent damage to body cells. Moreover, hormone therapy can lead to impotence in men, rapid weight gain, vomiting, and loss of fertility and interrupted monthly periods in female (Walter, 2004). Cancer treatments can also lead to emotional disturbances and psychological problems such as increased stress, grief of pain and loneliness. Complications of Cancer Complications of cancer vary depending on the stage of the tumor and health status of the individual. Some of the most common complications include psychological and emotional complications such as change in moods (mood disorders), for example, extreme depression and melancholy, grief and sorrow. Physical complications of cancer majorly concern pain which can be caused either by the damaged tissues and injury to other body organs. Physiological complication may include spread of the cancerous cells to other body parts and organs, a process called metastasis (Porth, 2010). Other complications of cancer are erectile dysfunction in men, vaginal dryness in women, swelling of lymph nodes and increased levels of calcium in the blood among others. Methods of Lessening Physical and Psychological Effects of Cancer Psychological effects can be reduced by psychotherapy, family support and closure, and administration of anti-depressant drugs. Physical effects, especially pain, can be dealt with through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as morphine (Walter, 2004). Patients should also undergo adjuvant therapies and post-treatment remedies for cancer to reduce its physical and psychological complications. Buy custom Approach to Care of Cancer essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
Humanity in King Lear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Humanity in King Lear - Essay Example However, on a different perspective, it is also possible to see the play as a declaration that humanity is an make-believe ideal. In this play, only those who recognize and value the fundamental human condition possess humanity. For example, as King Lear ages and advances into madness, he is stripped of his title, thrown out of his home, and reduced to nothing. It is a sharp depiction that man is really just a â€Å"bare, forked, pitiable animal†and even he, who supposedly owns a noble title, is no more than this. Metaphors are used to acknowledge his inconsequentiality and establish his epiphany as a mere mortal. Lear is able to recognize the values of humanity in his journey to humility. It is shown when he tells his daughter Cordelia to give in to her fate in jail, signifying Lear’s discovery that genuine filial love has more bearing than cultural materialism focusing on power, property, and rank. Still, it is not possible to merely interpret the play as an suggesti on of the basic void that the world is made of --- where Lear is shown as accommodating to the idea that there is nothing but the dreary, cruel, and cold world represented in the story. Edmund, Regan, and Goneril’s portrayed logical sanity contradicts their base natures, as symbolized by animal metaphors such as â€Å"toad spotted traitor†and â€Å"pelican daughters.†While it is natural for human beings to transcend their own limits, this creative tendency to exceed oneself is also the source of destructiveness, a paradox that King Lear explores. This difficult dialectic poses the problem of respecting the norm while at the same time going beyond it. Excess may become too excessive, yet such superfluity is also precisely that which marks off men and women from the inhuman precision of beasts, or indeed of Goneril and Reagan. Lear’s daughters may have a point in failing to appreciate their father’s entourage of a hundred knights. However, what the y miss is the more vital point that Lear expresses at the onset of the play â€Å"O reason not the need.†It is nevertheless inherent to human --- being not beasts --- that desires go beyond the minimal need if there is no rationale why humans should want more than is required for survival. However, excessive material possessions may hinder a man’s ability to identify with the misery of others and feel care. This thought becomes clear to Lear when he is thrown out of his home into the storm, moments before he meets Edgar disguised as Poor Tom. This same insight becomes clear to Gloucester as well, after he is blinded. On the other hand, Cordelia’s forgiveness and mercy of her father offsets this harsh want for excess or surplus. Cordelia’s attitude towards Lear even extends beyond the set standards of justice. It is Cordelia’s attitude depicting both restriction and generosity that resolves several of the text’s formal antinomies. This is sh own when she tells Lear that her love should be suitably divided between himself and her future spouse no matter how unreservedly her love is given. However, when Cordelia dies, another problem is presented. After all, it is a matter of controlling what seems to be a permanent inconsistency in the material composition of humans, and not merely a matter of resolving preset contradictions. It is a tragedy because the play asserts the fact that no poetic imagery is sufficient to resolve this contradiction. Another excess depicted in the play is the excessive ability of humans to inflict pain on each
Friday, November 1, 2019
Effects of Western global expansion after 1500 C.E Essay
Effects of Western global expansion after 1500 C.E - Essay Example This is too harsh. While negative things certainly happened during this time, wonderful things happened too. New cultures were introduced to one another. Although this process started unequally, it was the beginning of globalization, a process that has brought great prosperity to all parts of the world. It is now seventeen years since I came to serve these princes with the Enterprise of the Indies. They made me pass eight of them in discussion, and at the end rejected it as a thing of jest. Nevertheless, I persisted therein... Over there I have placed under their sovereignty more land than there is in Africa and Europe, and more than 1,700 islands... In seven years I, by the divine will, made that conquest (Morison, 576) One man could conquer all of this territory and bring back to Spain all the riches of these islands. It is an extraordinary story. However, Spain was not the only country involved: its efforts were mostly limited to the Caribbean (Paine, xvi). It was driven in large part by the changes Europe was undergoing. First, came discovery, and then came exploitation. Mercantilism developed in Europe in the 18th century (Duiker, et al, 320). This was one of the dominant economic doctrines of the time. It led European powers to seek out new markets across the world. These were often less developed countries that had some sort of resource the Europeans could exploit. The wealth generated from these conquests allowed Europeans to build massive public works such as the French palace at Versailles (326). While this was clearly a form of greed at the time, these buildings were truly beautiful. It is easy to argue that this period in world history was filled only with calumny and misery. However, much of the economic activity at the time laid the groundwork for the current global economy, which provides so much prosperity to us all. Certain countries needed to become rich so
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