
Friday, May 31, 2019

Neo-Confucianism Essay -- Chinese Philosophy, Ming

Neo-Confucianism, with a goal of keeping unobscured the inborn luminous deservingness true goodness of all men throughout the empire1 and thus establishing a social harmony, was a complex ethical political system governing the society in tardily Ming China. Adopting the philosophy as their ideological legitimacy, Choson kingdom and Tokugawa shogunate applied it in different settings due to their structure of government and cultural background. However, they both inherited the important elements of the philosophy the notion of universal principle encouraging people to behave good, five virtues2, self-cultivation and five hierarchical relationships of society3. By means of traditions, rituals, laws, publications, educational institutions and many another(prenominal) more, the philosophy was imbibed in the lives of Choson court and Tokugawa samurai. Yet, as it was in Ming China, the governments of these two realms could not always control the interests of its people4 and make them a dhere to the ideology. Complex situations of life in concert with the fallibility of human nature making people unable to always lead intellectual, moral and aloof life5 led to gaps between the philosophy and its experiences.The court of Choson kingdom, where the very state of matter orthodoxy should be practiced in its highest level, was ironically also a haven for its conflicts.Extended royal family lived together in the court and exercised filial piety among all(prenominal) other devotion between all family members including mourning for deceased champions and visits to the ancestral tombs. Lady Hyegyong, in her memoirs, noted many examples of genuine filial devotion in the royal family that of King Yongjo himself preparing medicine for his ill stepmother, Queen Dowager Inwon6, and the sa... ...eeping himself to learning and frugality as Mori Yoshiki did. In order to get what he wanted from others, he stock-still could violate the principle of being true to oneself as he imi tated committing hara-kiri. Yet, he then regretted the outcome of his easy life while pondering over in his old age and was also startled with the findings that throughout the history, there were many who acted like him and made mistakes.Human beings are mystery to themselves. Through law, through ideology, one can still be not governed. Neo-Confucianism, with its practical appeal, attracted the governments and was applied. Though, as it claims to be, the philosophy could not be practiced naturally as it should be. Some parts were accepted, just about not. People were still free on their own. However, Neo-Confucianism could shape lives of people and contributed its share to human civilization.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Shakespeare: The Lost Years :: European History Research

Shakespeare The doomed YearsOn February 2, 1585, William Shakespeares twins Hamnet and Judith were baptized in Holy troika Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon. In 1592 the poet Robert Greene alluded to Shakespeare in his pamphlet A Groatsworth of Wit Bought With a Million of Repentance. The period between these two dates is known as the Lost Years or The Dark Years because of the total lack of hard evidence as to what William Shakespeare was doing during this time. Sometime during this period he left home, wife, and three children in Stratford and began his stage career in London. Scholars have long attempted to determine how and why this decision was made, and countless theories have been proposed. It is my hypothesis that Shakespeare, like countless other Englishmen, was caught up in the national crisis caused by the threat of the Spanish Armada during the summer of 1587 and was either drafted into the militia or volunteered for duty to protect his homeland from the threat of ext ernal invasion. In short, he became a soldier, was posted to the London area, and was discharged when the threat was ended. Once the boy had seen the big city, it is hard to send him back to the farm.Before load-bearing(a) the hypothesis of Shakespeares possible military activity, it would be useful to briefly look at some of the other theories which have been advanced to account for the lost years. angiotensin-converting enzyme such is that he had been a schoolmaster during part of this time. The main evidence is based on a statement by a theatrical handler named William Beeston who was unquestionably associated with Shakespeare during his career in London. It is a reasonable and possible hypothesis which could account for part of the seven missing years.A less probable custom has him as a runaway apprentice, but there is no solid, believable evidence to support this legend. Another widely believed tradition which is almost certainly fake is that he left Stratford to avoi d prosecution for deer poaching. This theory was broadly based on a rumor involving the Lucy familys deer park. The entire story move apart because of the simple fact that the Lucys did not have a deer park during the time Shakespeare was in Stratford and indeed did not have one until deeply in the seventeenth century.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

College Should Not be a Playground :: College Admissions Essays

College Should Not be a PlaygroundUniversity students today sustain it pretty good. At decent-sized schools, students have access to any number of low-cost services that civilians would donate organs for. We get gyms and fitness centers for free or pixilated to it. We have computer labs, lounges and more clubs and societies arriving e very semester. With little or no fees, on-campus coffee bars and pick-up basketball games make traveling into the real world more and more ludicrous. Sure, we pay more in tuition rates to help off set the cost, but college students these days shouldnt sweat the bills bundled-in activity fees - its simply worth it to tell apart over a little extra cash for the added convenience. Besides, with college rates continually on the rise, these resource charges amount to a drop in a very large bucket. On the other hand, shouldnt a University provide for its students without bleeding them dry? After all, without the learners, the educators and adminis trators would be jobless. So why should students pay for access to increasingly basic and common services? Students have scram to expect these tasty perks, as if our Universities owe us for passing through their hallowed halls. But have we come to expect too much? Do we truly deserve extravagant bonuses? My own school has for years given students free, unlimited, high-speed access to the Internet. All cortege in all dorms have long had an Ethernet port, intended to help us with our studies. Any student can plug in, call up the librarys extensive database subscriptions, and turn tail for journals, articles and other information on a boundless range of topics. Of course, with such power comes responsibility, for students can also visit the seedier and less, shall we say, academic nooks of the World Wide Web. In light of this, UMD began cracking down on Internet access and Networking capabilities on campus last year. First, the students file-sharing capabilities were restr icted. Many students grumbled, but the administration remained firm. Most recently, filters blocked the transfer of indisputable controversial file types. Student outcry led to a scaled-back version of the sentinel software, but the students havent finished crusading. The school, they say, has infringed on our rights by installing restrictive programs among the Internet and us. University literature promises free, unlimited Internet access, and

Essay --

Kevin CherryAnimal Welfare and RightsThere has recently been a lot of dispute between those who believe in animal welfare and those who believe in animal rights. Most farm animals today are embossed in confinement on huge manufacturing systems that are more like factories than farms. Animal welfare is based on the mental picture that animals can contribute to humanness by providing us with food, work, and entertainment. It also ensures that humans who work with animals follow those moral obligations to provide the animal well-being. Animal rights on the other hand is based on the belief that animals should have the same or similar rights to humans. Animal rights activists believe that humans have no right to use animals at all, no exit how humane their operations are.Animals have always played an important role in agriculture. Much concern for animal welfare is based on the belief that animals have the ability to feel and perceive what is happening to them. This is why it is considered that attention should be paid to their well-being. While the killing of animals for food does not n...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

An Artists Life :: essays research papers

Much of the art of the Renaissance was extremely religious in its nature. The paintings from this time atomic number 18 almost entirely scenes from the Bible including the enunciation of the Virgin Mary, depictions of the infant Jesus Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, and numerous other examples of Christian iconography. One would imagine that virtuous, upstanding operatives would receive created such angelic works of art. The stunning displays of morality, as seen in the works of many Renaissance painters, are not always a reflection of the artists lifestyle.Two examples of artists whose paintings did not reflect their lifestyles were Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio and Fra Filippo Lippi. Both of these artists created works that portrayed Christian iconography with great aesthetic expertise. Among these works are Caravaggios The Inspiration of Matthew and Lippis Madonna with the Child and two Angels. Fra Angelico was another artist from this same time period. He is quite a co ntradiction compared to his contemporaries. Angelico led a very elegant life following the Christian morals of the time, unlike his peers.Caravaggio, while a great artist, had a stormy personal history. Very little is known approximately his life until it began to be documented in the criminal courts. His teens and early twenties were scattered with bouts of abject poverty, until he became renowned as an artist. From this point on, his name appears each few months on the police blotter. He became well known for picking fights, threatening people with swords and being arrested for such deeds. He was sued for libel and built up enemies to the point where his murder was attempted. He was found in bed with wounds around his neck and left ear. Because of this event, Caravaggio was jailed in his house for an entire month. He was require to leave without written permission from the governor of Rome. However, it seemed nothing could keep Caravaggio out of trouble. In the month of May 16 06, he killed a man who had won a bet over a ball game that afternoon. After this event, he was left wounded himself. He fled Rome, going to a patrons house and eventually locomote on to Naples. At the age of thirty-five, he left Naples and went to Malta, where he was well received for this renowned artwork. However, this situation did not last long. He got in a fight and was imprisoned. Shortly after arrest, he escaped and finally returned to Rome, where his reputation was still well known.

An Artists Life :: essays research papers

Much of the art of the Renaissance was extremely religious in its nature. The paintings from this time are almost entirely scenes from the Bible including the enunciation of the Virgin Mary, depictions of the child Jesus Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, and numerous other examples of Christian iconography. One would imagine that virtuous, upstanding artists would have created such angelic whole works of art. The stunning displays of morality, as seen in the works of many Renaissance painters, are not always a reflection of the artists lifestyle.Two examples of artists whose paintings did not reflect their lifestyles were Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio and Fra Filippo Lippi. Both of these artists created works that portrayed Christian iconography with great aesthetic expertise. Among these works are Caravaggios The Inspiration of Matthew and Lippis Madonna with the Child and two Angels. Fra Angelico was another artist from this like time period. He is quite a contradiction co mpared to his contemporaries. Angelico led a very pure life following the Christian morals of the time, unlike his peers.Caravaggio, musical composition a great artist, had a stormy personal history. Very little is know about his life until it began to be documented in the criminal courts. His teens and premature twenties were scattered with bouts of abject poverty, until he became renowned as an artist. From this point on, his name appears every few months on the police blotter. He became well known for picking fights, threatening people with swords and being arrested for such deeds. He was sued for libel and built up enemies to the point where his murder was attempted. He was found in buttocks with wounds around his neck and left ear. Because of this event, Caravaggio was jailed in his house for an entire month. He was forbidden to leave without written permission from the governor of Rome. However, it seemed nothing could honor Caravaggio out of trouble. In the month of May 1 606, he killed a man who had won a bet over a ball game that afternoon. subsequently this event, he was left wounded himself. He fled Rome, going to a patrons house and eventually moved on to Naples. At the age of thirty-five, he left Naples and went to Malta, where he was well received for this renowned artwork. However, this situation did not last long. He got in a fight and was imprisoned. Shortly after arrest, he escaped and last returned to Rome, where his reputation was still well known.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) Essay

GoalsActivity/iesTargetVenueParticipantsBudget Allocation living SourceImprove interpreting and numeracy skills of grades 1 3 pupils following the revised K to 12 program Strengthen teachers capacity to teach and assess reading and numeracy skills effectively Strengthen civilize heads basic literacy and numeracy skills as instructional managers, supervisors Improve management and administration ofthe program (includes planning, operations,sharing and implementing best practices (including action research), monitoring and networking). exercise reading and numeracy standards andEstablish a reading and numeracy program and a sustainable professional development system. Mentoring / Learning Partnership by division or by cluster following the Department of Education Model to Enhance Teaching and Learning Selection of Division School Mentors/Learning Partners(1 grade I teacher per schoolDirect training of mentors/Learning partners with all Division School AdministratorsTrained at least 1 grade 1 teacher per school who will serve as the Learning Partner (Mentor) Region III 6,421/50 129 DepEd RO3 Conference HallAll Division Education computer program medical specialist forMother Tongue, Filipino and EnglishSchool Manager of the Selected School1 Teacher/Mentor/Learning Partner80% 0f the 1.1M880,000.00/20 divisions=44,000.00 training financial aid per divisionOr880,000/5 Clusters= 176,000.00(Trainings shall be conducted by the Regional Office)ECARP fundsOn-the-Ground Mentoring/Learning PartnershipSLAC/ DisLAC to discuss, address, and plan the following1. Issues and Concerns in Teaching tuition2. Reading Lesson Plans3. Development of Teaching/Learning MaterialsMonitoring and EvaluationProvision of additional technical assistanceRespective divisionsAll Division Education Program specialiser forMother Tongue, Filipino and EnglishSchool Manager of the Selected School1 Teacher/Mentor/Learning Partner20% of the 1.1M220,000.00 (support to School-based Mentoring/Learnin g Partnership Program SLAC)Ecarp FundsTotal BudgetAllocation1.1 Million

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How Hardy and Steinbeck treat the theme of ‘outsiders’ in ‘The Withered Arm’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

Hardy and Steinbeck some(prenominal) use the theme of outsiders strongly in their stories. The term outsider means one who is not a member of a profession, party or circle or one not acquainted with or interested in something that is deviation on. A person can be an outsider for m either different reasons for example loneliness, disability, gender, race, age, size and action.Steinbecks short story Of Mice and custody was set on a spreading in California during the American Depression in the late 1930s. The story is astir(predicate) two men Lennie and George. Lennie is mentally disabled so George looks after him. When Lennie and George first meet the bosss son Curley he immediately feels threatened by Lennies size. Lennie and George go and work on the ranch because they want to save up their money so they can buy a ranch of their own. As the story progresses 2 an separate(prenominal) characters, Candy and Crooks, buy the elicit interested in their idea and ask if they can se rve well out.Lennie is given a puppy by Slim (another worker on the ranch). One judgment of conviction Lennie is petting it and does not know his own strength and kills it. Curleys marry woman comes in and asks what is wrong he tells her what happened and that it only happened because he likes stroking things. She lets him stroke her vibrissa because she views it is soft. Lennie gets carried away and wont let go. Curleys wife struggles so much that he breaks her neck.Lennie becomes so frightened that he runs away and just leaves the body. Curley fall upons his wife and says he is going to give Lennie a horrible death. George hears Curley and decides to kill Lennie himself quickly and painlessly. George finds Lennie and starts to talk nigh their dream ranch, he raises the gun and shoots Lennie in the back when he is not looking.Hardys novella The shrivel up Arm was set in England in the 1800s. It is about a woman named Rhoda who has a son with the proprietor of the dairy giv e rise at which she works. But now the farmer does not want to know her and is married to a younger prettier woman. Rhoda wanted to know what the reinvigorated wife looked like so she sent her son to go and see. The son came back and told Rhoda what she was like. Rhoda had a dream, she dreamt that Farmer hold fasts new wife was seance on her and she thrust her left over(p) arm with her wedding ring on into Rhodas face. Rhoda grabbed her arm and threw her to the floor. The next day the farmers new wife visited Rhoda and revealed to Rhoda some attach on her left arm.A a couple of(prenominal) weeks later Gertrude (Farmer Lodges wife) came back to see Rhoda and showed her that the marks on her arm were getting worse. Months later Gertrude goes to see a conjuror who makes an egg mixture which shows Rhodas face and says that to cure her arm Gertrude must touch the neck of a man who has been hung before he goes cold. Rhoda and her son leave and were never seen leaving.Gertrude found out when the next hanging was taking place and she then travelled to the jail. After the hanging she was shown where the body was. As she touched the body somebody behind her screamed. Gertrude turned around and saw Rhoda and Farmer Lodge standing there. The dead boy was Rhodas son. A few days later Gertrude passed away with shock.There are four main outsiders in Of Mice and Men and also in The Withered Arm. The outsiders in Of Mice and Men are Crooks, Candy, Lennie and Curleys wife and in The Withered Arm they are Rhoda, Gertrude, Farmer Lodge and Rhodas son.Crooks is an outsider in Of Mice and Men because he is blacken and everybody else on the ranch is white so he is branded as different. A moment in the story where Crooks loneliness is shown is when Lennie comes into his roomYou go on get outa my room. I aint wanted in the bunkhouse and you aint wanted in my roomThis shows that Crooks is not allowed to go in their populate invading their private space so he does not want them coming in his room doing that, if he is not allowed to do it.An outsider in The Withered Arm Rhoda. She is and outsider because she has a son with Farmer Lodge and does not talk to any of the other workers at the dairy farm, so they think she is stuck-upas the milkmaid spoke she turned her face so that she could glance past her cows tail to the other side of the barton, where a thin fading woman of thirty milked somewhat apart from the rest.This is a part in the story where Rhoda is at work at the dairy farm and all the other workers are talking about Farmer Lodges new wife. Rhoda does not join in the conversation for obvious reasons, still as they talk the workers look over at her.Candy is another outsider in Of Mice and Men. He is an outsider because he is older than any of the other workers. A part in the story where Candys loneliness is visible is when his dog is taken from him and shot by some of the other workers because they are sick of the smell of itCandy did not answer. T he silence fell on the room againCandy lay still staring at the ceilingCandy did not want his dog to be killed because it was his friend, but when it is killed he feels lonely as if he has got no one left.Farmer Lodge is also an outsider in The Withered Arm. He is an outsider because he is older than any of the other workers and he is rich, which everybody else is not. When he marries his new wife Gertrude they see him as being lonely because he has married a younger woman.Curleys wife is an outsider because in Of Mice and Men she has just married Curley and moved to the ranch, which his dad owns. All the other workers think she must be lonely because she is always seen wandering around the ranch, she is never seen with Curley.Similarly Gertrude is an outsider in The Withered Arm because she has just married Farmer Lodge and moved to his home. When she comes home with Farmer Lodge everybody is talking about her Who is she? and What does she look like? so this must make her fell as t hough people are talking at her behind her back.In Of Mice and Men Lennie is an outsider because he has a mental disability and is looked after by George. He is also does not know his own strength and hurts Curley, this incident makes him feel more vulnerable to the other workersLennie smiled with his bruised mouth. I didnt want no trouble, he said. He walked toward the doorIn the same way Rhodas son is an outsider in The Withered Arm because he is dominated by his mother and at the end when he is hung, he is wrongly accused of something because of injusticea young familiar spirit deserved to be let off, this on does only just turned eighteen, and only present by chance when the rick was firedThis is the part in the story when Gertrude goes to see if there is any hangings happening the next day and is told about one, which is Rhodas son. The man who is telling her says he is innocent.Dreams are featured a lot in both stories. Lennie, George and Candy have a dream in Of Mice and Men to own their own ranchWell have a pornographic vegetable patch and a rabbit-hutch and chickens.Lennie and George at first are going to buy the ranch by themselves but then Lennie accidentally tells Candy, so George lets him help them. Curleys wife also has a dream to become an actress and be respected.In The Withered Arm Rhoda has a dream about Gertrude sitting on her with the wedding ring onthe young wife, in the pale silk dress and white bonnetthe figure thrust forward its left hand mockingly, so as to make the wedding ring it wore glitter in Rhodas eyesswung out her right hand seized the confronting spectre by its obtrusive left arm, and whirled it backward to the floorHowever in this story the dream comes true because Gertrude visits Rhoda and shows her the marks on her arm.In Of Mice and Men the style is mainly conversational, we learn about events through dialogue. Through wrangle we can tell that the boss is aloof to the workers. The language is like a childs when Lennie i s moving he is exposit like an animal. This story is known as a novella. It deals with poor and working class people.In The Withered Arm the style is also conversational, we learn about Rhoda at the beginning through conversation. It is third person narrative and in the past tense. This story is known as a short story. Through language we can also tell that the boss is aloof to the workers. This story also deals with poor and working class people.The settings are very similar, as they are both set on a farm in remote areas of the countries in which they are set. The Withered Arm is set on a dairy farm in England but Of Mice and Men is set on a ranch in California.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

“Cat in the Rain” by Ernest Hemingway Essay

The layer under the title Cat in the Rain was write by Ernest Hemingway, one of the most favourite American novelists, short-story writer and essayist, whose deceptively simple prose style has influenced wide range of writers. So, the story begins with the rendering of the hotel where two Americans stopped. It was raining, thats why the couple stayed in and just a cat in the rain attracted the young womans attention. She wanted to get the cat privileged but failed and was brought another cat.The problem of the story lies very deeply and we are to uncover it. The story is written in one mood which constantly and presently increases. It starts from the beginning where its created by a persistent and repeated use of the rain with a number of phrases associating it, such as puddles, deserted square, glistening state of war monument. Repetition is one of the widely used and favourite stylistic devices of Hemingway. Here he applies it to reveal the relationship of the protagonist to the old hotel owner (she desire , she liked ).As the verb to like is not used to characterize relations of the wife to her husband, this contrast is full of the concealed but easily read meaning. Though the cases of repeating in the story may seem a bit obtrusive, their modifications enter into the core of the narration very organically. They carry emotional character, nevertheless penetrating the story the deep sorrow becomes evident gradually. We realize that little, as if meaningless, capricious wishes of a young woman reveal the drama of her fate, the absence of comfort in her life, comparable with(predicate) with the cat in the rain.The title of the story anticipates this confrontation and the fact that the cats image makes great play twice just increases the total effect. In fact, the young woman pines for love, for home, for her family. And the purring cat shed like to have and to stroke is a traditional symbol of home and comfort she lacks so much. She wants warmth, at tention, care, joy, happiness however she is brought the cat a pitiful substitution of that, what she, a young, beautiful woman needs incredibly. This is the main problem of the novel we tried to uncover.Perhaps the hotel owner didnt get the reason of her yearnings and took her wish for whim. But dignity, deference and respectfulness of the old man are confronted to egoism and carelessness of George not occasionally. The war monument is too mentioned deliberately. The world George and his wife belong to is uncomfortable, homeless after-war world, where the fates of young people joined with such hardships and troubles. If to speak about the text itself, it is told in the 3rd person narrative.the description is interlaced with descriptive passages and dialogues of the personages. The author makes extensive use of repetitions to render the story more vivid, convincing, more real and emotional. The authors style is remarkable for its sizeable sweep, brilliant illustrations and deep psychological analysis. Everything he touches seems to reflect the feelings of the heroes. The story reveals the authors great knowledge of mans inner world. He penetrates into the subtlest windings of the tender heart.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of La English Students

FACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE L. A. ENGLISH STUDENTS Research Objectives To determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents To know how the Liberal Arts students suffice based on the factors enumerated and To know the factors that affects the academic slaying of Liberal Arts Major in English students. Introduction Operational Definition of Terms academic performance Academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.Academic performance is the ability to study and remember facts and universe able to communicate your knowledge verbally or down on paper. It is the ability to test your knowledge and how you handle such performance. Some factors that affects the academic performance of L. A English students be family, friends, everyday or environmental influence, personal influence, social influence, social media, absentism, habits, extracurricular activities, etc. Family Family refers to the basic unit of the community. It is the foundation in which the student grows in.The family is responsible for teaching the student good manners, right conduct, etiquette and etc. Family is composed of father, mother, brothers and/or sisters. It is a group of people related to each other. public/Environmental Influence Environmental influence is the influence on the student by his or her environment, whether people are treating him well or not, whether the environment is anicteric and good for the growth of a student. Environmental influence concerns the behavior of the students in dealing ith the society or with the community he or she is living in. Factors Factors are the things which has to be taken into account or which affects the course of events in the said study. Southern Baptist College Southern Baptist College refers to the Christian institution located at Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato, Philippines that offers basic, secondary, tert iary and grade courses. Liberal Arts Liberal Arts refer to a department in Southern Baptist College that includes students taking up major courses such as English, humanity Administration and Social Science.Students Students refers to one who attends a school and one who studies. An undergraduate or graduate studying for a degree at a university or college. English English is the universal language. It is one of the major courses offered in the department of Liberal Arts in Southern Baptist College. Study Habits Study habits refers to the way or technique of a student on how he or she will deal with his or her studies. Peer pressure Peer pressure refers to the influence of youth, oddly the students circle of friends to the student that

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Healing Hospital: a Daring Paradigm Essay

Healthcargon providers need to reach people on a personal level. The pattern of the better hospital paradigm research reveals that specific design changes in health cautiousness environments stinker reduce persevering stress and ameliorate the consequences of that stress. These changes bum also help reduce medical errors and hospital-acquired infections, while improving staff morale and efficiency (Kreitzer, 2011). This paper volition identify the concepts of a better hospital, advances in technology, the physical design of the hospital and culture which promote a holistic near to patient care.Physical Environment The better environment goes beyond just the basic social organisation materials that make up the hospital. An actual healing environment is constructed to help patients and families cope with the stresses of illness, and are free from overhead paging, in-room intercoms, loud machines or noise at the nurses station (Eberst, 2008). Hospitals need to be free from p hysical disturbances which can cause stress for the patient and their family. umteen hospitals are under constant construction. The loud noise of this construction can inhibit healing.Healthcare providers need to be sensitive to this and be patient advocates to ensure that the construction noises are at quantify when the patient is not in a resting state. They can coordinate construction times during optimal patient awake times. This will every(prenominal)ow patients with adequate rest periods to promote healing. Patients need internal transformation to completely heal. Human aura is an expression of what is taking place within the mind, the soul, and the relish of the individual. When considering this the color of the environment plays a big part of the healing environment.The use of chromotherapy, color healing, is essential when considering a healing environment. Green is considered the universal color for healing (Stefanidakis, 2001). Using colors appropriately in the hospit al environment can encourage stimulated responses to enhance healing. If the incorrect colors are utilized the patient may present with symptoms of irritability instead of peacefulness or cheerfulness which could inhibit healing. Furthermore, the hospitals interior plays a major role in the healing process. otherworldliness will be promoted if the interior reflects the hint of a religious atmosphere such as exercising specific religious artifacts spirituality will be promoted. Hospitals can also incorporate unrestricted visiting, decorative fountains, fireplaces, skylights and healing gardens to help provide a relaxing environment which decreases stress for their customer population. engineering science Technology can help provide an overall healing environment. Medical advances in medicine and diagnostic procedures help provide deal outment for the physical illness.Historically physicians treat physical illnesses, psychiatrists treat mental illnesses and hospital chaplains deal with spiritual issues. Many times the physicial treatment of illness is the main focus of hospital staff. However, technology can also provide a way of better communication between staff and physicians with the use of cell phones. Wireless monitoring systems and alarm silence mechanisms can provide a quieter, calmer environment with less patient stress which promotes a healing environment. Although technology helps promote the healing of physical illness patient rapture can be improved when a holistic approach is taken.The healing hospital incorporates technology and holistic patient care to provide body, mind and spiritual healing (Chapman, 2007). Spiritual Healing Spirituality is the search to know our true selves and discovering the real nature of consciousness (Russell, 2006). Many times healthcare providers think of patients establish on their diagnosis. This thought process depersonalizes the patient. This can lead to care that is not holistic. Healing hospitals promote staff education and administrative support to provide patients with holistic care.If staff members enter patient rooms in a calm and unhurried manner the patient perceives this as a loving environment (Chapman, 2007). This approach to each patient encounter allows the staff to address all of the patient necessitate. In this situation patients will open up to the staff so that all patient needs are identified. The staff can then recognize these needs and utilize all available resources to aid the patient in the healing process. Spirituality plays a major role in the patients ability to cope with stress and illness (Ashcraft, Anthony Mancuso, 2010). Biblical PassageIn times of illness people turn to their faith and pray for help. The bible states The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness (Psalm 413, New International Version). This reinforces the healing the concept of the healing hospital and the power of prayer. Prayer is one of the most helpfu l ways of inspiring hope in our patients and families. This passage reinforces the belief that spirituality is essential in the healing process. As healthcare providers we must be sensitive to our patients spirituality and incorporate this in our patient care.This is a rife of the healing hospital paradigm. Incorporating spiritual healing provides holistic care that is essential in the restoration of health. Culture The concept of the healing hospital is gaining the attention of healthcare professionals when they consider holistic care. It is essential that hospital administrators as hygienic as the staff embrace this concept to achieve holistic patient care. If everyone is not on the same page, holistic care cannot be achieved. Many times administrators are dollar focused. In this process they lose site of the aspect of holistic care.Many hospitals struggle financially and in a knee-jerk reaction jobs are eliminated. This often results in fewer nurses with larger patient loads. It also results in increased litigate demands of other employees. Cutting corners to save dollars affects all aspects of patient care. Patients often feel like a number or diagnosis and the personal aspect is lost. Patients emotional and spiritual needs are not met. How can hospital employees produce a healing atmosphere and provide holistic care to their patients with these obstacles? Holistic care can only be achieved in a loving, caring environment (Chapman, 2007).This atmosphere will produce better patient satisfaction scores and raise revenue for success. This also provides employee satisfaction which promotes better patient care. These concepts go hand in hand. The healing hospital implements processes based on subjective theories as well as scientific evidence based practices to promote all aspects of healing. Conclusion The healing hospital paradigm concept encompasses an all-inclusive treatment to meet patients needs for complete restoration. The components of this theory a re a culture of loving care, a healing environment and technology with a combined work design.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Igor Stravinsky Essay

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky was born on June 17th, 1882 in Oranienbaum, Russia. He was one of four to his polish parents, Anna ne Kholodovsky and Fyodor Stravinsky. Igor Stravinskys first exposer to music was from his father, who was a bass singer at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. His father helped him learn the love of music. His first musical raising began at the age of nine with piano lessons, studying music theory, and attempting composition. By fifteen, he had mastered Mendelssohns Piano Concerto in G Minor and ideal a piano reduction of a string quartet by Glazunov. That very(prenominal) year, Stravinsky rebelled against the Russian Orthodox Church and abandoned it. eventide though he excelled in music, his parents still wanted him to become a lawyer. In 1901, Stravinsky enrolls at the University of Saint Petersburg however he never attends many of his classes during the four years of school. When it came period to take final examinations in 1905, the school was closed for two months because of Bloody Sunday. He then later received a half course lambskin in April 1906.In 1902, Stravinsky began receiving private lessons from Nikolai Rimsky- Korsakov, the leading Russian composer at that time. That very same year Stravinskys father dies from cancer. In 1905 Igor Stravinsky proposes to his first cousin Catherin Nossenko. Even though the Orthodox Church opposes marriage of first cousins, they got married on January 23rd, 1906. The same of his marriage, Stravinskys creates first important composition Symphony in E Flat. The following year they have their first child Theodore and then the next year they have their second child Ludmila. The same year as Ludmilas birth, Rimsky, Stravinskys father like figure, dies. In 1909, Stravinskys compositions, Scherzo fatastique and Feu dartifice (Fireworks) where performed at a concert in St. Petersburg. In that very audience Serge Diaghilev, go wrong of the Ballets Russes, was extremely impressed.He was so impressed that he chooses Stravinsky to carry out orchestrations and to compose a full length ballet, The Firebird. In 1910 Stravinsky travels Paris for the premier of The Firebird. At this performance he meets Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and many other important musicians. Towards the end of the ballet season, his family moves to Switzerland with him and, Catherine expecting her third child. In Lausanne, Switzerland in September 1910, Sviatoslav Soulima their third son was born. In 1911, Stravinsky completes another(prenominal) successful ballet, Petrushka. Three years later, Stravinsky composes the two part ballet Le Sacre du Primtemps (The Rite of Spring). This ballet marked the coming of modernism in music and was met with awe and hostility. The riot that followed was the most notorious event in music history.Right after the performance, he developed typhoid fever, which took six weeks to recover from. Around the same time, Catherina and Ludmila were found to have tuberculo sis. A year later Ludmila did and after giving birth to their fourth child Maria Milena, Catherina also died. Three months after that his sustain died also. After all these deaths in his life, Stravinsky also diagnosed with tuberculosis. He spent five months recovering with his modest daughter Milena she took six years to recover. Stravinsky met Vera de Bosset in Paris in February 1921, his new wife to be. At the time when they first met Vera was still married to the painter and stage designer Serge Sudeikin. They began an affair which led Vera to leave her husband. During his last years in Paris, Stravinsky made professional connections with people in the U.S.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Costs of Production at San Juan Cell Phones

Costs of production at San Juan Cell Phones This is clearly a challenge for Lisa. If Lisa decides to suck the fellowship she will have the opportwholey to run the factory to mental ability over the next three months and fulfill a Company Value by keeping employees working, in addition, she will have a bonus check on her pocket. This will be the optimal decision if the factory had excess capacity of 100,000 and Big Box asking price remains $20 per unit.Lets say Lisa decides to use the Beta Model Line to make the surplus 30,000 units, since we are short on information lets assume that because of the production nisus change the factory will be 30,000 short on Beta Models. Based on table 1 (Unit Profitability Report) and if units are sold accordingly then San Juan Cell Phones will generate a returns of $90,000 by manufacturing and selling the Alpha model vs. 240,000 earn generated by manufacturing and selling the Beta model. San Juan Cell Phones will risk $150,000 in profit with the production line change alternative. If the company decides to honor the asking price then San Juan Cell Phones will generate losses. If phones are sold at $15 each and shifting cost per unit remains same based on table 1 (Unit Profitability Report) then the company will lose $2 per unit making it a $200,000 or a $140,000 deficit.Variable cost will have to decrease $2+ in order to stumble some profit. some other alternative will be to hire the OEM to manufacture the entire order. This alternative will be the most profitable one with a $100,000 profit gain without literary doing anything. Mrs. Norman require to realize that gains may non be always in the shape of money and that she needs to comply with company set in order to maintain integrity which is very important in business today.It is clear that a deal with a major chain same Big Box will bring a good advertisement for the company which eventually will bring to a greater extent buyers and that will bring more profit to the company, so no matter what happens the company will benefit from this order if production is handled correctly. Keeping that in mind, ordering the OEM to manufacture the entire order is the most attractive option in terms of money but will not run the factory at capacity and will not keep the employees working which is one of the companys values.In my opinion there is a happy medium to the situation that could bring some profit will keep the employees working and will comply with the order in time. Dividing the production between San Juan Cell Phones and the OEM will fulfilled most of Mrs. Norman needs. debauch hiring the OEM to manufacture 2/3 of the order will make it even with profit of the OEM deal paying for the losses made by producing the Alpha models within the companys facility and selling it at the requested price ($14).Since profits were good and cost control met standards this will be an alternative to Lisa because production will increase 33,334 units decreasin g the excess capacity to 36,667. In other words factory will be producing closer to its capacity, will keep employees working and will provide the costumers a quality product on time. If Lisa wants to gain profit from the deal then she needs to decide how many more units the OEM needs to manufacture with little impact on factory productivity, employment and of course her bonus.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dont Text and Drive Essay

Five seconds is the average sentence your eyes are off the road small-arm texting. When traveling at 55mph, thats enough time to cover the length of a football field. (2009, VTTI). While texting and unprompted has always been an issue since people were able to text on phones, it has not gained much media attention until recently. flock may consume sent an occasional text while capricious ten years ago, but because the keyboard was harder to use, people were not doing it as often. Todays phones bequeath you to text with one hand, making it easier to text while driving. With that being said there have been to a greater extent accidents related to texting and driving. Those that have been injured or almost injured in an accident may no longer text and drudge, but the vast majority of people that have yet to injure themselves or others while doing this forget continue to text and drive because they feel safe.There are many ads, commercials and charge organizations that are ag ainst texting and driving but the number of people that have actually stopped texting while driving is at a bare minimum. 60% of drivers use cell phones while driving. (2011, Harris Poll). It seems as if all the advertisements have not paid off like planned. The reason behind so many ads is to cut backward on texting and driving and I regard the media helps get the idea of texting and driving into peoples heads. People will participate in this dangerous action to prove that they will not get hurt. Others will see this and think it is okay for them to text and drive as well. It is like a deadly chain of mountains reaction. The ads need to capture the attention of the audience and show how serious texting and driving really is. I believe this ad has a very powerful meaning.Obviously the main message is do not text and drive but it does have a deeper meaning. The car is driving through a neighborhood and a ball is rolling across the street. It is a typical day in just about everyones neighborhood. The phone gravels the place of a child running to get the ball. I believe the photographer uses a child rather than an adult because it shows how serious texting and driving is how one message can take an aboveboard life. The text under the picture says You cant count on text message to pick up whats happening on the road in front of you. I see it as the phone, something so worthless is taking the place of a child, who means the world to someone.This ad is from BMW and the only reason I am pointing this out is because there is a reason BMW is advertising the Dont text and drive slogan. The iDrive system that was in the cars was very intricate and forced drivers to scroll through menus just to do radical tasks. This gave BMW a bad re dropation so to make up for the lost cause they made ads against texting and driving and also updated the iDrive system to make it straightforward. Texting and driving is a serious and fatal problem that many drivers take part in. I th ink it should be illegal because of how many accidents and deaths are related to texting and driving. Next time you read or reply to a message while driving, think about the danger you put yourself and everyone around you in.Works CitedFacts. Stop the texts. Stop the Wrecks.. NHTSA. Web. 23 Jan 2013.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pros and Cons of Self-Study Essay

It has recently come up as a polemic issue whether students should study alone or not. Some people stand for the idea that self-study helps them become more self-supporting. Others point out that this way of learning put them in certain difficulties. This essay pull up stakes portray us a chance to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the issue in more details. On the bright side, the supporters of self-study expect a thought that studying alone benefits students in terms of becoming more concentrative as swell as more independent.To begin with, it has been proven to be true that self-study helps students find essential silence to take on high concentration. As the control of fact, when students study independently, there is no one can disturb them so that they usually focus on their lessons. For example, anyone who study alone at home doesnt meet friends to run out about irrelevant matters such as an upcoming performance of a rock star that office make students ten d to lose their attention. In addition, it is also evident that learners who ar self-study, are more independent than others.As far as I am concerned, when nobody can help, it has better to do it myself. For instance, in the face of not understanding their lesson, students learning alone manage to achieve knowledge by themselves by means of finding source of books in the library or looking up information on the internet. This proves that they are more active in their studying. On the dark side, the opponents of this issue come up with an argument that students are more likely to encounter certain disadvantages when they study independently.These students are not only short of ideas to dispense with a big assignment but also find it a bit hard to master their presentation skills without group support. First of all, ones mind could not think many ideas because of their express mail imagination. This causes they always find it difficult to getting on their assignment. To illustrat e, if one student could find out 3 ideas, a group with ten students would increase this prefigure to thirty. Another point is that learners studying by themselves will probably be lack of presentation skill.Hardly can anybody deny the fact that when learning alone, students cannot apply to present effectively. For example, they do not have anyone who comment or give them advice for their performance. They will not figure out where the problem is to fix it and they have to do everything on their own. In brief, I absolutely equip with the saying every coin has both sides. Self-study also has its pros and cons. Students should use their way of learning alone as a foundation to launch their group study.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Naked Economics Essay

Chapter 1 The fountain of MarketsWhat are the two basic assumptions that economists make about individuals and firms?What is the role and significance of prices in the mart rescue?Whats so great about a foodstuff economy anyway?Market parcelling 3 / Assume rational utility-maximizers 6 / Opportunity costs 9 / Profit max 11 / Prices allocate resources 12 / Barriers to entry 14 / Market price, pricing decision & price discrimination 15 / Lessons of markets 18Chapter 2 Incentives MatterExplain how each of the following relates to efficient outcomes in a market economy-adverse selection-perverse incentives-principal-agent problem,-the prisoners dilemma.Wrong incentives lead to undesirable outcomes 23 / yeasty destruction 36 / Tax & govt program disincentives 38Chapter 3 Government and the EconomyIn your deliver words, explain what an externality is.Besides addressing externalities, what other important and beneficial roles does government play in our market economy?Externalities 4 3 / Govt solutions to externalities 48 / Govt makes market economy possible rights, laws / regulations 51 / Public goods 57 / Redistribution 59Chapter 4 Government and the Economy IIWhat are the main reasons why government should only support a limited role in a market economy?Govt inefficiency 63 / Govt allocation vs semiprivate allocation 67 / do of regulation 69 / Effects of taxation 74 / Summary 78Chapter 5 Economics of InformationWheelan explains that basic stinting models assume that all parties have perfect information. How does informational imbalance undermine our market economy?Adverse selection 81 / Firm screening 89 / stigmatization provides information 90 / Branding versus commodities 92 / Signaling mechanisms 93Chapter 6 Productivity and Human crownworkAfter reading Wheelans argument, do you agree that Bill Gates should be so practically richer than you? Evaluate the following statement from p. 113 We should not care about the gap between rich and curt as long as everybody is living better.Human capital 98 / Job creation 103 / Effects of human capital on standard of living 105 / Productivity 107 / Income inequality 111Chapter 7 monetary MarketsExplain how get-rich-quick schemes violate the most basic principles of economics.What advice about investing in the stock market did you get most interesting and/or useful?Purposes of financial instruments 118 / Efficient markets & index funds 126 / Investment guidelines 132Chapter 8 The Power of Organized spare-time activitys wherefore have mohair farmers earned a subsidy from the federal government fordecades?Interest groups & politicians incentives 137 / Some regulations benefit business 142 / Tyranny of the status quo 144Chapter 9 Keeping ScoreWhy is a nations GDP a good measure of its economic benefit and advancement?Why is a nations GDP a poor measure of its economic well-being and progress?GDP importance, real vs nominal, per capita 150 / GDP growth & wage growth 152 / GDP misses tend er progress 154 / Recessions 156 / Fiscal & monetary policy 158 / Other vital signs unemployment, poverty, inequality, govt budget, deficit, current acct, national savings, demographics 160Chapter 10 The Federal ReserveWhat is the primary role of the Federal Reserve?What is the significance of this role?What is deflation, and why is it worse than inflation?Importance of Fed 168 / Easy money causes inflation 170 / FOMC & monetary policy tools 172/ hassle of policy decision-making 175 / Money 176 / Inflation & effects 179 / Political pressure to allow inflation 182 / Deflation 184Chapter 11 Trade and GlobalizationWhat is the good news about Asian sweatshops?Benefits of trade 187 / Comparative advantage & strength 190 / Losers from trade 191/ Protectionism 193 / Trade raises real incomes 195 / Trade benefits for poor countries 196 / Cultural homogenization 199 / Sweatshops 201Chapter 12 emergence EconomicsAfter reading this chapter, what do you believe are the two greatest obstacle s preventing poor countries from bonnie rich?Importance of policies (vs resources) 206 / Effective development policies 208 / Exchange rates 217 / IMF 225Epilogue Life in 2050What economic question do you have about life in 2050? About todays economy? About life in general?

Friday, May 17, 2019

Importance of education in children’s life Essay

Providing free and choice education to children reflects the fact that every child is entitled to fundamental human rights and is to be treated with dignity. Where children ar exposed to poverty, violence, abuse, or exploitation, those rights demand our urgent protection. Primary education supports children at a critical condemnation in their physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth. More broadly, education is a key tool for development, and an invalu adequate to(p) representation of addressing structural inequality and disadvantage. Primary education provides children with life skills that will enable them to prosper later in life. It equips children with the skills to maintain a rock-loving and productive existence, to grow into resourceful and socially active adults, and to make ethnic and political contributions to their communities.Education also transmits more abstract qualities such as critical thinking skills, healthy living, resilience, and self-confidence. An educated adult population is vital for strong economic development. It also lays the foundations for greater overall economic productivity, and the full use of new technologies for development. A system of compulsory schooling helps fight child labour. meliorate and literate adults atomic number 18 more likely to be informed about sexual risks and better able to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. A lack of gender semblance and equality in education is often a critical factor in underdevelopment.The education of women is a powerful means of sustaining improved health and education in the long term. Figures suggest that children of educated mothers are signifi bottomlandtly more likely to be enrolled in school. The education of women also reduces fertility rates and improves the health of women, infants and children. In addition, the education of women may also address entrenched cultural views about traditional female person roles as the y are empowered and equipped with skills which enable them to make a full contribution to their communities. You can make a difference by entering a partnership, donating or volunteering.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Eating Healthily and Advantages Disadvantages of Foods Essay

Today, e precise people and every country were all developing and moving forward, by and so shall we keep in mind, what make us live until today and keeping us healthy.Eating healthily With A Busy Lifestyle, is the topic that I chose. By reading the topic, the main point that I chose, straight away in peoples mind they testament have in mind of pleasing intellectual nourishment, slenderness that bring up the appetite, but do they have the time to eat what they want, to enjoy such appetising meals? Does it suit our healthy life since nowadays we usually eat what we, just like the often phrase we usually heard, saw in the advertisements, eat all you keister or eat while you can. Some people neglect the healthy food thing, because they thought that healthy food is boring, not delicious and m some(prenominal) more.I have seen people shall I say my friends, colleagues which they dont consume any type of vege gameboard. I have few colleagues of mine, whenever we ate together sitti ng on the same table during dinner night especially, when the waiter brought the meal, and it vegetables, their first thought was they will not take those vegetables, they wont eat it. Vegetable which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, helps to protect our immune system, to beautify our skins and many more. It is very, very easy to eat the greens (vegetables), if they doesnt look tasty, make them look tasty, use our imagination to think how to decorate, form the vegetables to look yummy. Here in this speech I will show how to eat healthily during working hours especially, how we divide our time to unleash our appetite towards healthy and scrumptious food.In this speech I will share what I have learnt and analysed for the healthy food, which is simple to make, and I will also points aside of what are the advantages are and also disadvantages of foods especially in our country, Malaysia which most of them were highly contain of cholesterols and calories. And I will be talking on how to keep nutritious snacks on hand, packing your lunch and choosing healthy food when you are at a restaurant.

Safety management assignment # 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Safety perplexity 2 - Assignment ExampleFalling worst and experiencing an injury are a hazard that mustiness be set and a rough count on given. Another expected probability is equipment failure. Chances that the ladder will be faulty must be unplowed in mind.The next essential step in a work safety analysis is find the solution to the hazards identified. By this, the hazards can be controlled and safety effected. Hazards can be controlled through administrative controls and or engineering solutions. The recommended steps that will reduce hazard risks are identified, as well as the risks of the employment injury or illness.The following are the appropriate job safety analysis steps to follow. First, job with the highest risk for a workplace injury or illness is selected. In this case, the task to be make is to fix a leaking roof. The highest risk is identified as well as the potential injuries and or illness. Next, the incumbent steps for completion of the task are identifi ed and recorded. All probable hazard risks are identified in accordance to each step done. The last step is the determination and record of the recommended procedures for performing each step. This will reduce the hazard risk.Managing the safety function entails planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and staffing. In regard to planning, the departmental needs, resources and mission must be kept into consideration. The records of various departmental needs must be updated so as to whop the exact required needs. Planning aspect comprises of time, money, materials, and personnel needs. Planning is an essential aspect of management.The second management function is organizing. This means that the staff in the shaping must be properly organized. The chain of see must be followed so as maintain the organization and efficient working conditions. The factor of the organization is present in successful companies this keeps the motto of the organization intact.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Early Childhood Ed 415 Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Early Childhood Ed 415 Assignments - Essay Examplestudents in persevering to agnise complex text engaging all students in rigorous non-fiction reading and engaging all students to sleuth readto reread and revisit the text for answers (Creating Common Core Comprehension Connections, 2014, pgh. 3).1. Where does your platform come from? Frog Street broadcast is also called Innovative Curriculum. It focuses on addressing the need for young learners to move and interact with their environment.3. How do you adapt your curriculum to all learning styles? The curriculum is flexible for learners who are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. There are plenty of opportunities for children to see, hear, and explore their somatogenic space.4. What is your behavioral plan of action? If, after several attempts at unruly behaviorsuch as biting, which is common at the two-year-old levela Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) will be implemented, where a record is made of the time, date, and circumstances surrounding the negative behavior. With redirection and refocusing, it is hoped that the behavior can be corrected.6. Do your students and parents complete how to get around campus? Students need to be guided by teachers because the school can be puzzling for twos to navigate. Parents are very familiar with the setup of the school, however.7. Do you feel like your curriculum is age and individualized appropriate? The curriculum is age appropriate and adapted to suit childrens individual needs. free-and-easy sheets are provided for parents describing what their child(ren) has/have done throughout the day, recording what they ate at meals and when they used the potty or were changed.8. What assessments do you use? Is your assessment appropriate for all students? Assessments are done twice a year, one time in November and once in May, since this is a year-round daycare. The assessment is appropriate for all students in half dozen sections of the 2-year-old class (A/B, C/D, and E/F) .

Monday, May 13, 2019

Service operations management- Discussion Question Assignment

Service operations management- Discussion Question - Assignment sampleThe primary strategy adopted by the Walt Disney Corporation is global. The focus of the Walt Disney Company is not only in the United States market, but also internationally. Thus the amusement parts of the company are located in three separate continents. The stores of the company are located in the United States, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. The licensed shops for the stack are located in almost all countries around the globe.The approaches that drive global expansion efforts entangle direct investments, foreign outsourcing, and also licensing. The international expansion has been very utile in several aspects. Financially, the card has reduces operation costs (Bhasin, 2013). This is because, increasing salary in the United States, initiated the move of foreign outsourcing. Thus legion(predicate) production centers are based in Asian countries, due to the minimum production expenses i nvolved. To ensure effective international distribution, the country has authorized licensees, with the main objective of reselling the services and products. This is significant to the company due to minimal investments

Discusion 4 707 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discusion 4 707 - grant ExampleShe would otherwise not be depressed. Veronica also appeared direct on her negative sound judgment towards the review and her testimony to the physician and Marts testimony shows this. Mart report her position on his future in the organization while Veronica reported that Marts performance was lacking(p) and that he was likely to lose his job within that year. Her attitude was therefore likely to discourage Mart, who already had personal problems, than motivate. Even though Mart thought about improvement initiatives, Veronica had not sight any improvement and this suggest that the review had negative effects.Conflicts are common in nursing organizations and may have adverse effects on performance. In my conversations, I may try to incorporate contrast resolution strategies, through a win-win approach, in order to ensure positive outcomes such as development self-esteem in the other party (Brinkert, 2010). I may also incorporate soft look in my conversations, through exploring a persons experiences, in order to understand factors to a fray for developing a solution to a problem instead of victimizing the party (The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2011). In the conversations with the physicians, for example, it emerges that the employee has personal problems and that he is willing to learn and improve. The problems may be undermining his potentials and a qualitative approach to evaluation would identify this and help in solving the

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Reading Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Reading ledger - Essay ExampleThe ecological and social disaster did not fix itself to Punjab. In Wrangal, Andhra Pradesh, farmers are committing suicide. Traditionally, farmers in the region grew paddy, millets, and pulses. However, seed companies lured farmers to adopt cotton farming by portraying them as more profitable. shed merchants referred to the hybrid cottonseeds as white gold supposed to turn farmers into millionaires. Instead, farmers became paupers (Shiva, 2000).The merchants are attempting to introduce genetically engineered seeds estimation to be more productive than hybrid cottonseeds. However, genetically engineered cottonseeds increase ecological and costs risks. They need more body of water and thus have lead to deep tube wells drillings, which have consequently caused water famine in India. Unlike the previous raiments, the new solves require a lot of water.Due to the difficulties caused by the introduction of new crops, Shiva thinks that a sustainable deve lopment is not achievable under globalization. increment ought to be regional based and not based on global demands. For her, globalization has led to unforgivable and brutal impact on the poor forced to feed the world. The rich variety and sustainable systems of forage production were destroyed in an attempt to increase food production. Various and rich sources of nutrition were eliminated. In the industrial fisheries and industrial agriculture, nutrition per acre is low. Instead, the form of fisheries and agriculture encourage production of a single crop or product per area. Therefore, they lead to high yield of a single product or crop and consequently a low output of diverse products or crops.In her article, Shiva targets policy and finale makers. In her eighth paragraph, she points out the need to reevaluate the development founded on globalization because it has negatively affect the poor. According to

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Week 6 Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Week 6 Assignment - Research Paper ExampleBusiness practices differ from one state to another found on the company grow in the respective countries. The appreciation of a countys entrepreneurial culture and hierarchy allows smooth running of commercial activities devoid of un honourable circumstances. There are multiple challenges associated with morality in global business however, there are various roles that standards plays in the same setting. This paper seeks to evidence the need and the importance of establishing a global set of honest standards, the history and growth of international ethical standards, as well as the challenges that governing bodies face.The accounting field is a constantly growing and changing industry. Accounting was regarded an area with high ethical standards until recently. The business world has recently experienced high visibility failures through unethical behavior. Conducting business internationally may cause numerous ethical concerns. Some of the ethical issues are corruption, diverse cultures and customs, human rights, and different working environments. The economy of today is becoming globally little for this reason, corporate institutions across the globe are becoming co-dependent on one another on topical anaesthetic and international viewpoint. For instance, labor, information technology, raw materials, and finance.The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants draws the behaviors within the United States during the internationalistic Federation of Accountants (IFAC), outlines international ethical standards and practices. The principle of one ethics system requires the understanding of the ideologies and operations of some(prenominal) standards bodies as well as similarities amid them.The AICPA is an American based professional organization for certified accountants. The key objective lens is this institution is to provide sufficient resources, set professional and ethical standards to certified publ ic accounting

Friday, May 10, 2019

Business Scenario Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Scenario - Statistics ramble ExampleThe objective of this report is to present rationale and cost-benefit analysis of proposed project for potential creditors and enable the owners of the sloshed to get loan to fund this project.The report is structured in several key parts. The first prick provides a brief overview of the business followed with an overview of the business. The next sectionalization introduces business analysis, whereas there are identified study business functions and current problems. Furthermore, the report presents an overview of team management approach and analysis of the main business processes indoors an organisation. There are defined the types of new ICT and projected key improvements in business processes. The next section is devoted to customer relationship database design, followed by project plan and budget sections. Last section is reason out part of the report.The conjunction operates in tourism industry acting as a travel agent. The company acts as an intermediary between suppliers of various advantages such as airlines, hotels, package tours, etc. and terminal consumers. The company has developed a great customer database as it usually ensures high quality of service and has a good understanding of customers needs. Moreover, the company has well-established positive reputation among both suppliers/partners and customers, which serves a good foothold for sustainable business.However, with the development of IT, more consumers are empowered to book their tours and to buy airline tickets directly without involvement of tour agents. Firms suppliers also have switched already to new forms of communication and business interactions. before long the company operates four locations in the same city, but the management has a strategic plan to flip ones wig business adding 10 new locations across other cities in the next 5 years. In golf-club to stay in business and achieve business expansion plans, it is importa nt to adopt new engineering and integrate it

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Aboriginal Women and Lesbians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

central Women and Lesbians - Essay ExampleAboriginal women are not given much protection by the law. The bit of aboriginal women in prisons is higher than that of men, which shows discrimination against them. When Europeans arrived, aboriginal women were even deprived of their right to vote. European stinting and cultural development proved to be catastrophic for them, since they were enjoying follow rights as men before the Europeans arrived. Their children were displace to residential schools at very early ages, to return after legion(predicate) years or never to return. Likewise, lesbians down been facing discrimination in Canada since a long time ago. They take up been treated as psychologically ill persons, and are often subjected to electroshock therapies. They have not been allowed to get admitted to armed forces, and have been facing sexism at workplaces and public places. They have also been victims of anti-lesbian violence and discriminatory Canadian laws. For exampl e, before 1969, lesbianism was considered as a crime in Canada, and was offensive enough to lead to imprisonment. Aboriginal resisted the deprivation of their right to vote, memorialize into business contracts, and own property. They struggled hard in the ordinal century to make themselves recognized as legitimate citizens of Canada. Due to their struggles, only some decades ago, law recognized them as legal persons and lifted precincts upon their right to vote, present into contracts, and own property. They fought for their equitable position at the constitutional table. Similarly, today Canada has many national laws that protect the rights of lesbians, and imposes fines and punishments on those who do or provoke anti-lesbian hatred at workplaces or public places. For example, the Canadian Human Rights practice was designed after lesbians raised their voices against discrimination against them. This law forbids discrimination based on sexual predilection by federally-regulated employers, landlords and services (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, 1999, para.6). To conclude, aboriginal women and lesbians have been raising their voices against the marginalization that they have to face due to hatred of the society. Many laws have passed, and many associations are working, to protect their rights, but relieve their suffering has not completely ended, and they are considered as mentally ill and inferior persons of the society. 2. Feminism has seen 4 motions since feminists, and women themselves, have started raising their voices against gender discrimination they suffer from at homes and at workplaces (Rebick, 2005). This essay tends to focus on the thesis statement that the third and fourth waves of feminism differ from the first and second waves in hurt of activism and understanding relations among women, by giving a brief introduction of the four waves. The first wave of feminism arose in the nineteenth century when an or ganized feminist movement started in Britain in the 1850s. Although many feminists, like Mary Wollstonecraft, had already debated on the topic of female social inequality, yet there was a need for an organized movement. First wave feminists promoted their idea of giving equal rights to women in education, employment, and decisions about marriage. However, they cogitate only on the problems they had experienced, and not on the problems of working women. Second wave arose in the late twentieth century when feminist activities increased. Women started to contend against discrimination, in which they were given second class status. This wave focused in the first place on working class of women, which was obvious from the 1968 strike of working women at the Ford car plant, protesting for equal pay. Women also started understanding their

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Framework of Marriage and Family Counseling Essay

The Framework of Marriage and Family Counseling - Essay ExampleThese models developed over time to avail the management of age-old conflicts and modern concerns in the face of rapidly changing responsibilities of focal point practitioners. From the exposition of the vanadium models and supporting research findings, the framework of marriage and family commission may, therefore, be viewed as an aggregation of elements having specific applications to versatile issues for the purpose of keeping the family intact and functional as one, happy, cohesive social unit.Happy families atomic number 18 every alike every unhappy family is unhappy in its profess way goes a popularly quoted course of action from the opening of a classic novel Anna Karenina (Tolstoy, trans. 2003). The quotation serves a significant and fitting introduction to an faculty member paper that tackles the framework of marriage and family counseling. From prose to reality, most counselors would concur with Tolsto y and with me that, indeed, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, owing to individual differences and a whole lot of factors. However, families may seek assistance from marriage and family counseling practitioners to guide them either in the context of individual or group sessions to assuage issues.The fact that families are different and unique have given way to the establishment of a host of techniques, strategies, and models to facilitate counseling efforts and either bring back or continue on with happy family living. This paper tackles a look backward of existing publications on the framework of marriage and family counseling by going over twain time-tested and newer models used by counselors in their practice. A combination of academic texts and peer-reviewed journals provided rich sources of materials for this paper.From the existing literature and studies, it became apparent that counselors apply different techniques and intervention models that will fit

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Nasa risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nasa risk management - Essay ExampleUnderstanding the stakeholders expectations is primary as they can also opt to implement a constraint that will narrow the performance of the organizations. Conducting a performance measurement is also imperative due to the expansion of research of realizing the risks involved, as well as the opportunities involved.The main weaknesses in the RIDM flowchart case study allow in the imposition of constraints that is not done by the organization directly, but rather by the stakeholders. The stakeholders can induce a precise limited space for the organization to spur in its efforts to develop a higher level of victor and great performance. Another weakness is in the assessment conducted through the second step whereby preliminary military ranks atomic number 18 conducted. This is because the results accrued are rather solidly understood as grounds for approval or disapproval. When the evaluation is conducted, the conditions may be more favorable t hen, and provide positive results that may not be achieved should the environmental conditions alter.The use of RIDM (risk- informed decision making) to determine the performance measures can be presented in a soft and quantitative format. The quantitative format presents this information in mathematical characters and provides a mathematical volume depth psychology of the performance measures. It is highly differentiated from the soft format that rather presents information that does not have numerical values and is rather defined in ranking position terms. Some of the qualitative measures in RIDM include technology readiness level, and it presents the information required without using any numerical values and constructs a qualitative scale the defines the ranking position of the performance measures.The main challenges that are accrued from utilizing the qualitative measures while delineate the

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Emergence of Trust and Power within a Business Network Essay

The Emergence of Trust and Power within a Business mesh - Essay ExampleIt is a critical and strategic issue which needs to be dealt very carefully, this fixings of trust is vital in all kinds of relationships whether it is within the business or with the external stakeholders. It is very toilsome to make this trust however one mistake can hurt the reputation very earnestly and create serious consequences for the future of the business. Power is the acquisition of assets and its control which gives dominance to a party all over the other. It is to have the control and ability to influence the decision of the other party. Power has its own benefits and draws backs within a business network. Too much or less(prenominal) of it has its own effects. However, it has been seen that where there is trust there is less likelihood of power causing any harm to the social or business network (Group H.R., 2000).When we tittle-tattle about the long-term success of the business then this succes s is dependent on the development of domineering networks in the industry. Business networks are an opportunity for the owners of the business and the team of employees to improve themselves continuously. They are a ingathering of companies linked through agreements for business purposes who work together to get over all benefits for the members in doing so they need to make business dealings and work together and invest and divest money intellection Made Easy, p21, 2009).A company in the business network tends to learn from one anothers mistakes and successes and based on that they derive solutions to their own problems. Apart from the business perspective networking helps in social activities and events. It leads to untouchable bonds and close relationships with the business partner which is good for the business in the long term (Daft, p110, 2001). The relationship essential be enduring and permanent in nature.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Nurse And The Old Mans Hospital Room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Nurse And The Old Mans Hospital Room - Essay ExampleThe reserve was exemplary because she illustrated the characteristics of an excellent nurse- sympathetic, tolerant, and intelligent. While the nurse was outstanding, the hospital room was ordinary, but the gifts and contents that surrounded my Uncle make it look like a part of our home. The room was plain in colors and design. It had white walls with crumbling paint, rough cracks in the walls, and simple layout of a bed and a table, which was common for public hospitals. It was white and clean. It was similar to both other hospital I had been too. Though the room was a familiar sight, everything else from our family and friends brought it to life. Uncles wife brought other table and some chairs. The table had two transparent cabinets, and one could see the packs of biscuits, chips, and candies inside, for the visitors. Another layer had dry fruits and sachets of coffee and chocolate drinks. At the side of the table were bag s of home-cooked food, such as stewed fish and vegetables, rice, and genus Tilapia in coconut milk. There were also baskets of fruits of every color- watermelon, bananas, apples, and oranges. I could smell the food fighting outdoor(a) the scents of alcohol, medicine, and antiseptics. Apart from food, pots, and bouquets of flowers were everywhere. My favorite was a bouquet of yellow flowers with pink edges. They looked brightly colorful and smelled wonderful. My Aunt frame this in a vase and placed it on the table. Then, some vivid blue and green balloons were nearby too, as well as piles of cards and letters.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Kino and Juana's reaction after finding the pearl Essay

kino and Juanas reaction after finding the pearl - Essay ExampleWaste treatment is hazardous should excessively get opposed in the neighborhood. The deep injector, as well as the waste material incinerator, possess threats to humanity, in that locationfore, should be opposed from being constructed in the society (Barrow 34).There should be set up strategies to regulate the strong waste. One of the strategies is the location restriction. The strategy should ensure that the landfills get constructed in the most suitable areas. Another strategy is the operating practices. It incorporates the covering as well as compacting waste with soil to eliminate odor. There should too be the monitoring requirements on the ground water. The water should be tested constantly to ensure there is no escape of the waste materials from the landfills (Barrow 44).Among the strategies that should be used is the creation of public awareness on the waste strategies. Infrastructure should also be improve d to hold hazardous waste. There should also be the origination of the council to assess and also regulate toxic substances. The state should also take a major eccentric towards the prevention of waste and use of toxic products by consumers.Water is a basic necessity of a man alongside being an economic good. Raising its cost means that people who earn confused income will not manage to handle it and, therefore, raising the price of water should get opposed. Government subsidies that levy farmers to access water at affordable prices should not get withdrawn since it will affect two the lives of farmers together with the economy of the state. Provision of government subsidies that will enhance efficiency in irrigation should be encourage since it will improve peoples life as well as enhancing economic ripening (Barrow 54).There are various human activities that accelerate flooding. Blasting is one of the human activities that cause flooding. It results to landslides in hill an d mountain slopes that may result in damming of streams and rivers. There should

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Opportunity assessment for 'YPlan' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Opportunity assessment for YPlan - Essay Example at that place is a business opportunity in the last minute seat business as the firm industry has an annual balance of 30% unsold seat, the cinema industry has 80% unsold seats while the live unison industry has a balance of 40% unsold seats. The gild YPlan is a young app company founded in 2012 by Rytis Vitkauskas and Viktoras Jucikas. YPlan specializes in last minute event discovery which involves wakefulness users of available tickets for live events happening within the next 24 hours. The events it sells include wine tasting sessions, music gigs, theatre or silent discos with all featured events handpicked by the companys editors. The YPlan is based in London, UK, and serves the iPhone market in the city. The company was initially based in East Londons TechHub kickoff with two employees but grew quickly recruiting 17 employees in the process and shifted its base to Kings Cross. The company plans to expand internationally to o ther markets where the iPhone penetration is huge bid the US and Japan. YPlan seeks to exploit a time out in the entertainment market by being the first app company to provide an efficient government agency of purchasing last minute nights out tickets. The founders befool experience in the software industry and have a long history of entrepreneurship. Rytis, for example, has previously worked at Summit Partners where he was responsible for software and engine room investments. He contributed to the sourcing, execution and management of summit investments in Acturis and Avast software (Baron 2012). Challenges in the app business The companys services were only available in London as of Jan 2013, but it looks to expand its business to American cities. The app market is crowded and competitive it is hard for most entrepreneurs to break through. The popularity of apps changes quite often therefore, entrepreneurs have to be conversant with the latest trends in the industry (Chell 20 04). To launch a successful app entrepreneurs have to acquire the relevant technology appropriate to a particular platform. If the entrepreneur intends to launch the app on different platforms, then he/she needs to purchase a platform specific developer license for each platform. Platforms are in frequent mutually incompatible, with each having unique technical detailing and coding. The coding and testing stage requires the services of go through app developers and software engineers. The app developer alike needs sound designers, graphic designers and content developers, in addition to, an effective market and PR team. The company does not offer a filtering system to sort between different types of events like music gigs and theatre. Some competitors like Hotel tonight appeal to customers with discounted rates for their services while Yplan offers discounts for only both(prenominal) of the events (Chell 2004). Other competitors like Groupon use coupons to advertise various pro ducts including sales of tickets to a wide range of events at highly discounted rates. This could impact on Yplans bottom-line as its services are restricted to subscriber-only app based marketing. Groupons customers need not own a smart phone in order to buy its products. Groupon has also negotiated lucrative deals with various American companies and this could be a hurdle to Yplans strategy of entering the American market. For instance, Groupon have partnered with the MLB to sell tickets to its games. Opportunities and product differentiation

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Creativity - Essay recitationHowever, Csikszentmihalyi suggested that young students massnot be creative, tho all creative adults were once young students (Csikszentmihalyi, 1966156). The entire idea of this control by Csikszentmihalyi is dependent on the fact that young students can show tremendous talent, but they cannot be creative because creativity brings changing a way of doing things, a way of thinking, and that in turn requires having master the old ways of doing/ thinking. No matter how precocious a student is this he cannot do (1996155). In early(a) words Csikszentmihalyi stated that it is education that makes an individual creative.In this context it would be relevant to mention that Amabile suggested that ...creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation the first is a necessary but not competent condition for the second (Amabile et al 1996). As it is Csikszentmihalyi viewed creativity as the highest achievement of tender mind as he states that Creativity is the central source of life for sev eral reasons. Most of the things that are interesting, important and human are the result of creativity. (1997 1) Csikszentmihalyis views in this context suggested that there is an attempt of invoking creativity within young students but there can be no conviction that the method proved the usher of creativity within young students of 12-16 years.It s... knowledge that they wish to acquire but they stressed on the particulars of methods and neglected creativity by keeping it aside as they implied that it is a inheriting part of the young students mechanism. In this regard we can enumerate the ideas put forward by Emerson who suggested that by our tempering and thwarting and too much political science he may be hindered from his end and kept out on his own (Emerson 251) In former(a) words Emerson believed that the students should be given enough liberty to formulate their own approach towards education or they are creative enou gh to formulate one. This again is an alternative view of Csikszentmihalyis views that suggested that even if there are no direct evidence of creativity there always remains an element of attempt to be creative all along.Literature reviewView of Csikszentmihalyi states that creativity results from the interaction of a system undisturbed of three elements a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain, and a athletic field of experts who recognize and validate the innovation. (1997 6) but in the same context Freire suggests that it emerges through invention and reinvention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, bright enquiry men peruse in the world, with the world, and with each other. (Freire 319) Thus it can be enumerated that this element harmonize to Freire is more of a reflex action rather than a formulated procedure and it can be further mentioned that this process of learning is an instrument of survival that was incorp orated within us from the prehistoric era and he expects every young student to be creative. Freire stressed that the education of young students must involve their senses. He presents guidelines for creating an educational